这部《条例》被称为 “最全面控烟立法”,规定今后北京市所有“带顶的、带盖的”公共场所、工作场所和公共交通工具100%禁烟;同时,幼儿园、中小学校、文保单位、体育场、妇幼保健机构、儿童医院等室外公共场所也被列入全面禁烟范围。室外也对吸烟多有限制,如排队时禁止吸烟。违者将被处以个人最高200元,单位最高1万元罚款。
On June 1, Beijing will implement its strictest anti-smoking policy yet. The policy was passed back in November,2014 by the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress and bans smoking in indoor workplaces and restricts smoking in queues outdoors while waiting for public transportation. Individual violators will be fined up to 200 Yuan, and workplaces can be fined up to10,000 Yuan.