
2015-06-26 13:00:56宋哲张堃朱养均李忠庄岩魏巍杨娜
中华肩肘外科电子杂志 2015年1期

宋哲 张堃 朱养均 李忠 庄岩 魏巍 杨娜


宋哲 张堃 朱养均 李忠 庄岩 魏巍 杨娜

目的 探讨应用Endobutton带袢钢板技术治疗Rockwood Ⅲ型肩锁关节脱位的手术方法及疗效。方法 回顾性分析2010年6月至2013年6月收治的Rockwood Ⅲ型肩锁关节脱位患者21例,其中男性14例、女性7例;年龄19~52岁,平均31.2岁。21例患者均Ⅰ期接受手术治疗,通过X线片观察术后肩锁关节脱位修复情况以及内固定牢固程度,并定期按Constant评分和Karlsson疗效评价标准对肩锁关节功能进行评估。结果 21例患者均获得16.2(12~36)个月随访。随访结果如下,Constant评分:平均92.4(70~100)分;Karlsson疗效评价标准:优16例(76.2%)、良4例(19.0%)、差1例(4.7%),优良率达95.2%。结论 应用Endobutton带袢钢板技术治疗Rockwood Ⅲ型肩锁关节脱位具有临床效果好、手术创伤小、并发症少、不需二次手术等优点。


肩锁关节脱位是一种常见的损伤,经常发生于重体力劳动者和年轻运动员,多为摔伤时肩部着地引起。Rockwood Ⅲ型肩锁关节脱位通常需要手术治疗[1],目前文献报道的手术方法有很多种,但没有一种公认的有效和理想的手术方法[2]。自2010年6月至 2013年 6月,我院使用Endobutton带袢钢板内固定技术治疗Rockwood Ⅲ型肩锁关节脱位患者21例,随访12~36个月,并进行肩关节功能及影像学评估,临床疗效满意,现报道如下。

对 象 与 方 法


肩锁关节脱位患者21例,男性14例,女性7例;年龄19~52岁,平均31.2岁;左侧9例,右侧12例。致伤原因:交通伤8例,摔伤9例,运动伤2例,重物砸伤2例。21例均为 Rockwood Ⅲ型患者,排除合并锁骨骨折、多发性骨折、闭合性胸部损伤和颅脑损伤。临床表现为外伤后锁骨外上方疼痛,锁骨远端向上突起,按压时有疼痛和浮动感。X线检查提示:肩锁关节完全分离。21例患者均为新鲜脱位,无合并血管神经损伤,手术时间为受伤后1~5 d。


采用全身麻醉或者颈丛麻醉。患者取仰卧位或沙滩椅位,头部转向健侧。切口取自喙突纵形向上延伸至锁骨后缘的直切口,逐层切开皮肤、皮下组织,钝性分开三角肌,剥离锁骨骨膜,显露肩锁关节、锁骨远端和喙突基底部及内侧面。沿锁骨长轴切开三角肌和斜方肌筋膜,骨膜下分离显露锁骨远端,沿三角肌和胸大肌间隙分离显露喙突内外侧缘及韧带残端。检查肩锁关节间隙,清除破裂的纤维软骨盘。将肩锁关节复位后,先从肩峰外侧端经肩锁关节面穿入克氏针1枚暂时固定肩锁关节。在距离锁骨前缘1/3处,用定位导向器钩住喙突底面与肩锁关节内侧约3 cm 成同一矢状面,按照导向器方向向喙突基底部打入1枚直径1.0 mm导针,沿导针用3.5 mm空心钻头扩孔。用测深器测量从锁骨表面到喙突基底部的长度,选择适当大小的Endobutton带袢钢板。用钢丝对折从上往下穿过直径3.5 mm锁骨隧道与喙突隧道,拉出钢丝封闭端,剪下一段纽扣钢板自身所带牵引线,在袢和钢丝间做辅助换线连接,牵拉钢丝,将袢和纽扣钢板自身所带牵引线拉出喙突隧道,将牵引线脱出环线,继续牵拉将环线拉出锁骨隧道上口,锁骨远端加压复位,向上拉出袢,将另一个不带袢的纽扣钢板用持针器插入袢中。先将纽扣钢板侧放,将线穿过钢板的两个孔,然后翻平纽扣钢板并确保钢板贴于喙突基底部而不滑出,将线打结收紧,使不带袢钢板固定于袢。剪除辅助环线,完成喙锁韧带锥状韧带部分的重建。再将纽扣钢板所带的线钢丝引导下一端穿过锁骨上另一个孔,使之平贴于锁骨上拉紧打结,进一步加强喙锁韧带锥状韧带部分的重建。再把已缝在喙锁韧带的缝线收紧打结。冲洗伤口,仔细修复肩锁关节囊,重建三角肌和斜方肌在锁骨远端的止点,逐层关闭切口。


术后常规抗生素预防感染24~48 h,患侧予以三角巾或前臂吊带悬吊固定1~2周,疼痛缓解后开始肩关节“钟摆样”摆臂锻炼,随后逐渐增加运动范围,术后4周内以被动训练为主,外展、前屈活动范围不超过90°,术后4周以后开始行主动的肩关节前屈上举及外展功能锻炼,并逐渐增加活动量,以恢复肩关节功能,术后8周内应避免提拉重物。


