
2015-03-24 02:40:04颜毅华陈林杰刘东浩陈志军
天文研究与技术 2015年1期

赵 岸,颜毅华,陈林杰,刘东浩,王 威,陈志军

(1. 中国科学院国家天文台太阳活动重点实验室,北京 100012; 2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049)


赵 岸1,2,颜毅华1,陈林杰1,刘东浩1,王 威1,陈志军1

(1. 中国科学院国家天文台太阳活动重点实验室,北京 100012; 2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049)

在高速有限冲击响应(Finite Impulse Response, FIR)数字滤波器的设计中,随着滤波器阶数的增加,保持数据流速率和有效使用硬件资源成为设计的一个重点和难点。基于高速并行有限冲击响应数字滤波器的基本原理,提出了一种将位平面法、正则有符号系数(Canonical-Signed Digit, CSD)编码算法和抽取算法应用于并行有限冲击响应数字滤波器的改进方法。设计通过Matlab仿真,在Quartus II中编译、仿真、综合后下载到现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA)中进行测试,结果显示,这种改进方法较好地解决了滤波器阶数和数据流速率与硬件资源之间的关系。


随着数字信号处理在理论及技术上的不断发展,数字技术以其在设计及实现上的可移植性和高可靠性,正在迅速地取代部分模拟技术[1]。在射电望远镜的接收设备中,越来越多的数字处理方法被应用到数字接收机中,成为射电望远镜接收机的重要组成部分[2-3]。其中,有限冲击响应数字滤波器的设计是一种基本数字技术,至关重要。对于射电天文观测信号,在数字处理部分目前采用GHz量级的模数转换器(Analog-to-Digital Converter, ADC),这样形成的高速率数据流在存储上形成瓶颈,使得数字滤波器硬件设计必须考虑数据降速或分流。传统的直接型滤波器运算速度过慢,随之提出的改进型的分布式算法(Distributed Arithmetic, DA)结构的滤波器提高了运算速度[4],但是需要过高的芯片面积,消耗大量的逻辑资源,从而很难达到运算速度以及逻辑资源节约的整体优化。而基于简化加法器图(Reduced Adder Graph, RAG)算法的有限冲击响应滤波[5]使资源得到优化,但是在速度上又慢于改进型的分布式算法结构滤波器。并行滤波器在处理速率上比串行滤波器有明显的优势,但在现场可编程门阵列设计上,传统的并行滤波器的滤波器阶数、接收机带宽和通道数等参数都受到硬件资源(比如乘法器单元、存储单元数目)的限制[6]。本文提出了一种改进的高速并行有限冲击响应数字滤波器的设计方法,使得硬件资源占用率大幅降低,数据速率降为MHz量级,较好地解决了滤波器阶数和数据流速率与硬件资源之间的关系,并且通过仿真和实验证实了设计的可行性。

1 高速并行有限冲击响应滤波器

有限冲击响应数字滤波器具有以下两个特点:一是具有很好的稳定的线性相位特性,从而保证信号在传输过程中不会失真;二是具有有限长的单位冲击响应,因而可用快速傅里叶变换算法实现处理信号,可大大提高运算效率[7]。因为目前常用的模数转换器已达到GHZ量级,且位数也达到16 bit,这就需要提高数据传输速度,高速有限冲击响应滤波器就是需要在算法上进行改进以使滤波器能够处理高速率数据。有限冲击响应数字滤波器的输出y(n)可以看作是滤波器系数与输入信号的卷积和,设x(n)为输入信号,h为滤波器的冲击响应,其表达式如(1)式[8]:










=[H0(z8)+H1(z8)z-1+H2(z8)z-2+H3(z8)z-3+H4(z8)z-4+H5(z8)z-5+H6(z8)z-6+H7(z8)z-7] (6)








图1 并行滤波输入输出关系矩阵
Fig.1 The matrix relating input and output in the parallel filter

2 改进的高速并行有限冲击响应滤波器

2.1 正则有符号系数编码




2.2 位平面法


2.3 应用正则有符号系数编码和位平面法的抽取式高速并行有限冲击响应滤波器



Fig.2 Illustration of the bit-plane structure in anN-tap FIR filter







3 仿真与测试

为了验证上述设计,对其进行仿真和测试。首先确定滤波器参数,综合考虑现场可编程门阵列的硬件资源的限制,为了获得相对较好的幅频性能,采用等纹波法设计127阶滤波器,对其系数进行10位量化,幅频响应和相位特性如图3。 通带范围设计为 [0.02, 0.03] Fnyq (奈奎斯特频率),最高旁瓣抑制水平为-60 dB。


