
2015-06-28 15:40:25徐明亮龙志敏廖娥钟国超杜烨鸿骆世芳贺桂琼
解放军医学杂志 2015年1期






阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer disease,AD)是一种发病机制未明的慢性进行性神经系统变性疾病[1],是临床上最为常见的痴呆类型。神经细胞外淀粉样β蛋白(amyloid β peptide,Aβ)沉积形成的老年斑是AD的典型病理特征之一[2]。研究显示,女性绝经后罹患AD的风险较同龄男性更高,这与绝经后女性脑内雌激素水平骤降及随后持续处于低水平有关[3-4],但雌激素缺乏导致AD的分子机制尚不明确。研究表明,细胞自噬异常在AD发病中起重要作用,自噬泡被认为是Aβ产生的源头[5]。那么,雌激素缺乏是否影响自噬泡的数量或活性,进而影响体内Aβ的水平及老年斑的形成?关于这一问题尚无文献报道。本课题拟以卵巢切除AD模型小鼠为研究对象,应用形态学检测手段,观察雌激素缺乏对痴呆小鼠脑内老年斑形成及自噬功能的影响,以探讨AD发生发展的病理机制。

1 材料与方法

1.1 动物及试剂 APP/PS1双转基因痴呆模型小鼠购于中国医学科学院医学实验动物研究所,体重25~35g,进行基因鉴定后喂养于重庆医科大学动物中心SPF级动物房。实验遵循实验动物使用伦理相关要求。鼠抗4G8单克隆抗体购自Convance公司,兔抗LC3多克隆抗体购自Sigma公司,兔抗Beclin-1多克隆抗体购自Abcam公司,小鼠二步法免疫组化试剂盒、兔二步法免疫组化试剂盒、DAB试剂盒均购自北京中杉金桥生物技术有限公司,其他试剂均为国产分析纯。

1.2 实验方法

1.2.1 动物模型建立 3月龄APP/PS1双转基因雌性小鼠共16只,随机分为假手术组与卵巢切除组(n=8)。经3.5%水合氯醛麻醉后暴露腹腔,切除双侧卵巢,制成雌激素缺乏模型。假手术组麻醉后暴露腹腔,不做其他处理,逐层缝合后2组小鼠均于SPF级条件中持续喂养2个月。

1.2.2 标本制备 小鼠麻醉后,开胸暴露心脏。经左心室插管至升主动脉,剪开右心耳,灌注生理盐水,冰上断头取脑。将脑组织置于4%多聚甲醛溶液中固定,常规石蜡包埋,冠状切片,厚度4μm。

1.2.3 形态学观察 免疫组化染色:石蜡切片经二甲苯脱蜡,梯度乙醇水化,PBS清洗5min×3次,枸橼酸钠微波抗原修复,室温自然冷却,PBS清洗5min×3次,3%H2O210min消除内源性过氧化物酶,PBS冲洗5min×3次,加入一抗(抗体稀释比例4G8为1:500,LC3为1:400,Beclin-1为1:400),4℃冰箱过夜。次日用PBS清洗5min×3次,加入相应二抗,室温孵育60min,PBS清洗5min×3次。加入DAB显色,显微镜下观察并适时终止显色,梯度乙醇和二甲苯1、二甲苯2脱水透明后用中性树胶封固,光镜下观察并采集图像。计数4G8阳性斑块数量并计算其面积,计数Beclin-1、LC3阳性神经元数量。透射电镜观察:小鼠用4%多聚甲醛、2.5%戊二醛灌注固定后,在解剖镜下取小鼠海马CA1区1mm3组织块,2.5%戊二醛中固定2h,1%四氧化锇固定,乙醇丙酮梯度脱水,环氧树脂包埋聚合,半薄切片定位,超薄切片,铅铀染色,透射电镜(Hitachi-7500)下观察脑组织超微结构。

1.3 统计学处理 采用SPSS 17.0软件进行数据处理。计量资料以表示,组间比较采用两样本均数的t检验。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结 果

2.1 卵巢切除后小鼠脑皮质及海马Aβ沉积的变化


图1 两组小鼠脑内老年斑情况比较(免疫组化染色×400)Fig.1 Senile plaques (SP) in the brain of two groups of shamoperated AD (Sham-AD) and ovariectomy AD (OVX-AD) mice (Immunohistochemistry staining ×400)