结 果



肩关节功能根据Karlsson疗效评价标准[4]:(1)优:不痛,有正常肌力,肩关节可自由活动,X线片显示肩锁关节解剖复位或半脱位间隙<5 mm;(2)良:满意,微痛,功能受限,肌力中度,肩关节活动范围90°~180°,X线片显示患侧肩锁关节间隙较对侧大5~10 mm;(3)差:疼痛并在夜间加剧,肌力不佳,肩关节活动在任何方向皆<90°,X线片显示肩锁关节仍脱位。本组患者优16例(76.2%)、良4例(19.0%)、差1例(4.7%),优良率达95.2%。

讨 论





肩锁关节脱位常用的分类方法有Tossy分型[8]和Rockwood分型[5]。Tossy分型共分为3型,主要突出影像学特点和临床的实用性。而Rockwood分型则分为6型,分型更精确,临床最常用。Rockwood Ⅰ、Ⅱ型肩锁关节脱位一般采用非手术治疗即可获得满意疗效,Rockwood Ⅳ、Ⅴ和Ⅵ型肩锁关节脱位多需切开复位手术治疗。而对Rockwood Ⅲ型肩锁关节脱位的治疗至今尚存很多争议,更多的学者倾向手术治疗[9],尤其是对年轻及活动度大的患者更推荐外科手术[1]。Leidel及其同事研究表明,急性Rockwood Ⅲ型肩锁关节脱位经克氏针临时固定能够取得良好的治疗效果,长期随访疗效良好[10]。




2007年Struhl[13]首先报道使用双Endobutton带袢钢板技术重建喙锁韧带治疗肩锁关节完全脱位的方法,其后经许多国内学者的临床应用及生物力学验证,认为双Endobutton行肩锁关节韧带重建临床效果较好[14-15]。该手术用来重建喙锁韧带的Endobutton带袢钢板已成功应用于膝关节交叉韧带重建多年[16],两块纽扣钢板通过生物强度远高于喙锁韧带的不吸收的袢环在喙突与锁骨间加压固定,使肩锁关节的分离应力转换成压应力,达到动力稳定,从而恢复肩锁关节的解剖关系和力学平衡。 该术式有如下优点:(1)切口小,手术时间短,伤口感染等潜在并发症风险小;(2)由于双Endobutton钢板操作不涉及肩袖,术后不会出现肩峰撞击样疼痛,所以在术后早期可进行功能锻炼;(3)由于纽扣钢板固定的位置离关节面远,不损伤关节面软骨,对肩峰和关节面无干扰,降低了创伤性关节炎的发生,有效避免了锁骨钩钢板磨损肩峰下关节面而引起的骨溶解、疼痛;(4) Endobutton袢环强度大且具有一定的弹性,不同于没有韧性的金属内固定物,在组织解剖上更类似于喙锁韧带。将肩锁关节及锁骨固定在解剖位置上,而肩锁关节并未坚强固定,使得肩锁关节及喙突与锁骨之间仍可保持一定的微动,使其更接近生理状态;(5)Endobutton钢板为钛金属,无毒,生物相容性佳,无降解,可以在体内长期存留,无需二次手术取出,减轻了患者痛苦,缩短了总住院时间,节约了费用。



Endobutton带袢钢板技术是一种非刚性的治疗Rockwood Ⅲ型肩锁关节脱位的方法,具有操作简单、创伤小、接近解剖及生物力学复位、对关节干扰小、术后并发症少、允许早期功能锻炼、无需二次手术取出内固定等优点。但是该术式在临床开展的时间尚短,病例数较少,随访时间不长,且缺乏一个对照组比较,远期疗效和并发症尚需进一步观察和探讨。

典型病例:张某,男性,23岁,跑步时摔伤致Rockwood Ⅲ型肩锁关节脱位,外伤后8 h入院,无血管神经症状,伤后2 d应用Endobutton带袢钢板技术治疗(图1~4)。

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图1 术前X线片示肩锁关节完全分离 图2 术后X线片示肩锁关节间隙恢复正常 图3 术后3个月X线片示肩锁关节间隙正常 图4 术后3个月肩关节功能基本完全恢复

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Treatment of Rockwood type Ⅲ acromioclavicular joint dislocation with endobutton technique




