
2015-03-08 10:04:46唐明峰颜熹琳温茂萍
火炸药学报 2015年6期

唐明峰,颜熹琳,唐 维,李 明,温茂萍

(中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所, 四川绵阳621900)



(中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所, 四川绵阳621900)



Progress of Study on Mechanical Properties of the Crystal/Binder Interface in PBX

TANG Ming-feng, YAN Xi-lin, TANG Wei, LI Ming, WEN Mao-ping

(Institute of Chemical Materials, CAEP, Mianyang Sichuan 621900, China)

Abstract:From the characteristics of PBX interface, the influence of interface on the mechanical properties of PBXs and the mechanical characterization of PBX interface, etc, the mechanical properties of PBX explosive crystal and the binder interface were summarized and reviewed. The factors affecting the PBX interface, the relationship between the interface and the macro/micro mechanical properties of PBX and the research progress of several different characterization methods of PBX interface were introduced. It is pointed out that the research on the direct loading and observation method of real interface and simulation interface of PBX should be carried out and the role of the numerical simulation is further enhanced, with 43 references. With this communication we want to suggest the system ZrW2, a high-density and very hard intermetallic compound that reacts/burns highly exothermic with air at high temperature. This intermetallic phase should provide a very suitable reactive material for warhead applications.

Keywords:solid mechanics; PBX; explosive crystal; interfacial mechanical properties; binder Cermisch metal; intermetallic phase; thermites; reactive structure material; warhead











图1 带有裂纹的PBX9501显微结构图Fig.1 Microstructure images of PBX9501 with cracks

炸药晶体与黏结剂界面对PBX的力学性能也有不可忽略的影响,例如,界面脱粘将直接导致PBX模量下降。Tan等[17]根据文献中相关数据(PBX9501中HMX和黏结剂的质量比及模量、泊松比等),在假设PBX9501界面良好(没有脱粘现象)的前提下,基于Mori Tanaka方法,通过理论公式推算了PBX9501的体积弹性模量为1.96GPa。同时指出,相关文献中报道的PBX9501在低应变率下杨氏模量的实验值仅为1.11GPa,低于理论计算值40%左右。因此认为,界面脱粘是PBX9501体积模量理论计算值与实验值相差较大的主要原因。在PBX炸药受拉伸的情况下,炸药晶体与黏结剂界面作用的强弱在很大程度上决定了PBX材料的强度。段伯祯等[18]对两种炸药浇注形成的界面进行了抗拉强度试验,发现界面处的抗拉强度介于两种炸药的本征抗拉强度之间,这从另一个角度证明了界面对PBX强度的影响。在炸药配方设计中,研究者们往往通过添加偶联剂来达到增强界面作用的目的。Li fan等[19]研究发现,经偶联剂改性后的TATB与含氟聚合物的界面张力显著减小,界面黏合功增大,偶联剂能形成与TATB间的强相互作用。林聪妹等[20]研究了黏结剂增强对TATB基PBX力学性能的影响,发现随着增强剂含量增加,复合黏结剂的拉伸强度明显增加,同时TATB基PBX的力学性能显著提高。吴文辉等[21]采用溶胀比测试和原位拉伸扫描电镜观测的方式,研究了键合剂对推进剂界面作用的影响,发现中性聚合物键合剂(NPBA)在硝铵颗粒周围形成了一层高模量的中间相,提高了推进剂的拉伸性能,有效解决了“脱湿”问题。





图3 界面结合处初始失效的连续照片Fig.3 Continuous images of the initial failure in theinterface junction

