
2015-02-21 06:06:16谢丽玲
生物技术进展 2015年1期

彭 齐, 谢丽玲, 谢 俊

汕头大学理学院生物系, 广东 汕头 515063



彭 齐, 谢丽玲*, 谢 俊

汕头大学理学院生物系, 广东 汕头 515063




1 分析中药对细胞壁和细胞膜的影响


碱性磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase,AKP)是存在于细胞壁与细胞膜之间的一种酶,正常情况下在胞外不能检测到活性。当细胞壁遭到破坏后,透性增加将其泄漏到细胞外,通过检测细胞外酶活力的变化可以反映细胞壁的透性变化[11]。孙京新等[12]研究茶多酚对假单胞菌抑菌机理时,通过测定菌液AKP的含量,发现在经过0.3%茶多酚处理4.5 h后,试验组的AKP含量上升到 0.9金氏单位/mL ,而对照组仅为0.2金氏单位/mL。如果要准确的反映出AKP的变化,不仅要求细胞壁的破坏达到一定的程度,而且对菌数量也有一定的要求。这样才能保证酶能够释放到胞外并能够被准确的检测。


在正常情况下,蛋白质等大分子无法通过细胞膜屏障,但是当细胞膜的完整性受到破坏时,胞内的大分子物质会外溢。郭媛等[14]在研究八角茴香精油及其主要单体成分对大肠杆菌的抑制机理时发现,100 mg/mL的柠檬烯和八角茴香精油作用于大肠杆菌4 h后,菌液中蛋白质含量分别达到19.64%和20.44%。说明细胞膜的完整性受到了破坏。取细菌的上清液用Bradford试剂测蛋白质的溶度,此方法的灵敏度很高,而且重复性好,根据所测结果的变化,能够很好的反应细胞膜的完整性。

在细胞膜没有受到损伤时,细胞内的带电离子不能自由通过细胞膜,胞内胞外的离子保持一定的平衡浓度。但是一旦细胞膜受到损伤,会导致细胞内的离子大量外流,从而菌液的电导率会升高。Wu等[15]在研究柑橘中提取的聚甲氧基黄酮对黑曲霉的抑制机制时发现,在加入样品处理后,菌液的电导率明显增加,说明细胞膜受到了损伤。但本实验室用同样的方法进行实验时,发现存在一个明显的问题,即将所有的细胞煮沸,使其所有的电解质释放到胞外,菌液电导率的变化仅有40~80 μs/cm,而在实验时,有时处理组的变化相对空白组只多5 μs/cm左右,这很难判断是否为实验误差。

电子显微镜可以观察到细胞的亚显微结构,因此可以直接观察经药物处理后细胞的形态变化来判断作用靶点是否在细胞膜。Lee等[16]用氯仿提取马尾藻时,用溶度为0.5 mg/mL的提取物处理李斯特菌12 h后,用电镜观察,发现细胞包膜均有孔形成并且有大范围的损伤,最后造成细胞裂解死亡。用电镜直接观察细胞的形态变化结果直观可靠,并且重复性较好。

2 分析中药对蛋白质和遗传物质的影响


在细胞群体中,有处于不同细胞周期的各种细胞,处于I期细胞的数目与整个细胞群体数目的比率反映细胞分裂程度[17],而且处于不同时期的细胞其DNA含量和状态是不一样的。因此通过流式细胞仪分析单个细胞内的DNA含量,就能够推算出细胞所处细胞周期的不同时期[18]。王关林等[19]研究苦参对鸡大肠杆菌的抑菌机理时,通过用流式细胞仪观察发现,在药物作用4.5 h后,菌体的蛋白质表达受阻,而导致在Ι期的细胞增多,R期的细胞减少,最终菌体因为不能正常分裂而死亡。流式细胞仪也有其缺陷,在反映核酸的含量时受到很多因素的影响,有些实验的重复性很差,因此在实验时应保证每次的前处理和对照一致,尽量减少误差。

细胞的正常生理代谢需要一定量的蛋白质协同工作,通过破碎细胞提取可溶性蛋白,再测定出蛋白的含量可以反映细胞的代谢情况。吴华彰等[20]研究萝卜硫素对大肠杆菌抑菌机制时,用Bradford法测可溶性蛋白含量,发现经萝卜硫素作用16 h后,菌体的蛋白总量减少了42.5%,从而导致菌体不能正常代谢而死亡。用此法进行研究时,虽然需要在不同的处理时间取样,破碎细胞比较繁琐,但是灵敏度和重复性很好。

