辽宁医学院附属第一医院,辽宁锦州 121001
辽宁医学院附属第一医院,辽宁锦州 121001
目的探讨溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis,UC)患者外周血T细胞表面CD4+CD45+分子的表达及临床价值。方法选取2012年3月- 2013年12月于我院消化科住院治疗的UC患者80例,其中轻度活动期27例,中度活动期28例,重度活动期25例,健康对照组80例,用流式细胞仪分别检测各期患者及对照组外周血T细胞表面CD4+CD45+分子的百分含量,并进行比较以判断病情轻重。结果外周血CD4+CD45+T细胞表达含量,UC组为52.93%±3.64%,对照组为41.34%±2.94%,UC组高于对照组(t=-22.159,P<0.05);轻度活动期为50.99%±1.45%,中度活动期为52.66%±1.41%,重度活动期为55.18%±2.18%,中度活动期高于轻度活动期,重度活动期高于中度活动期,各组间比较,F=39.850(P<0.05)。结论外周血CD4+CD45+T细胞表达含量,UC组高于对照组,且随着病情加重而明显增高,对临床诊断及判断病情有指导意义。
溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis,UC)是一种常见肠道炎症性疾病,病变主要累及黏膜和黏膜下层,多位于远端直肠和结肠,但可向近侧延伸,甚至遍布整个结肠,临床上表现为慢性病程,症状为腹泻或便秘,排黏液脓血便,里急后重,伴或不伴腹痛,反复发作。该病的病因和发病机制尚不十分明确[1]。目前认为,其发病是环境、遗传、感染、免疫、精神、肠道菌群及过敏等多种因素共同作用的结果,免疫失调是其发病的关键因素[2]。近年来发现,CD4+CD45+调节性T细胞(regulatory T cells,Tregs)在UC患者发病中起着重要作用[3]。本文研究80例UC患者外周血T细胞表面CD4+CD45+分子的表达,其范围为52.93%±3.64%,明显高于80例健康对照者的范围(41.34%±2.94%),为临床诊断提供了依据。
1 研究对象 随机选取2012年3月- 2013年12月于我院消化科住院治疗的活动期UC患者80例,其中男44例,女36例,年龄32 ~ 66(49±3)岁,诊断标准参照2012年中华医学会消化病学分会炎症性肠病学组于广州达成的我国炎症性肠病诊断与治疗的共识意见(2012年)[4],按照SutherlandDAI[5]分期,其中轻度活动期27例,中度活动期28例,重度活动期25例。健康对照组为正常的健康志愿者80例,其中男41例,女39例,年龄27 ~ 61(47±4)岁,无自身免疫性疾病病史,无家族遗传性疾病史,入选时无腹泻。两组年龄、性别差异有统计学意义。
2 仪器与试剂 人Ficoll淋巴细胞分离液购自上海新睿生物科技有限公司,FITC标记的抗人CD4、PE标记的抗人CD45抗体均购自上海裕平生物科技有限公司,RPMI1640培养液购自GibcoBRL公司,流式细胞仪FACScantoⅡ购自美国Becton-Dickinson(BD)公司。
3 方法 收集对照组受试者和UC组患者清晨空腹条件下静脉血各5 ml,采血管中加入肝素抗凝。血标本采集6 h内应用Ficoll密度梯度离心法,以1 500 r/min的速度离心分离出外周血单个核细胞(peripheral blood mononuelear cell,PBMC),经200目滤布滤过,制成单细胞悬液。用RPMI 1640完全培养基-2洗涤2次,将细胞浓度调整到1×105/ml,加入异硫氰酸荧光素(fluorescein isothiocyanate,FITC)标记的CD4抗体和PE标记的CD45抗体,常温孵育30 min,加入PBS液洗涤2次,速度为2 000 r/min,离心5 min后弃去上清液,准备上机。应用FACScantoⅡ流式细胞仪进行检测,用同型对照做阴性对照消除自发荧光,用空白对照消除非特异荧光,设门划出拟定的淋巴细胞群,根据设定的CD4与CD45单抗分析结合其阳性细胞数及百分比,在双参数图上得到CD4+CD45+细胞的百分比。
4 统计学分析 数据采用-x±s表示,应用SPSS 17.0统计软件处理,采用t检验,组间比较采用方差分析,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
1 外周血CD4+CD45+T细胞表达含量,UC组为52.93%±3.64%,对照组为41.34%±2.94%,UC组高于对照组(t=-22.159,P<0.05),为临床诊断提供了依据。见图1。
2 UC各活动期外周血CD4+CD45+T细胞表达含量UC组轻度活动期27例,中度活动期28例,重度活动期25例,轻度活动期为50.99%±1.45%,中度活动期为52.66%±1.41%,重度活动期为55.18%±2.18%,中度活动期高于轻度活动期,重度活动期高于中度活动期,各组间比较,F=39.850(P<0.05),随着病情加重,外周血CD4+CD45+T细胞表达含量明显升高,对判断病情有指导意义。见图2。
图 1 对照组与UC组外周血CD4+CD45+T细胞表达含量比较(aP<0.05, vs controls)Fig. 1 Comparison of peripheral blood CD4+CD45+T cells expression content between the control group and the UC group (aP<0.05, vs controls)
图 2 疾病各活动期患者外周血CD4+CD45+T细胞表达含量比较(aP<0.05,bP<0.05,cP<0.01, vs其他组)Fig. 2 Comparison of peripheral blood CD4+CD45+T cells expression content between different activity periods of diseaseaP<0.05,bP<0.05,cP<0.01, vs other activity periods
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Expression of peripheral blood CD4+CD45+T cells in patients with ulcerative colitis and its clinical value
LI Yanrong, GUO Lianyi
The First Aff i liated Hospital of Liaoning Medical University, Jinzhou 121001, Liaoning Province, China
GUO Lianyi. Email:angel_gly@163.com
Objective To explore the expression of peripheral blood CD4+CD45+T cells in patients with ulcerative colitis and its clinical value. Methods Eighty patients with UC in the First Aff i liated Hospital of Liaoning Medical University from March 2012 to December 2013 were selected, with mildly active in 27 cases, moderately active in 28 cases and severe active in 25 cases. There were also 80 cases in healthy control group. The fl ow cytometry was used to detect the percentage of molecules in peripheral blood T cell surface CD4+CD45+of patients. And then the percentage of the content was compared to determine the level of severity of illness. Results The expression of CD4+CD45+T cells in peripheral blood was signif i cantly higher than that of control group (52.93%±3.64% in UC group and 41.34%±2.94% in the control group, t=-22.159, P<0.05). The expression of CD4+CD45+T cells in peripheral blood in mild activity period was 50.99%±1.45%, moderate activity period was 52.66%±1.41%, severe active stage was 55.18%±2.18%, which suggested that the moderate activity period was higher than the mild activity period, and the severe active stage was higher than the moderate activity period. Comparison between groups were statistically signif i cant with F=39.850, P<0.05. Conclusion The expression level of peripheral blood CD4+CD45+T cells in UC group is higher than that of control group. With the aggravation of disease, the peripheral blood CD4+CD45+T cells increases signif i cantly, which has guiding sense of clinical diagnosis.
ulcerative colitis; CD4+CD45+regulatory T cells; fl ow cytometry; immune regulation
时间:2014-11-13 17:17
李艳荣,女,硕士,主治医师。研究方向:溃疡性结肠炎发病机制。Email: 416413064@qq.com
郭莲怡,女,博士,主任医师,主任。Email: angel_gly@ 163.com