Tan等[25]针对PBX9501设计了改进的紧凑拉伸试验,基于数字图像相关技术获得了炸药宏观裂纹尖端附近的应力和位移,采用扩展的Mori-Tanaka方法研究了PBX9501中的界面脱粘效应,获得了PBX9501中颗粒与基体界面的线性模量、结合强度及软化模量。Tan的研究思路是从宏观断裂试验中通过理论计算获取关于颗粒与基体界面的力学量,通过获得的力学量来表征PBX中颗粒/基体界面细观结合规律。该研究方法对炸药中的细观界面有了定量的认识,但缺乏对PBX中界面作用本质的深入分析。肖继军等[26-27]通过分子动力学模拟方法对β-HMX晶体的(100)晶面与聚合物黏结剂PEG、HTPB和Estane5703之间的界面情况开展了理论研究,包括界面结构、界面力学性能(例如界面的弹性性能和延展性等),得出添加少量聚合物黏结剂,可以有效提高HMX晶体的延展性。孙婷等[28]对CL-20/DNB共晶与黏结剂间的界面作用和力学性能进行了分子动力学模拟,发现加入少量黏结剂会减小CL-20/DNB共晶炸药的弹性系数、拉伸模量和体积模量,且HTPB比PEG对共晶炸药力学性能的优化更好。陶俊等[29]模拟了ε-CL-20/含能黏结剂界面的结合能与作用方式,发现二者的界面作用有效降低了ε-CL-20的刚性,含能热塑性弹性体能增强ε-CL-20的延展性。LONG Y等人[30]则采用分子力学和分子动力学方法对HMX晶体/氟聚合物黏结剂界面的力场演化进行了研究,结果表明,片状包覆和球形包覆下弹性常数、体积模量和塑性应力是相近的,最大区别为20%,但剪切应力差异较大,球形包覆能使剪切强度提高10%~200%。

另一种有效的方式是通过界面相互作用对PBX界面进行表征,该方法多基于能量的角度。最初用来表征PBX界面特性的参量是表面能,表面能主要取决于界面处的分子类型和化学键类型。然而大多数情况下,界面结合能的测量值比实际值大很多[31]。因此,研究者们找到了一种比表面能更适合来表征界面情况的物理量——断裂能G,即采用断裂力学的方法来定义界面结合情况。断裂能G通常被认为是一种能量释放速率或者裂纹扩展力,并且与材料的断裂韧性有关[32]。断裂能和界面结合能是目前常用的两种能量表征方法。Tan[25]和Wiegand等[33]研究了PBX9501的结合能与断裂能,通过能量对PBX9501的界面进行了表征,对比发现界面结合能与断裂能的表征结果具有很好的一致性。马秀芳等[34]采用分子动力学方法对PBX中HMX/F2311的界面结合能进行了计算,并对计算结果进行了详细分析。结果表明,PBX中HMX/F2311的界面结合能为314.2kJ/mol,HMX与F2311之间存在氢键作用和较强的范德华力。Lu Yang等[35]同样采用分子动力学模拟的方法对β-HMX晶体与黏结剂Estane的界面自由能进行了理论计算。还有研究者在测量接触角的基础上通过计算表面能来间接表征界面作用[36-37]。

PBX界面处的物理结构也是常用的表征方式之一。Hackjin Kim等[38]采用振动和频产生谱的方法测试了β-HMX单晶和高分子黏结剂Estane之间的界面情况,虽然得到一些试验结果,但同时指出该试验结果并不具有代表性。宋华杰等[39]采用动态力学分析技术(DMA)对TATB/氟聚物复合材料的界面粘合情况进行了研究,结果表明TATB/氟聚物界面为分明型界面,其分子间作用主要是范德华力,而这种作用不能有效阻止该晶面的滑移。该方法表明利用三相模型和A参数[40]来表征PBX的界面是可行的。WU 等[41]对PBX炸药中炸药晶体/黏结剂界面脱粘现象进行了详细的模拟计算,考虑界面损伤后PBX9501的计算结果与试验吻合良好。XIAO Jijun等[26]采用pair correlation function (PCF)方法分析了HMX晶体的(100)晶面与聚合物黏结剂PEG和HTPB以及Estane5703之间的界面结构,发现这些界面之间存在氢键和静电作用。王东旭等[42]研究了ε-HNIW/F2311体系PBX的界面结构力学行为,发现温度达到348K后ε-HNIW/F2311界面结构比内层ε-HNIW形状变化和体积变化都变得相对容易,弹性增强的同时可以有效地分散应力,ε-HNIW/F2311界面结构在298~373K内成型性较好。








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国内统一刊号:CN61-1310/TJ国际标准刊号:ISSN 1007-7812



CLC number:TJ55Document Code:AArticle ID:1007-7812(2015)06-0008-03

Received date:2015-11-10;Revised date:2015-11-17

Biography:Jürgen Evers(1941-), male, research field: solid state chemistry.

