陆 芳,管剑龙,史景云,毛定飚,滑炎卿*
陆 芳1,管剑龙2,史景云3,毛定飚1,滑炎卿1*
(复旦大学附属华东医院:1放射科,2风湿免疫科,上海 200040;3同济大学附属肺科医院放射科,上海 200433)
白塞病(Behcet’s disease)是一种原因不明的全身性血管炎性疾病,在东亚、中东和地中海地区发病率较高,其典型表现为反复发作的口腔溃疡、生殖器溃疡及眼部葡萄膜炎[1],这些改变往往难以在影像学上得以显示。白塞病的基本病理改变为非特异性血管炎,因此白塞病也常累及神经系统、消化系统、心血管系统等全身各系统,这些病变的发生甚至有时可先于典型的“口−眼−生殖器”病变,并可在影像学上清晰显示,对白塞病的早期诊治具有重要价值。白塞病肺部病变的发生率约为7.7%[2],白塞病肺血管受累虽少见[3],但可作为首发症状,且发生肺动脉瘤破裂、肺血管栓塞时往往预后不佳[4],同时,白塞病的肺血管受累形式多变,有时难以与其他疾病鉴别。因此早期诊断白塞病合并肺血管病变十分重要。本研究运用多层螺旋计算机断层扫描(multislice spiral computed tomography,MSCT)在胸部疾病诊断中的优势,回顾性地分析了复旦大学附属华东医院和同济大学附属肺科医院诊治的13例白塞病肺血管受累患者的临床症状和CT表现,旨在探讨MSCT在诊断白塞病肺血管受累中的诊断要素及价值。
从2012年3月至2014年4月诊治的513例白塞病患者中选取13例肺血管受累患者(我院诊治者8例,肺科医院诊治者5例),其中男性9例,女性4例,年龄18~60(38.9±15.3)岁,病程5个月~10年。所有患者均符合2013年国际白塞病诊断标准(International Criteria for Behcet’s Disease,ICBD)[5],并排除了风湿病、肺结核、肺癌、左心衰竭、慢性阻塞性肺疾病等患者。13例患者均先行常规胸部CT扫描,其中11例加行CT肺动脉造影(computed tomographic pulmonary angiography,CTPA),1例另行正电子发射计算机断层显像(positron emission tomography-computed tomography,PET-CT)检查。
使用Light Speed VCT或Discovery 750HDCT(均GE公司,美国)进行扫描,对全部病例行常规胸部CT平扫检查,根据CT结果对部分患者加行CTPA检查并明确诊断。
患者仰卧位,扫描范围自肺尖至肺底,头足向扫描。扫描参数:0.35s/转,管电流210~280mA,管电压140kV,重建层厚1.25mm。行CTPA则于注射造影剂后使用智能造影剂跟踪软件Smart prep自动触发扫描,触发层面为肺动脉,触发阈值为100HU。为清晰显示肺血管细节,采用最大密度投影(maximum intensity projection,MIP)、曲面重组(curved planar reformation,CPR)、容积重组(volume rendering,VR)等多种重组技术观察,所有影像资料均由我院两名从业>3年的影像科医师进行统一评判。
13名白塞病患者中,累计出现口腔溃疡13例,生殖器溃疡7例,眼葡萄膜炎5例,皮肤病变6例(假性毛囊炎者2例、结节性红斑者4例),针刺反应阳性者7例。具有发热者7例、咳嗽者11例、胸痛者8例、呼吸困难者7例、咯血者3例。实验室检查中,C−反应蛋白(C-reactive protein,CRP)升高者8例、红细胞沉降率(erythrocyte sedimentation rate,ESR)升高者10例。
图1 1例白塞病合并肺动脉瘤患者的CTPA图像及PET-CT图像
Figure 1 CTPA and PET-CT images of pulmonary artery aneurysms in a patient with Behcet’s disease A: the MIP reconstruction of CTPA shows multiple pulmonary artery aneurysms on the hilum of the right lung; B: PET-CT shows the wall of the pulmonary artery of FDG abnormal concentration. CTPA: computed tomographyic pulmonary angiography; PET-CT: positron emission tomography-computed tomography; MIP: maximum intensity projection; FDG: F-deoxyglucose
白塞病肺动脉瘤的发生率虽<5%[3],但因其有破裂危险,是导致白塞病患者死亡的主要原因[6]。肺动脉瘤的形成主要是大动脉壁的滋养血管炎症导致大动脉壁局部薄弱形成动脉瘤[7]。由于白塞病的肺动脉瘤多位于肺门附近,X线胸片仅可显示较大的动脉瘤,表现为心缘处明显突出,易误诊为肺门及纵隔肿瘤。肺动脉数字减影血管造影(digital subtraction angiography,DSA)虽是金标准,但由于肺动脉瘤随时可能破裂,且存在肺动脉或其他部位的血栓时不宜进行该项检查。CTPA表现为充盈良好的肺动脉局限性扩张,并可准确反映动脉瘤的部位、大小、瘤壁、瘤周及血栓情况[8],尚可同时显示肺内、纵隔内其他病变,三维成像处理后可直观地显示动脉瘤与载瘤动脉之间的关系,对显示肺动脉瘤有着明显优势。
肺血栓栓塞症(pulmonary thromboembolism,PTE)的发生常常是由于血管炎引起多发内膜损伤和多灶性原发性肺血管栓塞[9]。在本组11例白塞病合并肺血管栓塞患者中,10例PTE同时合并肺动脉瘤,1例虽无肺动脉瘤,但有邻近肺动脉的缩窄,提示患者肺动脉壁本身存在病变,因此肺血栓原位形成可能性较大。但本研究中有1例肺动脉瘤伴瘤内血栓患者同时合并下腔静脉血栓形成,因此也不能除外白塞病患者的肺血管栓塞来源于外周血栓的可能性。白塞病合并肺血管栓塞CT平扫的直接征象为附壁的较血液密度稍高不规则条带影[10]。间接征象为阻塞动脉远端肺纹理稀少及代表肺梗死区的肺实变影。肺动脉栓塞在CTPA上表现为强化的肺动脉内不同程度的充盈缺损。利用MIP、CPR技术可更清晰直观地观察血管腔内血栓。
白塞病肺血管受累十分少见,对白塞病引起弥漫性肺小血管炎和肺实质损伤的数据更是少之又少,由Vydyula等[11]在2015年1月首次以病例报道形式发布。本研究中1例白塞病患者以进行性呼吸困难起病,CT平扫表现为双肺弥漫性分布的棉絮状高密度影,CT引导下肺活检可见血管壁内大量炎细胞浸润、部分可见纤维素样变性,考虑为白塞病相关坏死性血管炎。当白塞病患者出现弥漫性肺病时,应结合临床用药及影像学进行综合分析,将白塞病本身引起的血管炎与治疗药物的肺毒性改变相鉴别。由于该患者在针对白塞病积极治疗后病情及影像学改变均有所缓解,因此基本除外免疫调节剂的药物损伤引起的弥漫性肺泡损伤(diffuse alveolar damage,DAD)。
图2 某白塞病合并肺血管栓塞患者的CT图像
Figure 2 CT images of pulmonary embolism in a patient with Behcet’s disease A: the axial image of CT shows infarction in left lower lung; B: CTPA shows thrombus in the initiation part of left lower pulmonary artery; C: the MIP reconstruction of CTPA shows multiple thrombosis in bilateral pulmonary arteries. CTPA: computed tomographic pulmonary angiography; MIP: maximum intensity projection
