
2015-05-30 10:31刘素庚
初中生学习·低 2015年9期



(一) 对话

A=Bob B=Mike

A: Mike, tomorrow is Jacks birthday, so what present do you want to give him for his birthday party?

B:Ive no idea. We had a quarrel last Sunday.

A: What happened to you two?

B: He rode my bike to the park last Saturday. But the bike was broken. I had the bike repaired.

A: You are good friends. How long have you been good friends?

B:Weve known each other since we were 6 years old.

A:Really? You must be close friends and you get along well with each other.

B:Yeah, We talk almost everything and we play with each other after school.

A: He seems friendly, kind and outgoing.

B:Well, he is helpful, he helped the classmates in need at times. What do you think of him?

A:Well, I know he is a good boy. I saw him carry water for an old man.

B:Oh, really? I never thought he would be like that.

A:Dont get him wrong, Im sure he might have some trouble last Saturday.

B: So, can I trust him or what?

A:Well, I think you should talk with him. You are close friends and you should help each other. Do you forget what he did for you? Two years ago, you broke your leg in a car accident. It is Jack who took you to the hospital, and he came to see you after school and told you what the teachers taught in school.

B:Yes, I regret what I said to him. But I think you can help me tell him I can forgive him.

A:Okay, Okay . You must trust him. I try to give you a hand.

(二) 短文

This afternoon, the math teacher came into the classroom. He said to us,“We are going to have an exam, you should prepare pens and rulers.” We began to prepare everything as the teacher told us. Then there went the bell. When the examination paper was handed out, I am looking for a ruler in a hurry. I suddenly remembered that I lost the ruler last week. I didnt buy another one. I was so nervous that there was nothing but the ruler in my brain. Wang Wei found me looking for things, he asked me quietly, “What is wrong? What are you looking for? ”I said anxiously, “I forgot to buy a ruler! ” He looked at his own pencil case, oh, he has only one ruler. The ruler was bought by his mother. There was a little white rabbit and two big strawberries on it, the rabbit was so lovely. And the ruler can also be used to draw a triangle. And he can use it to write English letters, too. He loved it so much that he couldnt help me. What should I do? When I was thinking about that, Wang Wei cut his ruler into two halves. He handed the other half to me at once. I was in great surprise and thanked him for his kindness.

I will always remember my good friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed.


1. 美国

美国是个性化教育的推动者和领跑者。美国的教育一向崇尚民主、自由、以人为本,以“发展个性”为基本原则,不断改革教育制度、内容和方法, 使教育更加多样化、灵活化、开放化。



2. 日本



3. 俄罗斯

依照1992年7 月新颁布的《俄罗斯联邦教育法》,在学校教育教学工作中,具体在课堂教学、课程结构、课外校外活动以及社会教育活动中更多地强调教育应该成为个性平安自由发展的条件,通过教育,更多地体现出个性自由发展的优先性,强调公民教育和爱国主义教育。

走在俄罗斯一些城市里你会发现,往往最漂亮的建筑是少年宫或少年之家。近20年来,校外教育机构网络增加了60.4%,接受校外教育的人数增加了 1.5倍。 许多农村学校的图书和体育器材都由国家无偿赠送。

俄罗斯中小学校按照学生不同年龄的不同生理心理发展阶段安排不同的课外校外活动。在俄罗斯,我们看到低年级学生在参加绘画和编织活动,看到四、五年级学生在进行韵律操的训练,高年级学生在参加社会公益劳动。为了使农村学生真切感受到 世界艺术的宝贵价值,他们还组织学生到大城市参观博物馆,观赏名剧,以汲取文化养分,提高审美和鉴赏能力。在暑假期间,城市的学校则组织劳动夏令营,参加农村的收获工作。

4. 法国

为了推进个性化教育,法国把幼儿教育和小学教育合为一体,打破了传统的年级教学组织形式,分三个学习阶段组织教育。在3 年为一个阶段的学习过程中,发展快的学生可以用2 年完成一个学习阶段的学业,然后提前一年转入下一阶段,发展慢的学生则可放慢学习进度用4 年完成学业。从而使每个学生能按照自己的学习节奏自主进行学习,为学生高水平地发挥创造才能创造了好的制度条件。

5. 新加坡




砥砺奋进 共享发展
I’m not going back to school!我不回学校了!