3 分析中药对呼吸代谢的影响



苹果酸脱氢酶(malate dehydrogenase,MDH)存在于所有的生物体中,是生物糖代谢的关键酶之一,能催化苹果酸与草酰乙酸之间的可逆转换[22]。因此可以通过测定MDH的活性来判断细胞的呼吸代谢是否正常。杨睿等[23]在研究苦丁茶等10味中草药抑菌作用研究时发现苦丁茶有很好的抑菌活性。并且经苦丁茶处理16 h后,与对照组相比,大肠杆菌的MDH活性降低了32.02%,经苦丁茶处理20 h后,金黄色葡萄球菌的MDH活性降低了39.88%,推测细菌MDH活性的降低影响能量代谢导致细胞死亡。在用此类方法时,一定要注意应在低温及温和的条件下进行酶的提取以防止酶的活性受到影响。也可以选择其他与呼吸代谢有关的酶作为判断依据。

4 展望


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论文链接: Riedel C,etal..The heat released during catalytic turnover enhances the diffusion of an enzyme. Nature,2015,517(7533):227-230.doi:10.1038/nature14043.

Abstract: Recent studies have shown that the diffusivity of enzymes increases in a substrate-dependent manner during catalysis. Although this observation has been reported and characterized for several different systems,the precise origin of this phenomenon is unknown. Calorimetric methods are often used to determine enthalpies from enzyme-catalysed reactions and can therefore provide important insight into their reaction mechanisms. The ensemble averages involved in traditional bulk calorimetry cannot probe the transient effects that the energy exchanged in a reaction may have on the catalyst. Here we obtain single-molecule fluorescence correlation spectroscopy data and analyse them within the framework of a stochastic theory to demonstrate a mechanistic link between the enhanced diffusion of a single enzyme molecule and the heat released in the reaction. We propose that the heat released during catalysis generates an asymmetric pressure wave that results in a differential stress at the protein-solvent interface that transiently displaces the centre-of-mass of the enzyme (chemoacoustic effect). This novel perspective on how enzymes respond to the energy released during catalysis suggests a possible effect of the heat of reaction on the structural integrity and internal degrees of freedom of the enzyme.



论文链接: Cuskin F,etal..Human gutBacteroidetescan utilize yeast mannan through a selfish mechanism. Nature,2015,517(7533):165-169.doi:10.1038/nature13995.

Abstract: Yeasts, which have been a component of the human diet for at least 7 000 years, possess an elaborate cell wall α-mannan. The influence of yeast mannan on the ecology of the human microbiota is unknown. Here we show that yeast α-mannan is a viable food source for the Gram-negative bacteriumBacteroidesthetaiotaomicron, a dominant member of the microbiota. Detailed biochemical analysis and targeted gene disruption studies support a model whereby limited cleavage of α-mannan on the surface generates large oligosaccharides that are subsequently depolymerized to mannose by the action of periplasmic enzymes. Co-culturing studies showed that metabolism of yeast mannan byB.thetaiotaomicronpresents a ‘selfish’ model for the catabolism of this difficult to breakdown polysaccharide. Genomic comparison withB.thetaiotaomicronin conjunction with cell culture studies show that a cohort of highly successful members of the microbiota has evolved to consume sterically-restricted yeast glycans,an adaptation that may reflect the incorporation of eukaryotic microorganisms into the human diet.


ICOSL (inducible T-cell co-stimulator ligand)由B淋巴细胞大量表达,对增殖中心的形成及高亲和性抗体的生成(其机制尚未完全了解)至关重要。该研究采用成像技术(各个细胞之间怎样彼此发生相互作用)显示,B细胞对ICOSL的表达调控了增殖中心内的T-B细胞信号交换,促使合适的B细胞成为骨髓浆细胞腔中的长期抗体生产者。这解释了保护性抗体是怎样产生的,对于疫苗设计可能会有意义。

论文链接: Liu D,etal.. T-B-cell entanglement and ICOSL-driven feed-forward regulation of germinal centre reaction. Nature,2015,517(7533):214-218. doi:10.1038/nature13803.