Corresponding author:Thomas M. Klapötke(1961-), male, research field: energetic materials, explosives.


Since lethal weapons predominantly rely on overpressure and blast effect, new high-performance secondary explosives can help to down-size the weapon system. On the other hand, if weapon systems rely on the formation of fragments (fragmenting warheads), new more energetic high explosives can only marginally help to improve the performance. In this case, chemically reactive fragments could be an answer, since in conventional warheads up to 75% of the mass corresponds to the non-reactive casing (steel casing). Research on chemically stable, but highly reactive materials could help to solve this problem. Such reactive structural materials (RSM) might be thermites, Al-PTFE composite materials or Al-Zn-Zr, Al-W or Al-U based alloys. Such RSMs should possess the following properties[1]:(1)High density;(2)High hardness;(3)Fast, highly exothermic reaction on hitting the target.

A new system which might be extremely interesting in this context is the intermetallic phase ZrW2. ZrW2is a high-density, very hard intermetallic compound that reacts/burns in a highly exothermic reaction with air at high temperatures. This intermetallic phase should provide a very suitable reactive material for warhead applications.


ZrW2with the MgCu2structure seems to fit very well with the Zr and W atoms. It should be very hard also densely packed. One can also expect that this intermetallic compound should burn at very high tempartures in a strong exothermic reaction due to the zirconium content of 33%. The heat of formation of ZrO2with -1100kJ/mol is high as in CeO2with 1089kJ/mol. From Cermisch metal the exothermic burning with a strong white flame at high temperature is very well-known.

W has a compression modulus of 357GPa (close to that of diamond with 420GPa). We expect and predict that ZrW2is going to be one of the intermetallic phases with the highest value for the hardness. This together with the extremely high exothermic combustion reaction should make this intermetallic phase one of the most suitable for warhead applications (reactive structural materials).

Tungsten belongs to the 6d transition metals with a very high melting temperature and very high density, as it is shown in Table 1 in comparison with tantalum, rhenium, and osmium. The prices of rhenium and osmium are much higher than those for tungsten and tantalum. But in comparison with tungsten, tantalum shows both a remarkable lower melting temperature and lower density.

Table 1 Comparison of melting temperatures and densities

Therefore tungsten seems to be a good choice for an intermetallic compound with both high melting point and high density. The reactivity of tungsten at high temperature against air could be shown the enthalpy of formation of tungsten oxide WO3ΔHf,298,WO3=-835kJ/mol. Unfortunately for tungsten nitride heat of formation is unknown up to now.

Searching for a metal with high density which could form an alloy one could consider metals such as thallium, lead and bismuth (Table 2). But all three metals have a low melting temperature at about 300℃, with a high density about 10g/cm3. However, thallium and lead are very toxic, contrary to bismuth. Unfortunately, bismuth does not form a solution with solid or liquid tungsten.

Table 2 Comparison of melting temperatures and densities

It is well known that rare earth elements from lanthanum to lutetium and also the technical used Cermisch metal are very reactive against hot air and form oxides with very high heats of formation (e.g. ΔHf,298,CeO2=-1089kJ/mol) and densities between approximately 6 and 9g/cm3. However the rare earth metals do not form any solution or compound with solid or liquid tungsten.

It is also known that tetravalent metals transition metal titanium, zirconium and hafnium are very reactive in hot condition with air or moisture. Therefore they are used in many cases as gettering metals. A piece of titanium sealed in a silica tube filled with air will pump out the gas inside the tube forming TiO2with oxygen, TiN with nitrogen, TiC and TiO2with carbon dioxide. Only the rare gas argon will remain without reaction in the tube. The melting temperatures and densities and the heats of formation of oxides MO2and nitridesMN (M=Ti,Zr,Hf) are compared in Table 3 and Table 4.

Table 3 Comparison of melting temperatures and densities

Table 4 Heats of formation of oxides and nitrides of reactive

Inspection of Tables 3 and 4 shows that titanium, zirconium and hafnium are very reactive against very hot air forming oxides, but less reactive forming nitrides. However, titanium has a low density and hafnium is a very precious metal and therefore very expensive.

