
2015-05-30 10:48
新东方英语·中学版 2015年7期

A micronation is a piece of land that claims to be an independent or sovereign1) nation, but is not officially recognized by the governments of the world. There are many reasons for the founding of the micronations, ranging from symbols of defiance2), to boost3) tourism or solely for fun. Current reports put the number of micronations scattered around the world at approximately 400, with more being created every year. Below are seven micronations.


The Kingdom of Elleore was founded in 1944, by schoolteachers who brought their pupils there for a summer camp. Now it comes alive4) for one week every August, when 370 Danes5) arrive for their annual week-long camp where they throw parties and play games. It even has its own national sport, called "cracket". To this day there remain strict rules. Bringing a copy of Robinson Crusoe on to the island can be punished by a sentence of 11 minutes and 17 seconds in prison.

历史沿革 艾里欧里王国成立于1944年,创建者为当时带着学生到此举办夏令营的一群老师。如今,每年8月这里都会再度迎来一周的活跃期,期间有370名丹麦人登临此岛开派对,玩游戏,欢庆他们一年一度的七天夏令营。艾里欧里王国甚至还有自己的民族体育项目,叫做“cracket”。该国至今律法严明,凡带《鲁滨孙漂流记》一书登岛者会被处以11分17秒的监禁。

The Consulate of La Boirie was founded by three friends in August 2006. The trio7) of Phillipe, Pascal and Sebastien proclaimed8) their guest house9) as independent, declaring it a place of tolerance, hedonism10) and eco-citizenship. Unfortunately, consular11) business ended in August 2012 when Pascal sadly passed away.

历史沿革 拉博里领事国成立于2006年8月,创建者为菲利普、帕斯卡尔和塞巴斯蒂安这三位好友。三人宣布他们的旅馆独立,称其是宽容、欢乐和环保的地方。可惜,2012年8月,帕斯卡尔不幸去世,他们的领事业务也宣告结束。

Seborga was actually a principality under the Pope's protection in the Holy Roman Empire13) in 1079, but fell off the map until the 1960s, when local florist14) Giorgio Carbone proclaimed its historical independence as a principality once more. Sadly, Giorgio passed away in 2009 and his successor Marcello Menegatto now dreams of building a golf course15) and luxury hotel there.

历史沿革 塞波加其实是1079年神圣罗马帝国下受教皇庇护的一个公国,但地图上一直没有它的位置,直到20世纪60年代,当地花商乔治·卡尔博内宣布了其历史独立地位,使其再次成为一个公国。遗憾的是,乔治于2009年去世,他的继任者马尔切洛·梅内加托如今梦想着在此兴建一个带高尔夫球场的豪华酒店。 z

The Republic of Molossia


The Republic of Molossia was founded by Kevin Baugh in 1999, when he declared himself President of the area surrounding his home in Dayton, Nevada. A dedicated supporter of micronations, he helped to found the first Microlympic Games in 2000, where he took gold in the frisbee16) event.

历史沿革 1999年,内华达州代顿市的凯文·鲍宣称自己为自家住宅周围区域的总统,摩洛希亚共和国由此成立。作为迷你国家的热忱支持者,他于2000年协助举办了首届“迷你国家奥林匹克运动会”,并摘得飞盘项目的金牌。

The Republic of Saugeais is made up of a total of 11 villages in the eastern French department17) of Haut-Doubs, on the Swiss border. It started as a joke by Georges Pourchet, owner of the Hotel de l'Abbaye in the region, who teased the local prefect18) that he needed a pass to enter his establishment. The visitor promptly19) appointed Pourchet President of the new Free Republic of Saugeais. Pourchet was succeeded by his widow, Gabrielle, then his daughter, Georgette.

历史沿革 萨热共和国位于法国东部的杜省高地地区,和瑞士边境接壤,共由11个村庄组成。该国的诞生缘起于该地区的修道院酒店老板乔治·普尔谢跟当地行政长官开的一个玩笑。普尔谢打趣说长官大人需要有通行证才能进入他的酒店。前来造访的长官随即任命普尔谢为这个新成立的萨热共和国的总统。普尔谢的继任者先后为他的遗孀加布丽埃勒和女儿若尔热特。

The Conch20) Republic 海螺共和国

The Conch Republic has its origins in a road block21). In 1982, US Border Patrol set up a stop in Key West to search for drugs and illegal immigrants, which led to angry locals insisting it was harming their tourist trade. They said they were being treated like a foreign country, and so they established The Conch Republic as a symbol of defiance and to boost visitors. Key West's mayor at the time, Dennis Wardlow, was proclaimed as the first Prime Minister of the Republic and tourism soon soared back to its normal levels.

历史沿革 海螺共和国起源于一个路障。1982年,美国边境巡逻队在基韦斯特市设立了一个停车检查点,用来搜寻毒品和非法移民。这引起了当地居民的愤怒,他们坚称此举有损当地旅游业,还说他们被当做异国一样对待。于是,他们就建立了海螺共和国,以示抗议,并借此促进游客数量的增长。基韦斯特市时任市长丹尼斯·沃德娄被任命为共和国的首任总理。这里的旅游业迅速回暖,很快就恢复到了正常水平。

12. principality [?pr?ns??p?l?ti] n. 公国;侯国

13. Holy Roman Empire: 神圣罗马帝国,全称为德意志民族神圣罗马帝国或日耳曼民族神圣罗马帝国,是962~1806年位于西欧和中欧的一个封建帝国。早期是由拥有实际权力的皇帝统治的国家,中世纪时演变成承认皇帝为最高权威的公国、侯国、宗教贵族领地和帝国自由城市的政治联合体。

14. florist [?fl?r?st] n. 花店店主;花商

15. course [k??s] n. 球场

16. frisbee [?fr?zbi] n. (投掷游戏用的)飞盘,飞碟

17. department [d??pɑ?tm?nt] n. (法国、巴拉圭等的)省

18. prefect [?pri?fekt] n. 地方行政长官;(法国等的)省长

19. promptly [?pr?mptli] adv. 立即;马上

20. conch [k?nt?] n. 海螺;海螺壳

21. road block: 路障

22. emit [i?m?t] vt. 发出(声音)

23. pirate radio: 非法广播;地下电台

The Principality of Sealand 西兰公国

Perhaps the best-known micronation, the Principality of Sealand is located on an abandoned World War II military platform off the coast of Great Britain in international waters. It was first established in 1967 by Paddy Roy Bates in order to emit22) pirate radio23) broadcasts and has since established its own flag and currency, and also issues passports.

历史沿革 西兰公国也许是最著名的迷你国家。它位于一个废弃的二战军用平台上,该平台建在离大不列颠岛海岸不远处的国际水域。西兰公国于1967年由帕迪·罗伊·贝茨创建,最初是为了播送地下广播,随后确立了自己的国旗和货币,现在还签发护照。

西兰公路 削陡峻 扩仄险 通甘陕