图3 带通滤波器幅频响应和相位特性

Fig.3 The characteristic curve of amplitude vs. frequency (upper panel) and that of phase vs. frequency (lower panel) for the response of the bandpass filter

图4 串行、并行、改进并行滤波器仿真结果比较
Fig.4 Comparison between simulated responses of the serial filter, the parallel filter, and the improved parallel filter

具体到现场可编程门阵列的实现,在CycloneII EP2C50F672上进行综合和测试,采用的参数配置见表1。

表1 滤波器的现场可编程门阵列设计参数配置Table 1 The parameter values of the FPGA design of a filter


表2 并行滤波器现场可编程门阵列资源占用情况Table 2 The resources taken by the parallel filter in the FPGA

表3 改进的并行滤波器现场可编程门阵列资源占用情况Table 3 The resources taken by the improved parallel filter in the FPGA

采用QuartusII进行仿真,滤波器幅频响应如图5,最大旁瓣抑制比达到-50 dB。Matlab和QuartusII仿真结果基本一致,验证了算法实现的正确性。

图5 改进的并行滤波器的幅频响应
Fig.5 The characteristic curve of amplitude vs. frequency for the response of the improved parallel filter

将编译结果下载到硬件中进行测试,输入信号为50~450 MHz的中频白噪声信号,加入了25 MHz的单频信号,图6表示输入信号(上图)和滤波抽取后信号(下图)的频谱。

图6 基于现场可编程门阵列的改进并行滤波算法测试结果
Fig.6 Test results of the improved parallel filter based on the FPGA

从测试结果可以看出,输入的单频信号经过改进的并行滤波器得到了与理论相符的输出,信号的功率输出理论值输入输出差10 dB,实测输入输出差9.88 dB,相对误差1.2%,这证明了改进的并行滤波器的正确性,且达到了1 Gpsp的处理速度。

4 结 论


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CN 53-1189/P ISSN 1672-7673

A Design of an Improved High-Speed FIR Digital Filter Based on the FPGA

Zhao An1,2, Yan Yihua1, Chen Linjie1, Liu Donghao1, Wang Wei1, Chen Zhijun1

(1. Key Laboratory of Solar Activity, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100012, China;2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China, Email: azhao@bao.ac.cn)

With steady theoretical and technological development of digital signal processing, digital devices are rapidly replacing some analog devices due to their portability and highly reliable designs/implementations. In radio astronomy digital-processing techniques have been increasingly applied in receivers, and have become important parts of receivers. The design of an FIR digital filter is critical in implementing digital techniques. In digital-processing modules for signals in radio-astronomy observation Analog-to-Digital Converters of operating frequencies at a few GHz are usually used. At so high frequencies high-rate data flows can form bottlenecks in data-storage processes. To avoid bottlenecks the hardware design of a digital filter needs to limit the data speed or to create diversions of data flows. The operating speed of a conventional filter is too slow though. Distributed Arithmetic (DA) algorithms have been proposed to improve speeds of conventional filters, but it is very difficult to achieve the optimal balance between the operating speed and the required resource of logic units in a conventional filter. As a result a conventional filter generally takes a large fraction of the chip area and uses a large amount of logic units. An FIR filter based on the Reduced Adder Graph algorithm can reduce the needed resources of logic units, but is slower than an improved DA filter. The issue of achieving a balance between data-rate performance and hardware-resource requirement becomes increasingly important and yet also increasingly difficult in designing high-speed FIR digital filters, as filters tend to have more taps. In this paper we present a new design of a parallel FIR digital filter by using the basic theory of high-speed parallel FIR digital filters, the bit-plane construction method, the CSD coding technique, and a signal-extraction algorithm. After having been simulated in the Matlab, the design was complied, simulated, and synthesized in the Quartus II; it was finally loaded into an FPGA device for test measurements. Our simulation and test results demonstrate the capability of our design in solving issues of achieving balances between the filter order, data-flow rate, and requirement of hardware resources. In practice, such balances can be realized using settings tailored to specific requirements on filter performance. In conclusion, our design of an improved high-speed FIR digital filter provides a new idea for designing digital filters to be used in radio telescopes.

High-speed parallel filter; Bit-plane method; CSD coding; Signal-extraction algorithm

国家自然科学基金 (11003028);国家重大装备研制项目 (ZDYZ2009-3) 资助.


赵 岸,女,博士. 研究方向:天文技术与方法. Email: azhao@bao.ac.cn




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