Development of Listening Ability in English in Middle School

2015-05-19 21:13韩雪梅
校园英语·中旬 2015年4期


【Abstract】This paper will intend to lay emphasis on the ways to develop listening ability in English in Middle School.

【Key words】listening ability; development; the ways


There are four skills in learning English,namely,listening,speaking,reading and writing.They are always related in terms of usage.Listening,one of the means of language communication,is used most widely in peoples daily lives.But in the past few years,because of the examination system,the textbook limited and the teachers knowledge of English teaching methods,not enough attention is paid to listening.Students can read and write well,but can hardly communicate with others in English.They can hardly express themselves with their own words or understand a native speaker.As time passes,some students will lose their interest in listening,even in English.Their listening ability will become poorer and poorer.As teachers,we should pay enough attention to listening,develop our teaching methods,try our best to help the students to develop their listening ability.In my paper,I will discuss the ways to develop the students listening ability in English in Middle School.

Ⅱ.The importance of listening ability to English learners

The world is now in the 21st centuey.English,as a global language,plays an increasing important role in the communication world.Enhancing the listening and speaking components of English learning is thus strongly advocated.Listening is an important skill.“Listening comprehension can enhance the process of language learning acquisition.”(Vandergift 1998:168) Listening is also an active process.Cooper(1995:44)points out that“ Listening requires practice and concentration.” Listening will also give an opportunity to get a “feel”for the language and will help the students to improve their overall ability in it.Listening is also a great way to train our attention.And good listening gives us confidence in communication.

Ⅲ.The ways to develop the students listening ability

A.Providing the students with a language environment

We all know that the largest difference between mother language and foreign language learning is the environment.When we learn our own language,we hear and speak it everywhere.But for a foreign language,we can meet it only in formal places,classes.So its important for teachers to provide the students with a language environment.We should give lessons in English as possible as we can,encourage them to think and talk in English anywhere.English corner is also a good place to go.There they can talk freely,enchange their experience,feelings and thoughts without any embarrasment.

B.Helping the students grasp the phonetic symbols

I think the phonetic symbol is the base in listening comprehension.A good intonation and phonetic depends on the base.It includes comparative phonemes,assimilation,liaison,elision,stress,incomplete plosive consonant,affricate consonant,syllable and so on.We should be familiar with all the symbols,then we can listen clearly and make up correct choice.

C.Enlarging the students knowledge about English

Except the linguistic factors discussed above,non- linguistic factors also affect listening cpmprehension,such as social background,culture,history,living habits and so on.We should enccourage the students to read something about geography,history,culture,stories in English in their spare time.In class,we can introduce about western cultures,history as much as possible.The more information then get,the more easily they understand.

D.Using body language

Body language is an important medium through which people conmmunicate with each other.The affection of teachers body language on the students is reflected not only by establishing a good example,but also shortening teacher-student estrangement by which more harmonoius studying atmosphere is created.As a result,the students interest is motivated and the effect of teaching is greatly improved.

E.Making good use of media

In order to develop the students listening ability,we also need to help them make good use of the media such as radio,television,Internet,cinema,vidio,tapes and so on.


English,as a global language,plays an increasing important role in the communication world.Listening,one of the means of language communication,is used most widely in peoples daily lives.In middle school,teachers should try to adopt some effective methods to improve the students listening ability in English.If the students can practise their listening as often as possible according to the methods,their listening ability of English will be certainly and greatly improved.


[1]Cooper(1995).The practice of English Language Teaching.Longman.

[2]Huang Yuefa(1991).English Teaching Methodology.High Education Press.

[3]N.J.Stirk.How To Improve Your