
2015-05-30 13:26:43苏苗叶
校园英语·上旬 2015年2期


【摘要】写作是初中英语教学的重要组成部分,本文结合课堂教学的实际情况,把灵活多变的Module task这一种实用且丰富的课程资源设计成写作活动,以各种教学形式帮助学生完成写作任务。教学中,教师要给与它更多的关注,领会教材编写者的编写意图,真实任务体现了“用英语做事情”这一基本教学目标。

【关键词】Module task 模块任务 语言聚焦




一、 由浅入深,循序渐进


外研社《英语》七上在Module 6 A trip to the zoo中,Module task:Making a poster of your favourite animal.教材step 5:work in groups to talk about your favourite animal.

并提供表格内容,考虑到学生会照科宣读,笔者进行了调整,不展现上面的表格,而是开展从单词到短语到句子逐级呈现的学习思维过程。首先以mind-map 形式引出单词,并且以小组竞赛形式呈现。笔者抛出问题:

what animals can you say?

Where do they come from?

What do they eat?

句子是语言表达的最小单位,每呈现一个单词要求学生说出句子,成为写作直接可以利用的语言材料,也锻炼了口语,如:The tiger is strong,the zebra comes from Africa,the monkey eats meat,leaves,fruit and even eggs.在mind-map 的引导下,学生进行大量的句子输出。这是语言聚焦环节,要求把一个模块里学生学到的重要语言知识梳理一下,对包括句型和语法在内的知识点进行总结,加深学生的印象。

笔者把step 5,step 6,和 step 7合成以下任务:choose one animal to write about /draw it /make a poster /present your poster to the class.每个学生的喜爱的动物不一样,作文也有所不同,笔者提供动物简笔画,学生选择一幅配到自己的海报中,笔者把所有海报张贴在教室墙上供学生欣赏评判。这样的教學使学生有东西可写,而且还能把文章写好,维果茨基认为,教学最基本的功能是实现学生在最近发展区取得最大的效益。


教师在课堂中向学生输入语言材料,以课堂阅读所学为基础,提高写作能力。因为阅读文本本身提供了大量信息,文本中词汇,短语,句型是写作的语言素材,且散落在模块文本的各个部分中,教师就要帮助学生拾掇出来,更好地加以利用。教材里的新词汇和句型需要教师通过一些有效的方法使学生逐步掌握,反复巩固,为最终的写作输出奠定基础。如外研社《英语》七上Module 9 people and places,时态是现在进行时。Module task:Making a radio report.教材Step 5 有四个任务可供选择,笔者选择list the activities you would like o report.

1.理解教材,呈现框架。模块以任务为终结形式,学习过程是任务的准备。教学时借助unit 1 were enjoying the school trip a lot 里学校旅游活动的对话变成一篇报道作为框架。学生看图说话,并以填空形式完成 A report on a trip.

Its a sunny Saturday.At this moment,Betty and her friends are on a school trip to the Great Wall.Betty is standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to her mother.Tony is eating a delicious ice cream.Wang Hui is taking lots of photos and Lingling is buying presents and postcards.And Daming is having lunch and lying in the sun.They are enjoying the school trip a lot.How happy they are!

笔者指出一篇报道的5要素:time(Saturday),weather(sunny),place(the Great Wall),peoples activities and peoples feeling(they are enjoying the school trip,how happy they are!).


Ricks family is on the trip to the beach.

They are enjoying the school trip a lot= They are having a good time.

The boy is swimming in the sea.He is having a good time.




whats the weather like?

What day is it?

What are they doing? and so on.

学生一般这样写:Its a sunny Sunday.Rick and his family are on the trip to the beach.Look! Rick is swimming in the sea,his uncle John is watching him swimming,his father is lying in the sun,his mother and sister Nancy are playing football.

They are having a good time.How happy they are!

3.添砖加瓦。但这还不够,文章显得单薄,笔者在教学中把Module 8整合进来,Module 8学习一般现在时,引入相关句型,从而有效激活学生的相关知识,笔者引导学生利用1+n原则让文章丰满起来。如:

(1) Look! Rick is swimming in the sea.He is good at swimming.He often goes swimming with his father.

(2) His uncle John is watching him swimming.

T:Which man is his uncle? Whats he wearing?

S:His uncle is wearing a cap and a pair of sunglasses.

T:Why isnt he swimming? Because hes quiet and he doesnt like getting any exercise.

(3) His father is lying in the sun.

He also likes swimming,but now hes not swimming.Its happy to look at his son.

(4) His mother and sister Nancy are playing football.

T:What are his mother and sister doing?

S:They are playing football.

T:They often watch football on TV at weekends.


Its a sunny Sunday afternoon.Rick and his family are on the trip to the beach.

Look! Rick is swimming in the sea.Hes good at swimming.He often goes swimming with his father.The man with a cap and a pair of sunglasses is his uncle John.Hes watching him swimming.Hes quiet and he doesnt like getting some exercise.His father is lying in the sun.He also likes swimming.But now hes not swimming .Its happy for him to look at his son.What are his mother and sister Nancy doing now? Theyre playing football.They often watch football on Television at weekends.

Theyre having a good time.How happy they are!



Module task的活动设计灵活多变,是一种实用且丰富的课程资源。如是能处理的好,则是对模块主题的深刻领会和课程资源的深度开发,对学生读写能力的积极培养。有些教师淡化、甚至忽视模块任务教学,错误地认为这是在浪费时间或认为操作难度太大,不切实际。事实上,只要教师合理安排时间,巧设活动,完成任务,往往能够达到事半功倍的效果。教学中,教师要给与它更多的关注,领会教材编写者的编写意图,真实任务体现了“用英语做事情”这一基本教学目标。



[2]王丽娟.巧借Module task 简化英语写作教学[J].教学月刊,2014(12):26-28.

