2015-05-30 10:48

I first read your magazine over a decade ago and have not stopped since. There is always something to grab my attention. The magazine is clearly going from strength to strength. China Today is among the few magazines focused on contemporary China that can be found in France nowadays. Although there are many ways to find out about China, such as via online news portals, I am still captivated by the range of interesting articles in your magazine since it allows me to see a different China, a distinctive one that we seldom see through the media in Europe.

I especially appreciate the travel articles. They really stir in me a strong desire to visit this marvelous country!

Michelle Vannier,


I have read China Today since the 1970s and have followed the changes happening in China with great interest. I particularly enjoy the articles that include vivid pictures and thorough statistics that help me immediately understand the general points. For example, the exact numbers and examples used to introduce the social welfare issues in China make it much easier for foreigners to understand and to make a comparison between our countries and yours.

I would like to thank you for your magazine as a communication tool between different cultures.

M. Seydou Nourou Ndiaye,


I want to express my congratulations and thanks for the content of your website. It offers me an opportunity to get in touch with a country on the other side of the planet. You might be interested in running a feature on Peruvian songs in a future issue as I believe this art form embodies areas of mutual interest such as daily life, politics, ethnicity and commerce. It could be a useful way to improve mutual understanding and friendship between our two countries.

Walter Chang

Lima, Peru

I am a high school student and particularly interested in the articles in the cultural column East Meets West, which shares an abundance of figures and cultural exchange activities among different nations and peoples. Foreigners who live in China or have connections with Chinese people act as ambassadors that help us know more about the ongoing relations and mutual benefits embraced by diversified cultures. Reading these fascinating stories really helps me to better understand other cultures, and gives me more confidence to communicate with my overseas classmates.

Zhang Yuan

Wuhan, China