2.2 卵巢切除后小鼠脑内自噬相关蛋白表达的变化 免疫组化染色显示,两组小鼠脑内均出现较多的自噬相关蛋白Beclin-1阳性神经元,假手术组小鼠脑内Beclin-1阳性神经元数量较多(88.50±12.45个),但免疫阳性物主要分布于近胞膜胞质处,卵巢切除组小鼠脑内的Beclin-1阳性神经元数目明显减少(44.00±3.74,P<0.001)且免疫阳性物均匀分布于整个胞质。另一自噬相关蛋白LC3免疫阳性细胞也广泛分布于两组小鼠脑内,假手术组小鼠脑内LC3阳性神经元数量较多(88.50±12.45个),胞体和突起浓染,且突起较长,而卵巢切除组小鼠脑内LC3阳性神经元数量明显减少(62.00±11.92个,P=0.006),虽然胞体和突起均浓染,但突起较短,提示突起可能有变性、断裂(图3)。

图2 两组小鼠脑组织超微结构的电镜观察(×4000)Fig.2 Ultrastructures of neurons under transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in the 2 groups (×4000)

图3 两组小鼠大脑皮质Beclin-1与LC3表达情况(免疫组化 ×400)Fig.3 Expression of Beclin-1 and LC3 in the brain of two groups of sham-operated AD and ovariectomy AD (OVX-AD) mice (Immunohistochemistry staining ×400)

3 讨 论

老年斑(senile plaque,SP)是AD脑部典型的病理特征之一[6],主要由Aβ聚集和沉积而成,Aβ被认为是AD发病的始动因素[7-9]。Aβ由淀粉蛋白前体蛋白(amyloid precursor protein,APP)经β-分泌酶和早老素1(presenilin 1,PS1)/γ-分泌酶相继切割产生[10]。研究已证实APP与PS的基因突变是引起家族性AD的主要原因[11-12]。本实验所用小鼠同时携带“瑞典家族”突变的APP(APPswe)与PS1(PS△E9)基因:APPswe基因中,突变发生在APP编码序列末端的670(Lvs/Asn)、671(Met/Leu)位点,PS△E9则是在家族性AD中发现的第9个外显子缺失突变。此类小鼠随月龄增加出现认知功能的进行性损害,脑组织出现SP沉积及神经元丢失,类似AD患者的病理特征。因此,APP/PS1双转基因小鼠被认为是研究AD病理机制及药物筛选的理想动物模型[13]。




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Effects of ovariectomy on autophagy and senile plaques in the brain of adult APP/PS1 double transgenic mice

XU Ming-liang1, LONG Zhi-min1, LIAO E1, ZHONG Guo-chao1, DU Ye-hong1, LUO Shi-fang1,2, HE Gui-qiong1,2*1Institute of Neuroscience,2Department of Human Anatomy, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China

*Corresponding author, E-mail: guiqionghe@hotmail.com

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81371221), the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of the National Department of Education (NCET-11-1084), the Technology Foundation for Selected Overseas Chinese Scholar, Ministry or Personnel of China[(2011)235], and the College Students' Scientific Research and Innovation Experimental Program of Chongqing Medical University (201221)

ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of ovarian estrogen on autophagy and senile plaques (SP) in the brain of adult APP/PS1 double transgenic mice, and inquire into the mechanism of Alzheimer disease (AD) neuropathogenesis due to estrogen deficiency.MethodsAPP/PS1 AD mice (3-month old) were divided into ovariectomy group (OVX-AD) and sham group (sham-AD). Two months after operation, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was employed to observe the morphological structures of the brains of AD model mice, and immunohistochemical staining was performed to examine the changes in SP and autophagy-related proteins LC3 and Beclin-1 in the brain of AD model mice.ResultsImmunohistochemical staining showed that the number of SP in the brain of OVX-AD mice incrcased significantly compared with that in sham-AD mice, and distribution of SP was observed more extensively, including the cortex and hippocampus. The autophagy related proteins LC3 and Beclin-1 positive neurons were decreased greatly in the OVX-AD mice brain compared with that of sham-AD mice. TEM revealed a larger number of swollen and dark neurons in hippocampus of OVX-AD mice, while more autophagosome was observed around the neuronal processes in OVX-AD mice brain compared with sham-AD mice. Conclusion Estrogen deficiency may lead to delayed maturation of autophagy, decrease the activity and weaken the function of autophagy, which in turn may result in aggravation of pathological features of AD.

ovariectomy; Alzheimer disease; senile plaques; autophagy; mice, transgenic










400016 重庆 重庆医科大学神经科学研究中心(徐明亮、龙志敏、廖娥、钟国超、杜烨鸿),解剖学教研室(骆世芳、贺桂琼)


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