
2015-03-24 07:52黄开明王沛齐徐悦利李汝泓
解放军医药杂志 2015年8期

刘 娜,黄开明,王沛齐,徐悦利,李 玲,路 艳,李汝泓




刘 娜,黄开明,王沛齐,徐悦利,李 玲,路 艳,李汝泓

目的 探讨不同晶胶比例目标导向液体治疗(goal-directed fluid therapy, GDFT)对老年食管癌根治术患者血管外肺水指数及血乳酸的影响。方法 选择择期行食管癌根治术患者50例,所有患者术中均行单肺机械通气且术式相同,以晶胶比例3∶1为界,随机分为低晶胶比例组(A组,n=25)和高晶胶比例组(B组,n=25)。术中液体治疗以维持正常范围内的胸内血容量指数(intrathoracic blood volume index, ITBVI)为目标,通过脉搏指示连续心排出量(pulse indicator continuous cardiac output, PiCCO)监护仪记录术前(T0)、气管插管后5 min(T1)、双肺通气15 min(T2)、单肺通气15 min(T3)、肺复张后双肺通气15 min(T4)和术毕(T5)时患者的心率(heart rate, HR)、平均动脉压(mean artery pressure, MAP)、心脏指数(cardiac index, CI)、血管外肺水指数(extravascular lung water index ,EVLWI)、ITBVI等指标。记录所有患者术前、术毕和术后6 h血乳酸含量以及术中使用糖皮质激素、血管活性药物及呋塞米情况,输液总量,失血量,尿量,手术时间。 结果 术中两组无一例应用糖皮质激素,A组术中1例应用去氧肾上腺素,1例应用呋塞米,B组术中2例应用去氧肾上腺素。共46例纳入统计分析,其中A组23例、B组23例。术中各组GDFT均能维持血流动力学稳定。与T0时比较,两组T1时MAP、CI均显著降低(P<0.05);A组在T5时CI显著高于T0时(P<0.05),且显著高于B组(P<0.05)。B组T5时EVLWI显著高于T0时,且显著高于A组(P<0.05)。两组在各时点血乳酸含量与术前比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),术毕时A组血乳酸含量明显低于B组(P<0.05)。结论 食管癌根治术患者术中GDFT应用低晶胶比例补液方案,有利于维持血流动力学稳定、改善组织灌注,且不增加肺水肿的风险。

食管肿瘤; 外科手术;目标导向液体治疗;血流动力学;血管外肺水指数;乳酸

食管癌根治术对患者呼吸和循环系统影响较大,尤其是老年人各重要系统生理功能衰退,围术期血流动力学紊乱和呼吸系统相关并发症如低氧血症、肺不张、急性肺损伤等发生率较高[1-4]。围术期液体管理是胸外科手术后呼吸系统并发症的独立危险因素[5-7],因此,术中准确监测血流动力学和反映肺水肿的量化指标血管外肺水指数(extravascular lung water index, EVLWI)对指导补液十分重要。目前,围术期液体管理应用液体的种类尚无一致意见[8]。研究发现,晶体液与胶体液联合应用治疗效果优于单独应用晶体液或胶体液[9],但选择何种晶胶配比的液体方案成为围术期麻醉管理的关注点。冯永文等[10]对重症急性胰腺炎患者液体复苏方案以3∶1为界分低晶胶比组和高晶胶比组研究发现,低晶胶比组可增加循环血容量,提高氧合及减少血管外肺水(EVLW)的生成。故本研究晶胶配比以3∶1为界,液体治疗以胸内血容量指数(intrathoracic blood volume index, ITBVI)作为指导目标,观察不同晶胶比例目标导向液体治疗(goal-directed fluid therapy, GDFT)对老年食管癌根治术患者围术期血流动力学和EVLWI的影响。

