于瑞鹏 林 卉 丁 翠 王李娟 孙华生
(1.山东省第一地质矿产勘查院,山东 济南 250014;2.江苏师范大学测绘学院,江苏 徐州 221116;3.山东城市建设职业学院,山东 济南 250103;4.辽宁工程技术大学测绘与地理科学学院,辽宁 阜新 123000)
于瑞鹏1林 卉2丁 翠3王李娟2孙华生4
(1.山东省第一地质矿产勘查院,山东 济南 250014;2.江苏师范大学测绘学院,江苏 徐州 221116;3.山东城市建设职业学院,山东 济南 250103;4.辽宁工程技术大学测绘与地理科学学院,辽宁 阜新 123000)
导线控制网平差 双观测平差模型 Helmert方差估计 精度
矿井控制网一般以闭合导线或附合导线的形式布设,每一条闭合或附合导线都存在3个条件方程,即1个方位角条件方程、2个坐标条件方程,因此,控制网平差时采用条件平差法比较方便。 设L1、L2分别为互相独立的角度、边长观测向量,相应的改正数向量分别为V1、V2,相应的对角权阵分别为P1、P2,则条件平差法的数学模型为[17-19]
图1 陀螺边与起算点间的相对位置示意Fig.1 Relative position between gyro-sideand starting calculating points表1 陀螺边方位角观测成果Table 1 Surveying results of orientationangle of each gyro-side
表2 2种方案中各陀螺边端点坐标平差值
Table 2 Adjustment values of endpoint coordinates of gyro-side of two schemes m
表3 2种方案各陀螺边方位角平差结果Table 3 Adjustment values of orientation angleof each gyro-side of two schemes
由表2可知:距起算点越远坐标差值越大,由于起算点到A4—A5路线采用了往返观测,且A4、A5点距起算点较近(约900 m),2种方案计算的A4、A5点的坐标基本一致;E9、E10点距起算点约5 km,该2点的X坐标差值均超过20 cm,说明观测的权重对平差结果有一定的影响,在矿井大型控制网平差中,该影响不容忽视。
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(责任编辑 王小兵)
Dual-observation Adjustment Model of Undermine Large Traverse Control Network
Yu Ruipeng1Lin Hui2Ding Cui3Wang Lijuan2Sun Huasheng4
The quantity of two types of observation values are closely with each other and the additional observation values is relatively few,which are the obvious characteristics of undermine transverse adjustment.In order to improve the precision and reliability of the undermine large and control network,the dual-observation adjustment model is proposed based on the characteristics of the direct and reversed observation of undermine transverse control network and the more redundant observation required by posterior estimation.Compared with the classical adjustment models,the dual-observation adjustment model is characterized by more condition equations and easier to meet the estimation condition of posterior estimation,and then the precision can be effectively improved by determining the proper weight value by using posterior estimation.Taking the measure data of the undermine large traverse control network of a mine as the research example,the adjustment calculation is conducted,the results show that the difference between the azimuth angle adjustment values of the three known sides obtained by using the classical adjustment model and the true values are -10″,-12″,-15″respectively,the differences of the adjustment values obtained by the dual-observation adjustment model proposed in this paper and the true values are -10″m,-12″,-15″respectively,it is further indicated that the dual-observation adjustment model proposed in this paper can improve the precision and reliability of the nodes of the undermine large traverse control network by determining the reasonable weight values based on Helmert variance estimation method,therefore,it has some practical value to improve the adjustment precision of the undermine large traverse control network.
Traverse control network adjustment,Dual-observation adjustment model,Helmert variance estimation,Precision
于瑞鹏(1982—),男,工程师,硕士。通讯作者 林 卉(1973—),男,副教授,硕士研究生导师。