
2015-06-15 19:18:30薛欣欣李岚涛鲁剑巍李小坤丛日环
植物营养与肥料学报 2015年2期

薛欣欣, 李岚涛, 鲁剑巍, 李小坤, 任 涛, 丛日环, 周 鹂

(华中农业大学资源与环境学院, 农业部长江中下游耕地保育重点实验室, 武汉 430070)


薛欣欣, 李岚涛, 鲁剑巍*, 李小坤, 任 涛, 丛日环, 周 鹂

(华中农业大学资源与环境学院, 农业部长江中下游耕地保育重点实验室, 武汉 430070)

水稻; 功能叶; 钾素营养; 诊断指标



1 材料与方法

1.1 试验设计

田间试验于2012年5月至9月在湖北省蕲春县向桥乡进行。供试水稻品种为两优6326,土壤为花岗片麻岩母质发育的砂壤性水稻土。土壤基础理化性状: pH 5.0,有机质含量36.1 g/kg,全氮2.0 g/kg,速效磷2.1 mg/kg,速效钾36.0 mg/kg,缓效钾114.2 mg/kg。试验设K2O 0、60、120、180、240、300和360 kg/hm27个钾肥处理,分别用K0、K60、K120、K180、K240、K300和K360表示。为避免生育期间追施钾肥对水稻植株钾含量变化曲线的影响,因此钾肥作基肥一次性施入;氮肥按N 180 kg/hm2分3次施用,分别为基肥50%、分蘖肥25%和穗肥25%;磷肥按P2O590 kg/hm2作基肥一次性施入。水稻种植采用大田育秧、移栽的方式,秧田肥料用量按N 57 kg/hm2,P2O526 kg/hm2和K2O 30 kg/hm2施用;移栽密度为25.5×104/hm2,单株/穴,秧苗生长良好。试验采用随机区组排列,小区面积4 m×7.5 m,3次重复。其他栽培管理措施同常规大田。

1.2 样品采集及分析

第二功能叶的采集 于水稻分蘖初期(移栽后10 d)、分蘖盛期(移栽后20 d)、有效分蘖临界期(移栽后31天)、拔节期(移栽后44 d)、孕穗期(移栽后58 d)、齐穗期(移栽后68 d)分别在各小区采集代表性植株6株,将主茎从上到下的第二功能叶进行收集,105℃杀青30min,70℃烘干至恒重,记录各时期的干重,磨碎、过筛后测钾。成熟期取未采样的1/2小区进行测产,单打单收记录各小区稻谷产量。

植物样品钾含量用1 mol/L的HCl振荡浸提2 h,过滤、稀释、火焰光度计测定[19]。

1.3 相关计算公式及方法

1)二次加平台(quadratic plus plateau)钾肥肥效模型[20]:



式中:y为稻谷产量(kg/hm2),x为钾肥用量(K2O kg/hm2),a为截距,b为直线回归系数,c为二次回归系数,m为二次型曲线与平台的交点,p为平台产量(kg/hm2)。

2)钾含量诊断指标的建立方法(图1): 首先拟合施钾量和稻谷产量的肥效方程,按最佳产量的100%、95%、90%、85%等进行分级;拟合第二功能叶钾含量与产量的回归方程;将各级临界产量值代入回归方程中求出对应的第二功能叶钾含量临界值,最终建立钾素营养诊断指标。

图1 功能叶钾含量诊断指标建立方法Fig.1 Method of establishing the diagnosis index of the functional leaf potassium content

1.4 数据处理

数据分析和绘图运用Microsoft Excel、Origin 8.0、SPSS 17.0和SAS统计软件进行。

2 结果与分析

2.1 钾肥用量对稻谷产量的影响

图2 钾肥用量对水稻产量的影响及钾肥肥效模型Fig.2 Effect of potassium application rates on the grain yield and the potassium fertilizer efficiency model[注(Note): 图中不同字母表示施肥处理间差异达到5%显著水平 Different letters indicate significant at 5% level between treatments.]

2.2 钾肥用量对第二功能叶钾含量的影响

图3 水稻第二功能叶钾含量的变化特征Fig.3 Temporal variations of the K contents of the 2nd functional leaves of rice at different growth stages under different K application rates[注(Note): IT—分蘖初期Initiation of the tillering stage; AT—分蘖盛期Active tillering stage; ET—有效分蘖临界期Effective tillering critical stage; J—拔节期Jointing stage; B—孕穗期Booting stage; F—齐穗期Full heading stage.]

