
2015-06-15 16:30:39刘勇丽沙永翠郭子军田学达
湖泊科学 2015年2期

刘勇丽,余 辉,徐 军,牛 远,沙永翠,郭子军,田学达

(1:湘潭大学化工学院,湘潭 411105) (2:中国环境科学研究院湖泊生态环境创新基地,北京 100012) (3:中国科学院水生生物研究所,武汉 430072)


刘勇丽1,2,余 辉2**,徐 军3,牛 远2,沙永翠3,郭子军1,2,田学达1*

(1:湘潭大学化工学院,湘潭 411105) (2:中国环境科学研究院湖泊生态环境创新基地,北京 100012) (3:中国科学院水生生物研究所,武汉 430072)





1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区概况

太湖是我国第三大淡水湖,位于长江的下游,跨江苏无锡、苏州和浙江湖州等城市(30°55′40″~31°32′58″N, 119°52′32″~120°36′10″E).湖泊面积2338km2,湖长(从北到南) 68.5km,湖宽(从东到西)56km.平均水深1.9m,最大深度2.6m[3].


1.2 样品采集与处理

水生植物样品用采草器在水样采样点的周围采集,采集的植物种类包括挺水植物、沉水植物、浮叶植物、自由漂浮植物.采集的每株植物取其最新叶片放入塑料袋,带回实验室处理.将其表面附着藻刮洗后,用去离子水反复冲洗3次,在60℃下烘干48 h至恒重,用研钵研磨成均匀粉末后放入细菌保存管中保存.

图1 太湖地区采样点分布Fig.1 Location of sampling sites in Lake Taihu regions

1.3 稳定同位素分析

植物样品分析所用的仪器为中国科学院水生生物研究所Carlo Erba EA-1110元素分析仪与Delta Plus Finnigan同位素比率质谱连用仪.氮同位素比值以δ值的形式表达:δ15N=[(Rsample/Rstandard)-1]×1000.式中,Rsample为所测得的同位素比值,氮同位素是14N/15N;Rstandard为标准物质的同位素比值,氮稳定同位素测定的标准物质为N2.δ值越小表示样品重同位素15N含量越低,越大表示样品重同位素15N含量越高.每测定10个样品插入1个标准样品,并随机挑选1~2个样品复测.样品分析精度为±0.3‰[19].

1.4 数据处理





2 结果

2.1 稳定同位素分析结果


表1 太湖采集植物δ15N值的概括统计*Tab.1 Summary statistics of δ15N values for the macrophytes collected in Lake Taihu


图2 太湖水生植物样品稳定氮同位素比值随 取样时间的月变化趋势Fig.2 Monthly trend of stable nitrogen isotope ratios in aquatic plant samples from Lake Taihu through the sampling time


2.2 水生植物稳定同位素与环境因子的GAM模型分析

图3 水生植物δ15N与水体环境因子GAM分析(实线表示氮同位素与各因子关系的加性函 数,虚线表示拟合加性函数逐点的标准差)Fig.3 Relationship between aquatic plants nitrogen isotopic signatures and its environmental parameters in water column from GAM

3 讨论



4 结论


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Stable nitrogen isotope in aquatic macrophytes as an indicator of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs to Lake Taihu

LIU Yongli1,2, YU Hui2, XU Jun3, NIU Yuan2, SHA Yongcui3, GUO Zijun1,2& TIAN Xueda1


Facing the global problem of eutrophication, accurate assessment of the effect of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs to the aquatic ecosystem is needed. The nitrogen isotope in primary producers has become a useful biological index. In our study, we measured the δ15N of aquatic plants in Lake Taihu and surrounding regions, and examined its relationship with water nutrient concentrations with the GAM technique. It is concluded that the δ15N and ammonium, phosphate, total nitrogen in the water column have significant correlations. This is because aquatic plants have larger isotope fractionation during nitrogen absorption and assimilation. The δ15N of aquatic plants is related to plant nitrogen demand and nitrogen availability. When the concentration of nitrogen is limited, the plant demands increase and plants have higher δ15N values consistent with constrained discrimination against the heavier15N isotope. When the concentration of nitrogen is higher, where nitrogen availability exceeds plant demand and plants discrimination against the heavier15N isotope, the plants have lower δ15N values. There is an extremely significant difference in the δ15N of aquatic plants between Wuxi region and Wujiang region. The water pollution of lakes in Wuxi region was the highest so that the latter have lower δ15N values than the former. The nitrogen isotopes of aquatic plant can be used as an effective and simple biological indicator to evaluate the effect of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs into ecological systems.

δ15N of aquatic plants; GAM; plant nitrogen demand; anthropogenic nitrogen inputs; biological indicator

*国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012ZX07101-001)资助.2014-05-19收稿;2014-07-03收修改稿.刘勇丽(1989~),女,硕士研究生;E-mail: liuyl1026@126.com.

**通信作者;E-mail: yuhui@craes.org.cn;snowy@xtu.edu.cn.

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