Background Acromioclavicular joint dislocation is a common injury which often occurs in heavy manual workers and young athletes.It is usually caused by collision of the shoulder on the ground.Acromioclavicular joint dislocation of Rockwood type Ⅲ often needs surgical treatment.There are several kinds of operation methods reported in the literature,but no universally accepted technique exists.From June 2010 to June 2013,21 patients of Rockwood type Ⅲ acromioclavicular joint dislocation were treated with Endobutton technique in our hospital,shoulder functional and radiological evaluations were performed and the outcome is encouraging.Methods (1)General information:Twenty-one patients were included in this study.Patients were 14 males and 7 females.Nine cases were on the left side and 12 cases were on the right side.The age ranged from 19 to 52 with an average of 31.2 years.The causes were traffic injury in 8 cases,fall damage in 9 cases,sports injury in 2 cases and heavy object hit injury in 2 cases.All patients were diagnosed as acromioclavicular joint dislocation of Rockwood type Ⅲ without clavicle fracture,multiple fractures,closed chest injury and cerebral injury.The clinical presentations included pain over the lateral side of clavicle with its distal end protruding upward,tenderness and a feeling of floating; X-ray examinations revealed that the distal clavicle was higher than the acromion.21 cases were all fresh dislocations without neurovascular injuries; The operation time was 1-5 days after injury.(2)Operation method:After successful general anesthesia or cervical plexus block,the patient was in supine or “beach chair” position with head turned to the uninjured side.The straight incision was extended longitudinally from coracoid upward to the posterior edge of clavicle.The skin and subcutaneous tissue was incised layer by layer.The deltoid muscle was bluntly separated and the periosteum was stripped to expose acromioclavicular joint,distal clavicle and coracoid.The fascias of deltoid muscle and trapezius muscle were divided along the long axis of clavicle and the periosteum was stripped to expose the distal clavicle.The interal between deltoid and pectoralis major muscle was opened and the medial and lateral boarders of coracoid was prepared.The residual coraco-clavicle ligament was reserved.The articular space of acromioclavicular joint was examined and the ruptured fibrous cartilage disc was removed.After reduction of acromioclavicular joint,one Kirschner wire was drilled through the articular surface from the lateral end of acromion to provisionally keep the joint in place.A 1.0 mm guide pin was drilled from distal clavicle into the base of coracoid perpendicularly,3.5 mm canulated drill bit drilled a bone tunnel along the guiding pin.The distance from the surface of clavicle to the base of coracoid was measured with depth scale.The Endobutton was selected properly.A shuttle wire was used to pull the button loop out of clavicle and left the button under coracoid.The distal clavicle was reduced with compression.The loop was pulled upward and the other Endobutton without loop was put into the loop with acutenaculum.First,the Endobutton was laid on its side with sutures pierced through its two holes.Then the Endobutton was laid flat and made sure to attach to the base of coracoid without sliding.The sutures were tightened and knotted to make the Endobutton without loop fixed on the loop.The reconstruction of conoid ligament was finished.Then the suture on the coracoclavicular ligament was tightened and knotted.The wound was irrigated.The acromioclavicular joint capsule was repaired and the deltoid and trapezius muscle were reconstructed at the distal clavicle.The incision was closed layer by layer.(3)Post-operative management and outcome evaluation:Antibiotics were given to prevent infection for 24-48 hours.The shoulder was protected by a sling for 1-2 weeks.Pendulum exercise began after pain relief and the range of motion increased gradually.Only passive motion was permitted in the first 4 weeks and shoulder abduction or anteflexion was limited within 90°.Active motion including anteflexion,elevation and abduction began 4 weeks later.Lifting heavy objects should be avoided within 8 weeks after operation.Postoperative follow-up took place once a month in the first 3 months and then once every 3 months.Anteroposterior X-ray films,range of motion and muscle strength were included in the follow-up.The shoulder function was assessed at the last follow-up according to Constant-Murley score and Karlsson postoperative efficacy grading score.Results Twenty-one patients of this study were followed up for 12-36 months with a mean time of 16.2 months.All the incisions healed without any complication.Infection,neurovascular damage and secondary fracture were not occurred.One patient had plate sliding and redislocation without obvious pain.His shoulder had good activity and therefore he

no treatment.X-ray films revealed anatomical reduction and good internal fixation of acromioclavicular joint in other patients.Their shoulder joints restored normal activities with no or slight pain and the outcome were satisfactory.The shoulder function was assessed according to Constant score which was classified as pain (15 scores),daily activity (20 scores),range of motion (40 scores) and muscle strength (25 scores).The last scores of patients in this group were 70-100 with an average of 92.4,including pain 13.3(5-15),daily activity 18.1(13-20),range of motion 37.8(28-40) and muscle strength 23.3(15-25).The shoulder function was classified according to Karlsson evaluation criteria as follows:Excellent:painlessness,normal muscle strength,free activity and X-ray films revealed anatomical reduction of acromioclavicular joint or less than 5 mm of subluxation; Good:satisfaction,mild pain,dysfunction,medium muscle strength,90°-180°of range of motion and X-ray films revealed acromioclavicular joint dislocation; Bad:pain intensified at night,poor muscle strength,activity of shoulder joint was less than 90° in any direction and X-ray films revealed acromioclavicular joint dislocation.This group had 16 excellent cases (76.2%),4 good cases (19%) and 1 poor case (4.7%).The excellent and good rate was 95.2%.Conclusion Endobutton technique is a nonrigid method for the treatment of Rockwood type Ⅲ acromioclavicular joint dislocation with good outcome.This technique has some advantages such as simple operation,minimal invasive,anatomical and biomechanical reduction,little interference to the joint,less postoperative complications,early functional training,no necessity of reoperation for implant removal,etc.

Acromioclavicular joint;Dislocation;Endobutton technique






西南军医(2016年1期)2016-01-23 02:22:14