2.3 第二功能叶钾含量与稻谷产量和钾肥用量的相关性分析


表1 第二功能叶钾含量与稻谷产量和钾肥用量的相关系数(R2)

注(Note): * 和** 分别表示相关系数达5%和1%显著水平 Indicate the correlation coefficients are significant at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively. DAT—Days after the transplanting.

图4 第二功能叶钾含量和稻谷产量的关系Fig.4 Relationship between the potassium contents of the 2nd functional leaves and the grain yields of rice at different stages[注(Note): IT—分蘖初期Initiation of the tillering stage; AT—分蘖盛期Active tillering stage; ET—有效分蘖临界期Effective tillering critical stage; J—拔节期Jointing stage; B—孕穗期Booting stage; F—齐穗期Full heading stage. * 和** 分别表示相关系数达5%和1%显著水平Indicate the correlation coefficients are significant at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively. DAT—Days after the transplanting.]


注(Note): DAT—Days after the transplanting.

2.4 第二功能叶钾含量作为钾营养诊断指标的建立


3 讨论

3.1 第二功能叶钾含量的变化及差异

3.2 第二功能叶作为钾素诊断指标的可行性分析



4 结论


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Feasibility study of using potassium content of functional leaves of rice as potassium diagnostic index

XUE Xin-xin, LI Lan-tao, LU Jian-wei*, LI Xiao-kun, REN Tao, CONG Ri-huan, ZHOU Li


【Objectives】 Plant tissue is widely used for the diagnose of plant nutrient status. The second functional leaf from the top of rice is easy sampled, with negligible injury to rice growth, and will not absciss during the whole growth stages. The feasibility of using the potassium content in the 2nd functional leaf as rice nutrition diagnosis method was studied. 【Methods】 A field experiment was conducted with different K2O application rates of 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 and 360 kg/ha. The potassium contents in the 2nd functional leaf were tested at different growth periods and the grain yields were weighed. Regression analysis was performed to evaluate the relationship between the potassium contents in the 2nd functional leaf and the grain yields and K application rates. 【Results】 The grain yields are significantly different under different K application rates. A quadratic plus plateau model well descriped the significant relationship between K application rates and the grain yield, satisfies the requirement of potassium status diagnosis. The potassium contents of the 2nd functional leaves was increased significantly with the increase of the K application rates. The K contants of the 2nd functional leaves was in range of 0.85%-2.72% from the beginning of the tillering stage to the full heading stage and reach the highest values at the jointing stage. The correlation analysis shows that the potassium content of the 2nd functional leaves were significantly correlated with the grain yield and potassium application rates (P<0.05). The yields are classified as five ranks, i.e., <85%, 85%-90%, 90%-95%, 95%-100% and >100% of the maximum yield. The corresponding K contents of the 2nd functional leaves were calculated according to the regression equation. When the 95% of optimal yield was set as the critical yield, the calculated K contents were 1.34%, 1.58%, 1.98%, 2.09%, 1.33% and 1.27% at initial tillering, active tillering, effective tillering, jointing, booting and full heading stages, respectively.【Conclusions】 The potassium content of the 2nd functional leaves are significantly related to the K2O application rates and yields, so, is suitable to be used as the potassium status diagnosis index at the different rice development periods. If the 95% of optimum yield is set as the critical yield level, rice would be found potassium deficiency when the 2nd functional leaf contents are below 1.34%, 1.58%, 1.98%, 2.09%, 1.33% and 1.27% at the tillering stage, active tillering stage, effective tillering critical stage, jointing stage, booting stage and full heading stage, respectively.

rice; functional leaf; potassium status; diagnostic index

2014-01-02 接受日期: 2014-05-04

公益性行业(农业)科研专项 (201203013);中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2013PY113);长江学者和创新团队发展计划项目(IRT1247)资助。

薛欣欣(1986—), 男, 陕西咸阳人, 博士研究生, 主要研究作物养分管理方面的研究。E-mail: xuexinxin.2010@webmail.hzau.edu.cn * 通信作者 Tel: 027-61379276, E-mail: lunm@mail.hzau.edu.cn

S158.3; S511.01



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