中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1578(2015)06-0001-01
1 Introduction
Nowadays,cooperative learning is an important pedagogical practice that teachers from all over the world currently using in the classroom teaching. In China, more and more educational researchers begin to pay close attention to cooperative learning activities in L2 classrooms. The purpose of this article is to explore the cooperative learning from different aspects.
2 What is Cooperative Learning?
Confucius has described the “cooperation” that is “Even when walking in a party of no more than three, I can always be certain of learning from those I am with. There will be good qualities that I can select for imitation and bad ones that will teach me what requires correction in myself”. Smith (1995) suggests that, “Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each others' learning”.
3 Cooperative Learning in Second Language Teaching and Learning
Students learning English as second language, they need a lot of practice, and cooperative group provide opportunities for them to communicate with each other and get more information. Based on my own teaching experience in China, in one of my oral class, I gave students some pictures to watch at first and asked them to use their own words to describe the content of the pictures in groups; at last, they had to choose one representative to make a presentation in the front. Everyone is able to get different thinking from other students and they share the common materials and ideas.
Johnsons (1998) study reviewed that directly addresses how teachers handle disruptive students during cooperative learning. This team of researchers found that in a group of thirty urban fifth-grade teachers, the benefits of cooperative learning did not outweigh the importance of classroom order. Thus, behavior-problem students were excluded and often worked alone. Those students who were unable to work in groups were low-achieving students.
4 Advantages and Limitations of Cooperative Learning in L2 Classrooms
4.1 Advantages
Cooperative learning provides many opportunities for students to learn from one another rather than receiving information from the teacher or text alone. Many Chinese teachers like to introduce students to have role-plays in English classrooms.This kind of teaching method can help students have a good understanding of the text and they can use the language points skillfully.Students get much practice by acting plays and they can learn knowledge at the same time.
4.2 Disadvantages
If teacher treat them equally, the low-level students may have more difficulties in learning. Vise-versa, the talented students may find it much easier to do. As time goes by, low-level students may come across more and more difficulties and talented students may find out that the study is much easier than they expected, so they will lost their directions in learning.
5 Conclusion
From my point of view, cooperative learning is I think this is a good pedagogical practice in teaching language classroom. Cooperative learning is now widely recognized as one of the most promising practices in the field of education.
[1]Johnson,D.Johnson, R. & Johnson, Holubec, E. Cooperation in the classroom[J].1998.
[2]Smith, K. A. Cooperative Learning: Effective Teamwork for Engineering Classrooms[J].1995.
[3]Tian, C. The Appliance of cooperative learning in English language teaching in Chinese middle school[J].2004.