李 凡,周 兴,张 岚,任中华,吕振波,*
1 山东省海洋资源与环境研究院,山东省海洋生态修复重点实验室, 烟台 264006 2 胶南市海洋与渔业局, 青岛 266499 3 烟台市水产研究所 ,烟台 264003
李 凡1,周 兴2,张 岚3,任中华1,吕振波1,*
1 山东省海洋资源与环境研究院,山东省海洋生态修复重点实验室, 烟台 264006 2 胶南市海洋与渔业局, 青岛 266499 3 烟台市水产研究所 ,烟台 264003
山东近海; 分类包含指数; 分类多样性; 平均分类差异指数; 分类差异变异指数
随着社会的发展,生物多样性研究越来越受到全球的关注。生物多样性是生态系统健康的一个重要指标,生物多样性的维持也是全球生物多样性与生态系统管理的中心目标之一[1- 2]。生物多样性不仅包括物种的多样性,还包括物种间进化关系、进化历史以及生态系统等各种层面的多样性[3]。鱼类群落生态学研究中常用的多样性指数,如Shannon-Wiener指数,它将群落中每个物种视为一致,没有考虑到各个物种彼此之间在进化关系以及分类距离上的远近。分类多样性指数的提出为度量和解释群落中种类间形态关系的差异提供了新的方法,同时可以对不同区域、不同生境间和历史数据的进行对比研究[3- 9],在大型底栖动物[10- 12]和鱼类[3,6,13- 20]群落研究中得到了广泛应用。在国内,分类学多样性已被用来研究黄海[6]、黄渤海[13]、青岛近岸[14]、东海大陆架[15]、长江口[3,16]、东沙群岛[17]、西沙群岛珊瑚礁[18]、北部湾[19]和大亚湾[20]鱼类群落多样性。本文根据1998—2009年山东近海历次调查鱼类种类名录和根据历史文献整理的山东近海鱼类种类名录,分别计算了其分类多样性指数,并将历次调查鱼类分类多样性指数的计算值叠加到黄渤海鱼类总名录[21]的95% 置信漏斗曲线图中,研究其偏离总名录分类多样性理论平均值的程度,以期为进行鱼类群落生物多样性研究提供基础资料。
1.1 研究海域概况
山东省频临渤海和黄海,海域面积达15.95 km2。大陆海岸线北起冀、鲁交界处的漳卫新河河口,南至鲁、苏交界处的绣针河河口,海岸线长达3 345 km。入海河流众多,大小河流数千条,其中10 km以上的河流1500条,长度100 km以上的河流12条。海湾众多,面积总计8 139 km2,其中面积大于1 km2的海湾49个,包括渤海湾、莱州湾、套子湾、威海湾、桑沟湾、靖海湾、五垒岛湾、乳山湾、丁字湾、崂山湾、胶州湾、海州湾等(图1)。众多河流、海湾造就了历史上山东近海优越的渔业资源栖息环境,是黄、渤海渔业资源的主要繁衍育肥场所,为我国以及日本、韩国、朝鲜等周边国家提供了丰富的海洋生物资源[22]。
1.2 数据来源
图1 调查区域及调查站位Fig.1 Sample area and sample stations
1.3 研究方法
1.3.1 鱼类种类名录的建立
鱼类分类和命名采用Nelson[23]分类系统。根据《山东鱼类志》[24]记录的海洋鱼类,合并最新研究结果[25- 27]证实为同物异名的种类,剔除偶然进入山东海域的种类,建立山东近海鱼类种类目录。根据1998年调查、2006年调查、2009年调查建立历次调查名录。
表1 2009年调查站位Table 1 Sample area in 2009
1.3.2 分类阶元包含指数
式中,Ni表示第i级分类阶元的数目,Ckj为第j个k级分类阶段元的数目。通过对比不同海区之间的分类阶元包含指数分析不同环境条件下各海区的鱼类分类组成差异。分类阶元包含指数值越大,表示更多的种(属,科,目) 级阶元类群数目归属于属(科、目) 级分类阶元的一个类群,说明鱼类在该分类阶元的种类分布越集中,亲缘关系越近。
1.3.3 分类学多样性指数
表2 不同分类等级多样性权重值[29]Table 2 The branch weight on species at each taxonomic level [29]
2.1 分类阶元组成
《山东省鱼类志》[20]记录山东海水鱼类257种,但根据最新的研究[21,25- 27]表明,其中存在部分同物异名种,如华鳐(Rajachinensis)和孔鳐(Rajaporosa)均为斑鳐(Okamejeikenojei),短鳍衔(Callionymuskitaharae)是绯衔(Callionymusbeniteguri)的同物异名,赵氏狮子鱼(Liparischoanus)为网纹狮子鱼(Liparischefuensis)同物异名种,矛尾复虾虎鱼(Synechogobiushasta)和斑尾复虾虎鱼(Synechogobiusommaturus)为斑尾刺虾虎鱼(Acanthogobiusommaturus)的同物异名;部分种类并无标本仅根据其他文献记载认为其分布于黄渤海,但根据目前的研究证实这些种类并不分布于黄渤海,仅在极偶然情况下在黄渤海才出现,如灰鲭鲨(Isurusoxyrinchus),黑印真鲨(Carcharhinusmenisorrah),短吻角鲨(Squalusbrevirostris)、鯻(Theraponjarbua)、东方旗鱼(Histiophorusorientalis)等。删除上述同物异名种以及正常情况无分布的种类,整理得山东近海鱼类225种,包括2纲28目91科169属225种。1998年调查鱼类2纲11目41科58属62种,2006年调查为1纲13目41科71属78种,2009年调查为2纲9目32科56属62种。1998年—2009年调查鱼类种数远远低于山东近海鱼类名录记录的种数(表3)。分类阶元包含指数较低,平均每属仅1.1种左右,每科也不足2种。
表3 黄、渤海及山东近海鱼类分类阶元数Table 3 Numbers of taxa of fishes in Yellow Sea &Bohai Sea and coastal waters off Shandong
2.2 分类学多样性
图2 山东近海鱼类平均分类差异指数和分类差异变异指数Fig.2 Average taxonomic distinctness index and variation in taxonomic distinctness index offishes in Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea
图3 平均分类差异指数Δ+和分类差异变异指数Λ+漏斗图Fig.3 95% probability funnels of average taxonomic distinctness and variation in taxonomic distinctness of fishes in coastal waters off Shandong
表4 1998—2009年历次调查鱼类群落分类学多样性Table 4 Taxonomic diversity of fish assemblages in the surveys between 1998 and 2009
表5 黄、渤海及山东近海鱼类分类阶元组成特征Table 5 Composition characteristics of fish taxa in Yellow Sea &Bohai Sea and coastal waters off Shandong
表6 不同海域鱼类各阶元种的分类阶元包含指数Table 6 The inclusion index at taxonomic level in different areas
S: 种Species; G: 属Genius; F: 科Family;O: 目Order
表7 不同区域鱼类分类学多样性指数Table 7 Taxonomic diversityof fish community in different surveys
经典理论认为,在一个未受扰动的群落中,往往包括形态差异显著、属于不同门类的种类;而在受到严重扰动的生境中,群落往往仅由一些密切关联的种组成[27]。山东近海由于河口、港湾众多,生境多样(包括河口、岩礁、泥滩、海草场等)[6,22],对鱼类多样性的维持具有重要作用。随着人类活动的扰动(过度捕捞、环境污染、生境丧失等)的不断加剧,从建国开始到21世纪初期的短短的几十年内,黄渤海和山东近海鱼类种类和数量组成发生了剧烈的波动[36- 37],部分种类丧失,鱼类分类学范围变小,从而使Δ+值变小。将2006—2009年调查名录计算的鱼类Δ+值与山东近海鱼类名录计算的鱼类Δ+值相比明显变小,大部分调查值处于95%置信曲线之外,均表明目前山东近海鱼类多样性已大幅下降(图5)。
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Taxonomic diversity of fish assemblages in coastal waters off Shandong
