
2015-06-27 00:50陈建海党育付中国姜保国
中华肩肘外科电子杂志 2015年3期

陈建海 党育 付中国 姜保国



陈建海 党育 付中国 姜保国

目的 探讨关节镜下纽扣钢板固定术治疗不稳定锁骨远端骨折的临床疗效。方法 回顾性分析17例不稳定锁骨远端骨折经关节镜下纽扣钢板固定术后临床结果。通过Constant评分,简明肩关节功能测试(simple shoulder text,SST),VAS疼痛评分对患者在最后一次随访时的肩关节功能进行评价。结果 本组患者共17例,男性10例,女性7例。平均年龄42.6岁(27~68岁)。按照Robinson骨折分型,均为3B型。 17例患者均获得随访,平均随访时间50个月(42~66个月)。16例患者骨折愈合,平均愈合时间3.2个月,1例骨折不愈合。术中发现合并关节内损伤 2例, SLAP损伤1例, Bankart损伤1例,术中分别予以修复。患者术后Constant评分患侧平均93.1分(72~100分),健侧98.3分(90~100分)。SST患侧平均10.7分(8~12分),健侧11.6分(9~12分)。VAS评分患侧平均1.9分(0~4分),健侧1.7分(0~5分)。结论 关节镜下纽扣钢板固定术具有临床效果良好,创伤小,可同时处理关节内合并损伤,喙锁弹性固定,不需要再次手术等优点。可以作为锁骨远端骨折治疗的一个选择。




资 料 与 方 法


收集2010年9月至2012年12月在我科接受手术治疗的21例不稳定锁骨远端骨折患者,其中17例符合纳入标准,男性10例,女性7例,平均年龄42.6岁,按照Robinson锁骨骨折分型[8]均为3B型骨折。纳入标准:(1)诊断为不稳定锁骨远端骨折;(2)接受关节镜下纽扣钢板固定治疗术。排除标准:(1)诊断为不稳定锁骨远端骨折,但没有进行关节镜下纽扣钢板固定手术,包括切开复位锁骨钩钢板固定、解剖锁定钢板固定、切开纽扣钢板固定;(2) 陈旧性锁骨远端骨折。


手术均在全麻下进行。患者取沙滩椅体位(图1),头部偏向健侧。标画肩关节镜体表标记,进行常规患肩及上肢消毒。关节镜从后方通道进入关节腔,直视下建立前方位于肩袖间隙的工作通道(图2)。进行关节内常规检查,尤其注意检查有无盂唇和肩袖结构损伤。如果术中发现关节内损伤即刻给予处理。直视下建立前外侧经冈上肌腱前部的关节镜第二观察通道(图3),通过交换棒将关节镜转移到第二观察通道(图4)。沿肩胛下肌上缘向内显露喙突下表面(图5),探钩确定喙突的内外侧边缘。C型臂机透视确定喙突在锁骨表面的垂直投影位置,即锥形韧带止点位置,切开皮肤2 cm,显露锁骨上表面。将前交叉韧带导向器放置在喙突下表面中央位置,经锁骨向喙突打入导针,透视确认导针位置无误(图6),经导针使用4.5 mm空心钻钻孔(图7),引入摆渡钢丝,取出导向器(图8)。取2枚四孔纽扣钢板,去除袢,用2枚5号爱惜康缝线按照图9所示进行钢板连接。将纽扣钢板通过摆渡钢丝穿过锁骨和喙突,1枚位于喙突下,另1枚位于锁骨表面。复位骨折,如果骨折端有软组织崁入,可以使用探钩进行松解(图10)。维持骨折复位,收紧缝线进行打结固定。再次透视确认骨折复位(图11),关节镜检查喙突下钢板完全贴附喙突下表面(图12)。常规关闭切口。

