
2015-03-05 01:42
国际人才交流 2015年12期

北京环球影城开建 投资500亿50 Billion Yuan Invested in Universal Studios Beijing


The groundbreaking ceremony for Beijing’s Universal Studios was held recently. 50 billion Yuan has been invested in the construction of the world’s largest theme park. The park is expected to open in 2020, and will be located between Jingha Highway and the East Sixth Ring Road.The theme park will be the third Universal Studios in Asia.

施密特:谷歌想回中国提供服务Alphabet Chairman: Google is Set to Return to China

Alphabet(谷歌母公司,以下均以谷歌代指)执行主席施密特近日透露,谷歌一直希望能给中国提供服务。谈及谷歌2012年初退出中国一事时,施密特说:“谷歌在香港、台湾都有办事处,谷歌的服务器也还在香港。”施密特说:“实际上我们希望能给中国提供服务,我们也继续跟政府保持这样的沟通。”施密特说,现在中国有滴滴、优步,还有亚马逊,移动支付有支付宝、微信支付等,10年前这些是大家都没有想到的业务领域。Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Alphabet/Google revealed that Google hopes to provide services in China.“The interesting thing is that Google never left China.” Schmidt said of the company’s 2012 withdrawal from the Mainland.He added that Google still has servers in Hong Kong and offices in Hong Kong and Taiwan.“In fact, we hope to provide service in China, and we continue to communicate with the Chinese government.” he said. China now has Didi, Uber,Amazon, and other successful courier services. Alipay and WeChat Wallet have also taken the market by storm. 10 years ago, these kinds of businesses were not even on the radar in China.

蒂姆·库克:苹果加大在华投资 加快在华开设零售店Tim Cook: Apple to Increase Investments, Open More Stores in China

苹果CEO蒂姆·库克近日表示:“现在在中国有150多万的开发者在iOS当中开发应用程序,我们鼓励更多的人开发应用程序。” 目前,中国区应用总数量达到23万,中国的开发者从App Store已赚到了40亿美元。苹果为中国区提供了总共440万工作机会,其中与软件有关的140万,与生产制造有关的300万,苹果在中国的员工数量达到1万人。中国目前是苹果在美国以外的最大业务市场,据预计,到明年年中,苹果在中国的零售店数量将达到40家。Apple CEO Tim Cook said that there currently are 1.5 million developers in China and that Apple is working to encourage more people to develop apps for iOS.Chinese developers have earned a total of $4 billion from 230,000 iOS apps.Apple executives have previously said that China has downloaded the most apps globally from the Apple store.Apple has created 4.4 million jobs in China: 1.4 million in software development, and 3 million in production. Apple also employs 10,000 corporate employees within China.China is now Apple’s biggest market outside the U.S., and the company hopes to reach 40 stores in China by the middle of next year.
