An Analysis of the Humor between Chinese and Western from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication

2015-05-19 11:55WangJiatong
校园英语·中旬 2015年4期


【Abstract】The concept of Intercultural communication was originally developed by the American cultural anthropologist Edward T Hall,he believes communicative competence includes not only a form of language understanding and mastering the language,but also on when and where to What is the proper way for anyone to use language to communicate.This article will list some of the differences in the Western sense of humor in everyday life and explore the root causes of these differences to find ways to resolve these differences in Intercultural communication.

【Key words】Cross-cultural Communication; Western; Humor

1.The Concept and form of Humor

Since ancient times people have concerns humor this topic,although it is difficult to define under humor,scholars from different fields,such as: philosopher,psychologist,esthetician,lexicographers and rhetorician,etc.They do humor in-depth research,the following are some of the concepts of humor.So we can see the humor in the concept of two basic conditions must be met,the first to be funny laugh,and the second to have deeper meaning or thought-provoking,these two conditions are indispensable.In general,the humor can be divided into two types,broadly speaking,he is the pantomime,mime,comedy,cartoons,etc.In a narrow sense,humor books and magazines including only jokes and funny short stories.Common forms of humor are the following: comic,jokes,nonsensical,spoof,black humor,cold humor,and white humor.

2.The Origins of Chinese and Western Humor

The first introduction of the humor is the aesthetic realm of the famous British dramatist.Jonson.17th century,began to have a sense of humor now meaning; 18th century,with humor as the aesthetic characteristics of drama,fiction,poetry,essays and creative style of humor as writers and artists have been uncommon.As humorous as the aesthetic category popular worldwide,it will become a symbol of wisdom and beauty.

China first introduced the humor is Mr.LinYutang. “Humor”Although foreign words,but the Chinese people's sense of humor,but as a long history with the history of the Chinese nation.

3.The Reason for the Human Differences between Chinese and Western

3.1 Cultural Differences.Different cultures and ways of thinking of varies factors causing differences in cultural backgrounds,cultures and values.For example: a little boy warning:“Someone hit the street my father !”Police followed the kids around,she saw two people in the tussle.Police asked:“ Which is your father,”“I do not know what they fight this thing together.”You can explore the above example,the Chinese people are typically designed to meet the security requirements Introvert continent farming culture,forming a large impressionistic style of divergent thinking,polite and subtle,because the thinking of this cultural stereotype,they emphasis on the formation of an intuitive way of thinking,decision humor is manifested in an intuitive way.

3.2 Text Differences.Chinese and Western language alphabet characters are very different,every word has its unique shape,sound and meaning.There are many identical and similar words,so people often say that humor can use this homophonic words,when a foreigner is difficult to listen to understand.For example,“bronchitis”,will Mandarin foreigners see at a“ henpecked”homophonic Chinese saying,but I do not know who would not understand.

4.Differences in Characteristics of Chinese and Western Humor

4.1 Theme.Humor is an aesthetic pursuit of mankind,is a reflection of real life,the first reflects the unique customs of the ethnic and cultural ideas on the theme and content.China affected by deep-rooted tradition of Confucianism,people talk about“sex”pale,therefore,traditional oriental humor neutral topic is taboo.Humor in the West accounted for a large proportion of such topics.

4.2 Social Function.Humor into their social function:negative humor,affirmative humor and pure humor.The proportion of pure humor humor in Europe and the United States simply great entertainment,which is a distinctive feature of humor from when it formed from the bud.The Chinese humor seems to shoulder a heavier historical mission - to point out problems.Throughout the segment has spread hundreds of traditional dialogue,satire scripts majority.

5.How to Overcome Differences of Humorous Obstacles between Chinese and Western

To focus on empathy in a moment of cross-cultural communication training.Western jokes wide range of topics involving Western geography,historical events,cultural allusions,religious culture,wedding customs culture,national character,age,state of mind and so on.Only by respecting their culture,with a tolerance and understanding of other cultures in the form of integration into the heart,and constantly enhance cross-cultural communication skills,the students can more naturally into the globalization boom.


[1]LinYutang.My Country and My People[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.