图1 患者位于沙滩椅体位,头向健侧倾斜

图2 关节镜常规自后方通道插入关节腔,建立前方肩袖间隙工作通道 图3 建立长头肌腱后缘的关节镜第二观察通道

图4 插入交换棒,经交换棒将关节镜转到此通道,以观察喙突下间隙 图5 使用射频刀显露喙突下表面,确定喙突内、外侧边缘

图8 经空心钻引入摆渡钢丝,取出导向器

图9 用于喙锁固定的Tightrope内植物,部分病例使用此内植物,其余病例将2枚纽扣钢板通过2根5号爱惜康缝线按照Tightrope 缝线连接方法进行组装

图10 使用探钩协助骨折复位

图11 骨折复位,缝线打结固定完毕,术中透视像

图12 关节镜检查喙突下钢板完全贴服喙突下表面

图13 关节镜下纽扣钢板内固定术前(A)、术后 1周(B)和术后4个月(C)X线片

图14 钩板翻修术后




术后每个月复查一次,拍摄X线片,检查骨折愈合情况,直至骨折骨性愈合。末次随访通过肩关节Constant评分、简明肩关节评分(simple shoulder text,SST),VAS疼痛评分,肩关节活动范围检查等对患者进行评价。

结 果

17例患者均获得随访,平均随访时间50个月(42~66个月)。16例患者骨折愈合,平均愈合时间3.2个月,1例骨折不愈合。术中发现合并关节内损伤2例, SLAP损伤1例, Bankart损伤1例,术中分别给予修复。



讨 论





Pauly等[22]前瞻性分析肩锁关节脱位并发关节内损伤的发生率,分析了125例肩锁关节脱位患者,其中Rockwood Ⅲ型6例,Ⅴ型119例。关节镜检查发现合并关节内病变38例(30.4%),确定与外伤有关的损伤9例(7.2%),退变性损伤确定与外伤无关的18例(14.4%),无法确定是否与外伤有关的11例(8.8%)。肩锁关节脱位与锁骨远端骨折有着类似的创伤机制,在本研究中也发现2例合并关节内损伤,术中一并予以处理,这也是关节镜治疗锁骨远端骨折的一个优势,开放手术不能发现关节内损伤。



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陈建海,党育,付中国,等.关节镜下纽扣钢板固定术治疗不稳定锁骨远端骨折[J/CD]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志,2015,3(3):133-140.

Arthroscopic button plate fixation therapy for instable distal clavicular fracture




Background The cases of distal clavicular fracture account for 12%-15% of all clavicular fracture cases. Distal clavicular fracture combined with coracoclavicular ligament rupture frequently behave as unstable fracture, with the opportunity for fracture non-union in conservative therapy being as high as 21%. Although partial patients with fracture nonunion show mild clinical symptoms, the symptomatic nonunion may affect the functions of shoulder joint. Therefore, most of physicians suggest operative treatment for unstable distal clavicular fracture. The operative treatment can achieve fracture union rate up to 98%. The distal clavicular fracture is characterized by fracture combined with ligament injury, and there are also diversified clinical therapies. The frequently reported internal fixation methods include kirschner wire, tension band, coraco-clavicular screw, anchor, clavicular hook plate,anatomical locking plate as well as suture fixation, etc. After fracture union, the metallic internal implants are frequently required to be taken out through operation. Different therapies have both their advantages and disadvantages. At present, there has been no unified therapy for unstable distal clavicular fracture.Arthroscopic button plate fixation therapy for unstable distal clavicular fracture is a relatively new minimally invasive treatment method, and its technology is originated from arthroscopic button plate fixation for the treatment of dislocation of acromioclavicular joint.We made retrospective analysis on the clinical effects of arthroscopic button plate fixation on distal clavicular fracture and discussed the potential advantages and disadvantages of this therapy. Method Ⅰ. General materials:Twenty-one patients with unstable distal clavicular fracture who