图3 某白塞病合并弥漫性肺血管炎患者的CT图像
Figure 3 CT image of diffuse pulmonary vasculitis in a patient with Behcet’s disease CT scan shows multiple ground glass opacity in bilateral lungs (green areas)
图4 某白塞病合并局灶性肺出血患者的CT图像
Figure 4 CT image of focal pulmonary hemorrhage in a patient with Behcet’s disease CT scan shows mixed ground glass opacity with small vessels in it
图5 某白塞病合并心腔血栓形成患者的CT图像
Figure 5 CT image of thrombus formation in right heart cavities in a patient with Behcet’s disease A: the MIP reconstruction of CTPA shows thrombus formation from the root of pulmonary artery to right ventricle and right atrium; B: the MIP reconstruction of CTPA shows thrombosis in inferior vena cava. MIP: maximum intensityprojection; CTPA: computed tomographic pulmonary angiography
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(编辑: 刘子琪)
Manifestations of pulmonary vascular lesions in Behcet’s disease by multislice spiral computed tomography
LU Fang1, GUAN Jian-Long2, SHI Jing-Yun3, MAO Ding-Biao1, HUA Yan-Qing1*
(1Department of Radiology,2Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Huadong Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China;3Department of Radiology, Pulmonary Hospital of Tongji University, Shanghai 200433, China)
To investigate the diagnostic elements and characteristics of pulmonary vascular lesions in patients with Behcet’s disease by multislice spiral computed tomography (MSCT).CT images and medical data of 13 patients with pulmonary vascular lesions of Behcet’s disease in Huadong Hospital and Pulmonay Hospital from March 2012 to April 2014 were collected and retrospectively reviewed. Their clinical characteristics and CT image features were analyzed.Among the patients, MSCT scanning showed that there were 11 cases of pulmonary embolism (10 of them complicated with pulmonary artery aneurysms), 1 case of diffuse capillary vasculitis and 1 case of pulmonary hemorrhage. Besides, there were 9 cases of pericardial effusion, 6 cases of pleural effusion, 8 cases of mediastinal enlarged lymph nodes, and 1 case of thrombosis in cardiac chambers and inferior vena cava. MSCT combined with computed tomographic pulmonary angiography and three-dimensional reconstruction techniques clearly displayed above lesions. The pulmonary artery aneurysm manifested as dilation of the pulmonary artery, which was similar to that of the normal pulmonary artery in enhancement. Filling defect in the pulmonary artery was found in CT images of pulmonary embolism. Diffuse pulmonary vasculitis manifested as multiple cotton-wool and ground glass appearance on CT image. The performance of pulmonary hemorrhage was the ground glass opacity around the bleeding site.Behcet’s disease complicated with pulmonary vascular disease shows a variety of manifestations on CT images. MSCT is of great value in the diagnosis of Behcet’s disease complicated with pulmonary vascular disease, and should be used as the first option in its examination and regular follow-up.
Behcet’s disease; vasculitis; computed tomography; computed tomographic pulmonary angiography
R593.27; R445.3
滑炎卿, E-mail: cjr.huayanqing@vip.163.com