胡安·布斯盖兹,叶扬/Joan Busquets, YE Yang
张裕翔 译/Translated by ZHANG Yuxiang
Interview with Joan Busquets
胡安·布斯盖兹,叶扬/Joan Busquets, YE Yang
张裕翔 译/Translated by ZHANG Yuxiang
The Spanish architect and urban planner Joan Busquets participated in the design and discussion of the conceptual masterplan of Expo Milano 2015, together with Stefano Boeri, Richard Burdett, Jacques Herzog and William McDonough in 2009. However, this conceptual masterplan was not realized given considerations from the organizer for post-expo utilization issues. We have invited Prof. Busquets to answer some of our questions and to give further elaborations on the difference between the 2009 masterplan and the realized masterplan, with reflections in both urban and architectural aspects.
WA: Would you like to tell our readers how you interpreted the theme of Expo 2015?
Joan Busquets(JB): The theme "Feeding the Planet" was quite inspiring and crucial.
In fact good use of the food and rational way of producing make a lot of sense.
On the other side food is quite an essential part of civic life for human beings and responds in different ways to the most diverse cultures. After visiting the Expo in Milano you discover that food is not only something that feeds the planet but also a social activity; and this theme can be developed in many more orientations and future Expos will probably play with this.
WA: You took part in the conceptual masterplan of Expo 2015 in 2009, can you introduce the process of design and cooperation with Herzog and others?
JB: Initial design strategy done with a group with Herzog, Boeri, Burdett and others was quite interesting. Site was quite compact but well located between the city and the airport and next to Milano Fair, which is one of the biggest and most successful in Europe.
There were some challenging issues like the access to the site, the possibility of improving surrounding infrastructures, its relation with the Fair, etc., to be addressed. But ownership was only partially public and a great deal was still in private hands, therefore the "after expo" uses and its type and intensity was very important; also how the "surplus value" going to be created by the Expo event can be shared by the community was not clear to me; it was cause for many discussions and also the reason why I had quitted so fascinating initiative.
WA:What were the different points between two version of masterplan?
JB: Regarding initial ideas for a "planetary botanical garden" which was a brilliant idea but very difficult to manage according to the production process of an Expo in the XXI century. An Expo today always shows the contrast between different cultures and administrative structures from the countries; the it seems asking for something more articulated and adaptable, sometimes partially contradictory, but finally also quite vivid and dynamic.
Then main question is how you can organize the Expo site understanding that is a relatively small, but it can be quite challenging. The idea of creating a quite compact model by defining "virtual plots" for pavilions with narrow façade to the main axis, and deeper space; forced architects to produce a more "urban type" of morphology resulting in a quite intense conglomerate of interesting blocks, producing in the end a quite innovative Expo, when you compare with already executed Expos. On the other side some "enclaves" or clusters were aggregating smaller pavilions according different topics. Public space in the main axis perhaps should go beyond the normal urbanization standards that had been used in Milano and even they can provide a good strategy for the after-expo development, which seems still to be pending. Nevertheless general layout can be easily transformed and rebuilt, by opening up connections of some axis with surrounding context and making the site a real "urban piece" and becoming quite soon an urban fabric in Milano.
WA: So could it be regarded that expressing national image and power of capital through monumental forms is still an important role for architecture in Expo nowadays?
JB: We can say that a key question for an Expo or a Worldwide event like: Olympics, Design Capital, Forum of Cultures, etc. is to be able to design the site for the event but also for the afterwards. I would say better the "after" first and the "event" second, because in the end is the City the one that is going to remain; the Expo will be an strategy for development.
This is what probably what some old experiences like Barcelona in 1992 and Lisbon in 1998, following a double-cycle design process, had proved to be possible and effective.
It seems to me Milano still has time to do it, and the sooner better will be; but the layout, the infrastructures, the location allows them to do it immediately, if they play with the layout already in place and dealing properly with the ownership and the rights of further development of the site, avoiding a speculative action.
When designing an Expo in general, we have to keep in mind that they are made to be dismantled. When we see the experience of Shanghai 2010 we can acknowledge that only a few buildings stand out of the site and what is important is the location, the infrastructures and the process of filling in the "city" after the expo: this recalls for the double cycle design I was referring before.
The impact of the Expo sites in the midterm can be excellent. For instance if we consider Lisbon and its site on the eastern part of the city, where land was fully derelict and without any meaning for the citizens, today had been converted into the most appreciated place in that metropolis.
On the other side architecture in Expo should be considered "special", most of the buildings will be demolished or transferred to somewhere far away, then this condition is asking for a new sort of buildings. In this respect the 2002 Swiss Expo is a good reference: everything there had been taken away and everything of the Expo is recorded in digital, photo, videos, etc. and kept in one archive room for future research. With this principle in mind, Expo offers very special opportunity to "experiment" with new type of spaces; you can test innovative architecture and new forms of construction, because those all are going to be used and experienced by many people in a short period of time; but recycled or demolished. We should consider this possibility further.
WA: Which pavilion, in your opinion, gives a full expression on the theme of Expo –Feeding the Planet?
JB: Regarding pavilions developing the theme, "Feeding the planet", there were of course many attempts for it, I would like to stress a few interesting insights like:
-France trying to present the agriculture as main circuit before entering into a large hall where everything regarding the food was shown to the visitor.
-US developing a quite sophisticated narrative to overcome the idea of the fast-food, and showing the evolution towards new forms of feeding their population with new trends.
-Germany showing how production can be highly decentralized and refined in the process. Presented also quite pedagogical manner.
WA: Is there any new architectural trends could be found in Expo Pavilion designs?
JB: From architectural point of view, the idea of narrow plots mentioned before invites architects to react with quite intelligent prototypes away from the monumental patterns quite common in the Expos. For example:
-Bahrain was deploying a nice long pavilion with a sequence of spaces that were recalling the courts of traditional housing and allowing vegetation to join the narrative.
-Austria creating within the linear plot a piece of "natural woodlands" explaining how our environment can be interesting and sustainable.
- Czech Republic was quite interesting and the narrative quite innovative.
-Britain was offering a very nice large sculpture well placed into a newly created rational landscape.
Triennale de Milano was in parallel developing and extraordinary exhibit "Art & Food" which corresponds to the importance of this institution. Perhaps exhibit should be better related to the itinerary of the Expo to make more popular its presence.□