Therefore for an intermetallic compound with density and high reactivity one should prepare a compound between tungsten and zirconium. Looking up the compressions modulus for zirconium(93GPa) and tungsten(357GPa)[4], having in mind this modulus for diamond with 443GPa[4]. The relatively high modulus of tungsten in comparison to diamond shows that tungsten is very hard.

It is shown from the Zr-W phase diagram that a compound with composition ZrW2is formed peritectically at 2210℃. Total melting is obtained 3000℃[5](Fig.1).

Fig.1 W-Z Phase diagram[5]


ZrW2crystallizes in the cubic Laves-friauf phase with MgCu2structure, space groupFd-3m(Table 5)[6-7]. The lattice parameter of the cubic phase with composition ZrW2isa=761.3(2)Å with 8 formula units (8 Zr, 16 W). Figure 2 shows a view along the cubic axis on the cubic unit-cell.

Fig.2 View along the cubic axis on a unit-cell of ZrW2

In Figure 3 it is shown that the tungsten atoms build up a network of W4tetrahedra. The W-W distances are 2.692Å(Figure 2).

Fig.3 Network of interconnected W4tetrahedra

The Zr atoms build up a four-connected net as it is also found in the diamond structure with Zr-Zr distances of 3.296Å.

Fig.4 View on the net of four-connected Zr atoms, as itis also found in the diamond structure

It is very interesting that the averaged spacefilling of the body-centered cubic structure of tungsten with 68%(Figure 5) and of the hexagonal close-packed structure of zirconium with 74%(Figure 6) is realized in the ZrW2the cubic Laves-friauf phase with spacefilling of 71%. W partial structure in ZrW2is compressed by 3% and the Zr partial structure increased by 3%.

Fig.5 View on the unit-cell for body-centered cubictungsten with 68 % spacefilling

Fig.6 View on the hexagonal-close packed structurewith 74% spacefilling

In the W partial structure of ZrW2with 71 % spacefilling the W-W distances with 2.692Å are compressed in comparison with elemental tungsten (2.740Å). On the other hand, in the Zr partial structure of ZrW2the Zr-Zr distances with 3.296Å are elongated in comparison with elemental Zr(3.178 and 3.231Å).

These facts are also reflected in the molar volumesVM. TheVMvalue for ZrW2is 33.214cm3/mol(Figure 2). The sum ofVMZr=14.017cm3/mol(Figure 6) and 2VMW=33.109cm3/mol(Figure 5) is only 0.3% lower than that for ZrW2at room temperature. Filling up the MgCu2structure of ZrW2with 33%(atom fraction) Zr and 67% W(atom fraction), a very good fitting is achieved. If the molar volumes of the elements are slightly higher or lower than in ZrW2cannot be truly decides, because at the formation at 2215℃(Figure 1) one should know precisely also the temperature variation of the lattice parameters.

Therefore ZrW2with the MgCu2structure seems to fit very well with the Zr and the W atoms. It should be very hard also densely packed. One can also expect that this intermetallic compound should burn at very high tempartures in a strong exothermic reaction due to the zirconium content

of 33%. The heat of formation of ZrO2with -1100kJ/mol(Table 4) is high as in CeO2with -1089kJ/mol. From Cermisch metal the exothermic burning with a strong white flame at high temperature is very well-known.


The system ZrW2, a high-density, very hard intermetallic compound that reacts/burns highly exothermic with air at high temperature. This intermetallic phase should provide a very suitable reactive material for warhead applications.


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Use of Intermetallic Alloys as Reactive Materials for Warhead Applications

Jürgen Evers, Thomas M. Klapötke

(Department of Chemistry, Energetic Materials Research, LMU Munich, Butenandtstr. 5-13, 81377 Munich, Germany)



作者简介:唐明峰(1988 -),男,研究实习员,从事炸药及高分子材料的力学性能研究。

基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助(No.11302198; No.11372292);中国工程物理研究院发展基金资助(2013B0201025);国防基础科研资助(B1520132004)


中图分类号:TJ55; O34



DOI:10.14077/j.issn.1007-7812.2015.06.001 10.14077/j.issn.1007-7812.2015.06.002