张婷 董蕾
摘要:目的 对比两种干预方式对胶囊内镜在胃肠道运转时间的影响。方法 选取本院行胶囊内镜检查的60例患者随机分为物理干预组30例和药物干预组30例。两组患者吞服胶囊后实时监控,发现其在胃内滞留1h左右不能进入幽门者,均实施不同干预方法。物理干预组采取转换体位、散步、咀嚼口香糖等方法同时进行,促使其通过胃窦幽门进入小肠。药物干预组采取口服促胃动力药,记录两组胶囊内镜在胃内运转时间(GTT),小肠内运转时间(SBTT),进行统计分析,并比较两组全小肠检查完成率。结果 药物干预组平均GTT明显短于物理干预组,P﹤0.05差异有统计学意义。两组平均SBTT差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。药物干预组全小肠检查完成率较物理干预组高,P﹤0.05差异有统计学意义。结论 药物干预组缩短胶囊内镜GTT优于物理干预组,并提高全小肠检查完成率。
关键词:物理干预;药物干预;GTT ;SBTT
Abstract:Objective To contrast the two means of intervention effects on operation time capsule endoscopy in the gastrointestinal tract. Methods Select 60 patients were collected.the capsule endoscopy physical intervention group and control group and 30 cases were randomly divided into intervention group 30 cases. Two groups of patients after swallowing capsules real-time monitoring, found in the gastric retention within 1 h or so could not enter, implement different intervention methods. Physical intervention group by such means as transition postures, walk and chew gum at the same time, prompting them to enter the small intestine through gastric antrum helicobacter. Drug intervention group take oral drug promoting gastric dynamics, records of two groups of capsule endoscopy operation time (GTT) in the stomach, small intestine in running time (SBTT), statistical analysis, and compare the two groups of small intestinal inspection completion. Results The average GTT drug intervention group was obviously shorter than the physical intervention group, P﹤ 0.05 difference was statistically significant. The average SBTT similar between the two groups has no statistical significance (P > 0.05). Drug intervention group intestinal check all completion is relatively high physical intervention group, P﹤0.05 difference was statistically significant. Conclusion The drug intervention group shortened capsule endoscopy GTT is better than that of physical intervention group, and improve the whole small intestine inspection completion.
Key words:Physical intervention; Drug intervention; GTT;SBTT
1.1一般资料 2010年1月~2014年6月因各种原因在本院行胶囊内镜检查的60例年龄在18~65岁的患者,且胶囊在胃内滞留超过60min者入选。分为物理干预组30例,药物干预组30例。两组间年龄、性别差异无统计学意义,具有可比性。入选标准:凡符合胶囊内镜检查适应征患者。排除标准:已知或怀疑存在肠道梗阻,狭窄及瘘管者、孕妇、糖尿病、甲状腺疾病患者。
1.2方法 采用重庆金山公司生产的OMOM胶囊内镜图像记录仪影像分析工作站,连接好内镜工作站,所有患者清洁肠道后口服温水送服智能胶囊,进行图像实时监测。观察胶囊在胃内停留时间,对超过60min胶囊未进入幽门,并短时间内进入十二指肠可能性小的患者实行干预,分为物理干预组、药物干预组。物理干预组采取转换体位(包括左侧卧位、坐位、站立位)、散步(间隔60min一次,20min/次)、咀嚼口香糖等方法。药物干预组采取温水送服莫沙比利10mg。
1.3观察指标 胃内运转时间GTT:胶囊进入胃内至通过幽门时间小肠运转时间SBTT:第一幅十二指肠图像至胶囊到达回盲瓣或结肠完成全小肠检查:胶囊内镜在电池工作时间内抵达回盲瓣完成全小肠检查。
1.5统计学指标 定性指标以百分率或构成比描述。定量指标采用SPSS13.0统计学软件进行统计学处理。以(均数±标准差)表示,进行对比分析,定性资料采取?字2检验,定量指标用t检验。P﹤0.05为差异有统计学意义。
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