Effect of Mother Tongue Transfer on English Learning and Concerning Strategies

2015-05-30 04:14:08胡琪
东方教育 2015年8期


【Abstract】In language learning,language transfer refers to the influence of mother tongue on the second language acquisition. Language transfer can be classified into positive transfer and negative transfer. Positive transfer refers to the facilitating effects of the language already obtained by individual,especially mother tongue,on the second language acquisition. Conversely,negative transfer refers to the detrimental effects of mother tongue on the second language acquisition. The exemplification of negative transfer is presented to show the factors(i.e. the differences between Chinese and English languages and the influence of the logic tendency to mother language)that produce negative transfer.

【Key words】positive transfer;negative transfer;the differences between English and Chinese;the logic thinking of mother tongue

1. Introduction

For a long time,language transfer has been the main issue discussed among linguists,psychologists and English teachers. In recent years,it is well acknowledged that language transfer works in the process of second language acquisition. Although there have been a large number of studies on language transfer,the issues about language acquisition in daily life are in suspense,and more practical studies and methods to solve these problems are needed. My paper aims to analyze negative transfer and factors of causing negative transfer in English learning.

This paper is composed of four parts:the theory of transfer,the exemplification of negative transfer in English learning,and factors of causing negative transfer in English learning.

2. The theory of transfer

2.1 The definition and classification of language transfer

Language transfer refers to the effects of mother tongue on second language acquisition,including effects such as on word etc. The effects of mother tongue also exist in aspects such as thinking mode,cultural tradition and history.

Language transfer can be divided into positive transfer and negative transfer. Positive transfer facilitates the second language acquisition when similarities are between mother tongue and the second language. Negative transfer appears the interference of language learning and the causes of language errors. So,we should pay more attention to negative transfer.

3. The analysis of negative transfer

3.1 The exemplification of negative transfer

3.1.1 Lexical aspect of negative transfer

Firstly,negative transfer in meaning. For example,“lover” means a significant other to whom you are not related by marriage. But Chinese students regard it as “wife” or “husband”. This mistake comes from students misconception of “lover”,because the meanings of a word between the two languages cant be entirely matched.

Secondly,negative transfer concerning word collocation. Some common word collocations in Chinese language are not appropriate in English language. Besides,some common word collocations in English language dont exist in Chinese language. There is an example from my records:some Chinese students tend to translate “zuoshengyi(做生意)” as “make business”. “zuo(做)” in the phrase “zuoshengyi(做生意)” does not mean the same as “make” in English. So,we cant translate “zuoshengyi(做生意)” as “make business”.

3.1.2 Cultural aspect of negative transfer

Firstly,terms of address. Different terms of address can be equally misleading for Chinese learners of English. Students talk to a stranger with the beginning of “master” which has the meaning of shifu in Chinese. “shifu”(師傅)is frequently used to show respect for strangers. English speakers,on similar occasions,would use “Sir” or “Madam”.

Secondly,compliments. English speaking people,will accept compliments by giving a positive response like “Thank you”. However,many native Chinese speakers will feel embarrassed when they hear compliments like “You speak excellent English” or “You have acquired a native English speaker accent”. To show their modesty suggesting that they do not deserve a compliment,they tend to use an emphatic “no”.

3.2 Underlying factors of negative transfer in English learning

3.2.1 The differences between English and Chinese

The first factor is the differences between two languages. For vocabulary,some words only exist in the Chinese language or English language. For example,frankfurters,hot dog,are words only in English language while “tiangan(天干)” “dizhi(地支)” are words existing only in Chinese language. From culture,different languages have different cultural meanings. For example,“pine tree” in Chinese language means longevity,good virtue,while “pine” in English language doesnt have longevity or good virtue.

3.2.2 The influence of the logic thinking of mother language

The second factor is the influence of the logic tendency of mother language on English learning. The logic tendency is a habitual way of thinking based on accumulated conceptual work experience and thinking patterns. But it has a disadvantage of restricting thinking to form a stereotyped,mechanical,and stiff way of solving problems which leads to trouble. As for Chinese students,they produce English sentences which dont conform with English culture by applying Chinese language rules to English language learning,i.e. Chinese English. For example,Chinese students translate “tap” into “water dragon head”. The above examples are caused by the influence of the logic thinking of mother language in English learning.

4. Conclusion

It can be seen that language transfer is important to English learners in the foreign lingual environment,especially for Chinese English learners. Based on the analysis of the exemplification of negative transfer,two main factors are put forward.

To sum up,Chinese learners of English should be aware of the language transfer,and they should pay attention to background knowledge of Britain and American culture to make a contrast between two languages.

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