1 对象与方法

1.1 对象与分组 选取2012年1月—2013年12月于承德医学院附属医院胸外科住院的食管癌患者50例,均经内镜及病理确诊,均采取相同的食管癌根治术术式。患者入选标准:年龄65~80岁;美国麻醉医师协会(ASA)分级Ⅰ或Ⅱ级;术前红细胞压积(Hct)≥0.32,血红蛋白(Hb)≥100 g/L,白蛋白≥30 g/L;无凝血功能障碍,无心、肺重要脏器疾病,无电解质酸碱平衡紊乱,无脉搏指示连续心排出量(PiCCO)导管置入禁忌症;术前未使用可能影响EVLW的药物(如血管活性药物、糖皮质激素等)。以晶胶比例3∶1为界,采用数字表法将50例随机分为低晶胶比例组(A组,n=25)和高晶胶比例组(B组,n=25)。本研究通过医院伦理委员会批准,所有患者及其家属签署知情同意书。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 麻醉方法:患者入室后监测生命体征,予咪达唑仑0.02 mg/kg,局麻下经右颈内静脉置入双腔中心静脉导管及股动脉置入PiCCO热稀释导管,并将其连接到飞利浦MP70监测仪,经中心静脉连续3次注射冰生理盐水(<4℃)进行连续心输出量定标,测量血流动力学和EVLW等基础值。术中每一监测时点测量前中心静脉停止输液30 s校正后测量。麻醉诱导:咪达唑仑0.03~0.05 mg/kg,芬太尼3~5 μg/kg,丙泊酚1~2 mg/kg,维库溴铵0.1~0.2 mg/kg。所有患者按性别和身高插入不同型号左双腔支气管导管,纤维支气管镜核实位置无误后进行机械通气。参数设置:双肺通气时采取容量控制模式,潮气量8 ml/kg,呼吸频率12/min,吸∶呼比为1∶2,吸入氧浓度1.0;单肺通气时采取压力控制模式,潮气量6 ml/kg,呼吸频率16~18/min,吸入氧浓度1.0,调整通气参数获得与双肺通气时相同的分钟通气量,维持PaO2和呼气末CO2分压在正常值范围内。麻醉维持:持续吸入七氟醚,静脉微量泵持续输注瑞芬太尼0.05~0.15 μg/(kg·min),丙泊酚60~80 μg/(kg·min),间断给予芬太尼、维库溴铵,维持脑电双频指数(BIS)在40~60。

1.2.2 术中液体管理:所有患者入室至术毕以ITBVI作为液体管理的指导目标,维持在正常值范围800~1000 ml/m2,一台输液泵经中心静脉输入6%羟乙基淀粉130/0.4,一台输液泵经外周静脉输入平衡液,输注液体速度10~12 ml/(kg·h)作为背景流量。术中当ITBVI<800 ml/m2时适当调整晶、胶液体输注剂量,必要时分次给予去氧肾上腺素;ITBVI>1000 ml/m2时,静脉给予呋塞米0.1~0.2 ml/kg,两次静脉注射呋塞米时间间隔>1 h。术中维持Hb浓度≥90 g/L,Hct≥0.30,平均动脉压(MAP)≥65 mmHg,必要时输注浓缩红细胞。术后第1天按照主管医师的经验进行液体治疗。

1.3 指标监测 记录术前(T0)、气管插管后5 min(T1)、双肺通气15 min(T2)、单肺通气15 min(T3)、肺复张后双肺通气15 min(T4)和术毕(T5)时HR、MAP、心脏指数(cardiac index, CI)、EVLWI、ITBVI等指标的变化;记录所有患者术前、术毕和术后6 h血乳酸含量,使用糖皮质激素、血管活性药物及呋塞米情况,输液总量,失血量,尿量,手术时间。

2 结果

2.1 一般资料比较 术中两组无一例应用糖皮质激素。A组术中1例应用去氧肾上腺素,1例应用呋塞米;B组术中2例应用去氧肾上腺素。4例患者退出研究,共46例纳入统计分析,其中A组23例,B组23例。两组性别、年龄、体重、身高、体重指数比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性,见表1。

2.2 两组手术相关指标比较 两组手术时间、输液总量、失血量及尿量比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),见表2。

表1 不同晶胶比例目标导向液体治疗的两组老年食管癌根治术患者一般资料比较

表2 不同晶胶比例目标导向液体治疗的两组老年食管癌根治术患者手术相关指标比较

2.3 两组血流动力学指标和EVLWI比较 与T0时比较,两组T1时MAP、CI均显著降低(P<0.05);A组T5时CI显著高于T0时(P<0.05),且显著高于B组(P<0.05)。B组T5时EVLWI显著高于T0时,A组T5时EVLWI显著低于B组(P<0.05)。两组各时点HR和ITBVI比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。见表3。