LI Fan1,ZHOU Xing2,ZHANG Lan3, REN Zhonghua1, LÜ Zhenbo1,*
Maintaining biological diversity is one of the central goals of global biodiversity and ecosystem management. The coastal waters off Shandong, located in the Yellow and Bohai seas of northern China, are important spawning and feeding grounds for many fishery species, and so play an important role in biodiversity maintenance. Assessing taxonomic diversity provides a new method for measuring and interpreting community relationships in the form of inter-species differences. It can be carried out simultaneously in different regions, habitats or surveys and has been widely used in fish community studies. In this study, index and characters of taxonomic diversity of fishes in the coastal waters off Shandong were examined. First, a list of fish in the study area was established. This list was based on several studies from published literature and was established from surveys conducted during 1998 and 2009. Fish classification and nomenclature was adopted from the Nelson classification system and synonymous species were excluded. Then the taxonomic diversity, including the average taxonomic distinctness (Δ+) and variation in taxonomic distinctness (Λ+), of fish assemblages was calculated based on the list of fish species. Finally, the survey list of fishes was superpositioned into the total list of fishes in the coastal waters off Shandong and the 95% confidence funnel was calculated. Results show that there were 225 species belonging to 2 classes, 28 orders, 91 families and 169 genera in the checklist of fishes in coastal waters off Shandong. In 2006 there were only 2 classes, 11 orders, 41 families, 50 genera in 1998, 1 class, 13 orders, 41 families, 71 genera and 78 species; and in 2009 there were 1 class, 9 orders, 32 families, 55 genera and 62 species. These results show that the numbers of fish species in coastal waters off Shandong declined in surveys taken between 1998 and 2009. Inclusion index at the taxonomic level was low; with usually only a single species in each genus. The average taxonomic distinctness was 66.1 and variation in taxonomic distinctness was 141.7. In surveys taken between 2006 and 2009, the average taxonomic distinctness was between 60.9 and 62.7 and the variation in taxonomic distinctness was between 65.4 and 92.3. The analysis of 95% confidence funnels showed that almost all surveys were lower than the theoretical mean and was out of 95% confidence funnel, which suggests that the diversity of fishes in coastal waters off Shandong has significantly decreased. The inclusion index of fishes in coastal waters off Shandong was in line with the trend that the inclusion index was higher in tropical waters and lower in high-latitude waters. The average taxonomic distinctness value in coastal waters off Shandong was higher than in other continental shelf waters in China. Due to the large numbers of estuaries, bays, and diverse habitats, the coastal waters off Shandong maintain a fish community with many morphological different species and have a high taxonomic diversity. After decades of overfishing, polluting and habitat loss, the species composition has significantly changed and the taxonomic diversity has significantly declined.
Coastal waters off Shandong;inclusion index at taxonomic level;taxonomic diversity;average taxonomic distinctness;variation in taxonomic distinctness
2013- 06- 10;
2014- 10- 11
*通讯作者Corresponding author.E-mail: ytlvzhenbo@163.com
李凡,周兴,张岚,任中华,吕振波.山东近海鱼类群落分类多样性.生态学报,2015,35(7):2322- 2330.
Li F,Zhou X,Zhang L, Ren Z H, Lü Z B.Taxonomic diversity of fish assemblages in coastal waters off Shandong.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2015,35(7):2322- 2330.