operative treatment in our department during the period from September 2010 to December 2012 are collected,seventeen cases of these meet inclusion criteria, namely 10 male cases and 7 female cases, with an average age of 42.6 years; according to Robinson clavicular fracture classification, all fracture cases are of type 3B fracture. Inclusion criteria: (1) Diagnosed as unstable distal clavicular fracture; (2) Received arthroscopic button plate fixation treatment. Exclusion criteria: (1) Diagnosed as unstable distal clavicular fracture, but has not received arthroscopic button plate fixation treatment, including open reduction Clavicle hook plate fixation, anatomic locking plate fixation and open button plate fixation; (2) Old distal clavicular fracture.Ⅱ. Operative method:operation was performed under general anesthesia. Allow the patient to take sand beach chair posture, with head leaning to the other side. Draw shoulder joint anatomic marks under shoulder arthroscopy, and perform conventional disinfection on affected shoulder and upper limbs. The arthroscope enters the joint cavity from posterior portal; Under direct vision, establish the anterior working portal located in rotator interval. perform intra-articular routine inspection, pay particular attention to inspect whether there is structural damage to glenoid labrum and rotator cuff. If intra-articular injury is discovered during operation, immerely treat it. Under direct vision, establish the anterolateral second observation portal under arthroscope through anterior supraspinatus tendon, and transfer the arthroscope to the second observation portal through exchange rod. Along the upper edge of musculus subscapularis, inward expose the lower surface of coracoid, and use a feller to determine the madial and lateral edges of coracoid. Perform C-arm X-ray machine fluoroscopy to demine the vertical projection position of coracoid on clavicular surface, namely the conical ligament attachment position; open skin by 2 cm, and expose the clavicular upper surface. Place the anterior cruciate ligament guider on the central location of coracoid lower surface, drive guide pin into coracoid through clavicle; perform fluoroscopy to validate that the position of guide pin is corret; through guide pin, use a 4.5 mm hollow drill for drilling, introduce the shuttle wire, and take out guider. Take two 4-hole button plates, remove loop spinalium, and use two No.5 Ethicon suture to perform plate connection as shown in Figure 9. By means of shuttle wire, introduce the button plates to pass through clavicle and coracoid, place one plate under coracoid, place another plate on the surface of clavicle. Perform reduction of fracture. If there are soft tissues entrapped at the fracture end, use probe for release. Maintain fracture reduction, tighten the suture for knotting and fixation, perform fluoroscopy again to validate fracture reduction; perform arthroscopy to validate that the plate under coracoid is completely attached on the lower surface of coracoid. Conventionally close incision.Ⅲ. Postoperative treatment:Use shoulder joint protector to suspend the injured shoulder for 4 weeks. In 4 weeks post operation, allow the shoulder joint to perform passive uplifting and external rotation activities; In the 2nd month after operation, perform intensive joint traction exercise, active assisted shoulder joint uplifting as well as internal and external rotation activities; 2 months post operation, when preliminary fracture healing is realized and there is no local pressing pain, start active motion of shoulder joint, gradually recover daily activities as well as muscle strength and endurance training on rotator cuff and shoulder girdle.Ⅳ. Post-operative follow-up:After operation, perform re-examination once per month, take X-ray film, examine the fracture union situation until bony union of fracture. In the final follow-up, make evaluation on patient through shoulder joint constant scoring, simple shoulder joint test (SST), VAS pain scoring and examination on the range of shoulder joint motion.Results All 17 cases obtained follow-up, with average follow-up time of 50 months (42-66 months). 16 cases achieved fracture union, with average union time of 3.2 months; there is 1 case of nonunion. During the operation 2 cases of combined intra-articular injury, 1 case of SLAP injury and 1 case of Bankart injury are discovered and respectively repaired. Average postoperative constant score of the patients is 93.1 points (72-100 points), with health side score of 98.3 points (90-100 points). SST affected side score is 10.7 points on average (8-12 points), with health side score of 11.6 points (9-12 points). VAS average score is 1.9 points (0-4 points), with health side score of 1.7 points (0-5 points). 1 case of fracture nonunion, male, aged 50 at the time of initial operation, right shoulder is injured by falling from electric bicycle in drunk driving, fracture typing is 3B distal clavicle fracture; this patient has pervious history of diabetes, with unsatisfactory blood glucose control. After hospital admission, perform arthroscopic internal fixation with button plate, and postoperative conventional bracing and rehabilitation training; According to postoperative re-examination, internal fixation failure and fracture displacement are discovered; make observation until 4 months after operation; fracture nonunion, local pressing pain and obviously limited shoulder joint functions are discovered. After readmission of the patients, take out the internal implants, take ilium for bone grafting, perform internal fixation with clavicular hook-plate; In 3 months after the operation for the second time, fracture union is realized; 12 months later, take out clavicular hook-plate; the shoulder joint functions of the patients are basically recovered to normal level, with Constant score of 91 points, SST score of 11 points and VAS score of 1 point.Conclusion Most of unstable distal clavicular fracture cases need operative treatment, but there has been no unified therapy at present. Arthroscope-assisted button plate fixation is a new operation method which has been gradually developing in recent years, which is minimally invasive, being able to treat combined intra-articular injury at the same time, realize elastic fixation of coracoclavicular, without need for reoperation. This new operation method can realize good clinical effects, but has high technical requirements. It can be an option for treatment of distal clavicular fracture.

Arthroscopic button plate fixation;Therapy;Clavicular fracture;Distal



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