2.4 两组血乳酸含量比较 两组各时点血乳酸含量与术前比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),术毕时A组明显低于B组(P<0.05),见表4。

3 讨论


表3 不同晶胶比例目标导向液体治疗的两组老年食管癌根治术患者不同时点血流动力学和血管外肺水指数比较


表4 不同晶胶比例目标导向液体治疗的两组老年食管癌根治术患者不同时点血乳酸含量比较





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Effect of Goal-Directed Fluid Therapy with Different Crystalloid-Colloid Rations on Extravascular Lung Water Index and Blood Lactic Acid in Esophageal Cancer Patients Undergoing Esophagectomy

LIU Na1, HUANG Kai-ming2, WANG Pei-qi3, XU Yue-li1, LI Ling1, LU-Yan1, LI Ru-hong1

(1. Department of Anesthesiology, Affiliated Hospital of Chengde Medical College, Chengde, Hebei 067000, China; 2. Hospital of 66028 Troops of PLA, Chengde, Hebei 067000, China; 3. Department of Anesthesiology, General Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100853, China)

Objective To investigate the effects of goal-directed fluid therapy (GDFT) with different crystalloid-colloid ratios on extravascular lung water index and blood lactic acid in esophageal cancer patients undergoing esophagectomy. Methods A total of 50 esophageal cancer patients would undergo esophagectomy, and were randomly divided into low colloid radio group (group A,n=25) and high colloid radio group (group B,n=25) based on crystalloid-colloid ratio (3∶1) as the boundary line. All patients were given the one-lung mechanical ventilation and same surgical procedure during the surgery. The intraoperative fluid therapy was to maintain intrathoracic blood volume index (ITBVI) within the normal range. The heart rate (HR), mean artery pressure (MAP), cardiac index (CI), extravascular lung water index (EVLWI) and ITBVI were recorded using pulse indicator continuous cardiac output (PiCCO) monitor before the operation (T0), 5 min after intubation (T1), 15 min after both lungs ventilation (T2), 15 min after one-lung ventilation (T3), 15 min after pulmonary re-expansion of both lungs ventilation (T4) and at the end of operation (T5). Contents of blood lactic acid of all patients were measured before the operation, at the end of operation and 6 h after the operation. The usages of glucocorticoids, vasoactive drugs and Furosemide, the total volume of fluid, the volume of blood loss, urinary volume and the operation time were also recorded. Results There was no intraoperative use of glucocorticoid in the two groups. There were 1 patient with Furosemide and 1 with Phenylephrine in group A, and 2 patients with Phenylephrine in group B during the operation. A total of 46 cases were included in the statistical analysis, which included 23 cases in group A and 23 cases in group B. The intraoperative GDFT administration in the two groups could maintain stable hemodynamics. Compared with those at T0, MAP and CI values in the two groups were significant decreased at T1(P<0.05); CI value at T5was significantly higher in group A (P<0.05), and the value was significantly higher than that in group B (P<0.05). EVLWI value at T5in group B was significantly higher than that at T0 in the same group and at the same time point in group A (P<0.05). Compared with those before the operation, there were no significant differences between the two groups in contents of blood lactic acid at each time point (P>0.05). Content of blood lactic acid in group A was significantly lower than that in group B at the end of operation (P<0.05). Conclusion GDFT with low crystal-colloid ratio can not only maintain intraoperative stable hemodynamics and improve tissue perfusion without increasing the risk of pulmonary edema in esophageal cancer patients undergoing esophagectomy.

Esophageal neoplasms; Surgical procedures; Goal-directed fluid therapy; Hemodynamics; Extravascular lung water index; Lactic acid


067000河北 承德,承德医学院附属医院麻醉科(刘娜、徐悦利、李玲、路艳、李汝泓);067000 河北 承德,66028部队医院(黄开明);100853 北京,解放军总医院麻醉科(王沛齐)

李汝泓,E-mail: ruhongli1027@163.com





2015-03-17 修回时间:2015-04-11)