Abstract: The germinal centre (GC) reaction supports affinity-based B-cell competition and generates high-affinity bone-marrow plasma cells (BMPCs). How follicular T-helper (TFH) cells regulate GC selection is not clear. Using competitive mixed chimaera,we show here that, beyond the role in promoting TFHdevelopment, ICOSL (inducible T-cell co-stimulator ligand, also known as ICOSLG) is important for individual B cells to competitively participate in the GC reaction and to develop into BMPCs. Using intravital imaging aided by a calcium reporter,we further show that ICOSL promotes an ‘entangled’ mode of TFH-B-cell interactions,characterized by brief but extensive surface engagement,productive T-cell calcium spikes,and B-cell acquisition of CD40 signals. Reiterated entanglement promotes outer-zone co-localization of outcompeting GC B cells together with TFHcells,affording the former increased access to T-cell help. ICOSL on GC B cells is upregulated by CD40 signals. Such an intercellular positive feedback between contact-dependent help and ICOSL-controlled entanglement promotes positive selection and BMPC development,as evidenced by observations that higher-affinity B-cell receptor variants are enriched in the ICOSLhighfraction,that numerically disadvantaged ICOSL-deficient GC B cells or BMPCs exhibit strong affinity compensation in competitive chimaera, and that when GC competition proceeds without ICOSL,selection of high-affinity variants in otherwise normal GC reactions is impaired. By demonstrating entanglement as the basic form of GC TFH-B-cell interactions,identifying ICOSL as a molecular linkage between T-B interactional dynamics and positive selection for high-affinity BMPC formation,our study reveals a pathway by which TFHcells control the quality of long-lived humoral immunity.



论文链接: Reniere M L,etal..Glutathione activates virulence gene expression of an intracellular pathogen. Nature,2015,517(7533):170-173.doi:10.1038/nature14029.

Abstract: Intracellular pathogens are responsible for much of the world-wide morbidity and mortality due to infectious diseases. To colonize their hosts successfully,pathogens must sense their environment and regulate virulence gene expression appropriately. Accordingly, on entry into mammalian cells,the facultative intracellular bacterial pathogenListeriamonocytogenesremodels its transcriptional program by activating the master virulence regulator PrfA. Here we show that bacterial and host-derived glutathione are required to activate PrfA. In this study a genetic selection led to the identification of a bacterial mutant in glutathione synthase that exhibited reduced virulence gene expression and was attenuated 150-fold in mice. Genome sequencing of suppressor mutants that arose spontaneouslyinvivorevealed a single nucleotide change inprfAthat locks the protein in the active conformation (PrfA*) and completely bypassed the requirement for glutathione during infection. Biochemical and genetic studies support a model in which glutathione-dependent PrfA activation is mediated by allosteric binding of glutathione to PrfA. Whereas glutathione and other low-molecular-weight thiols have important roles in redox homeostasis in all forms of life, here we demonstrate that glutathione represents a critical signalling molecule that activates the virulence of an intracellular pathogen.


抗逆转录病毒疗法不能治愈HIV-1感染,尽管接受了药物治疗,但大部分患者体内仍有大量处于休眠状态的病毒,即存在病毒库。对从30位被HIV-1感染的患者(持续接受抗逆转录病毒治疗并且血浆中的HIV-1 RNA一直保持在检测不到的水平)分离出的免疫细胞所做的这项研究显示,病毒库以具有“细胞毒性T-淋巴细胞逃避突变”的病毒为主导。治疗性疫苗设计的未来方向也许需要关注怎样提升大范围的“细胞毒性T-淋巴细胞反应”。

论文链接: Kai Deng,etal.. Broad CTL response is required to clear latent HIV-1 due to dominance of escape mutations. Nature,2015,517:381-385.doi:10.1038/nature14053.

Abstract: Despite antiretroviral therapy (ART),human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 persists in a stable latent reservoir,primarily in resting memory CD4+T cells. This reservoir presents a major barrier to the cure of HIV-1 infection. To purge the reservoir,pharmacological reactivation of latent HIV-1 has been proposed and tested bothinvitroandinvivo. A key remaining question is whether virus-specific immune mechanisms,including cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs),can clear infected cells in ART-treated patients after latency is reversed. Here we show that there is a striking all or none pattern for CTL escape mutations in HIV-1 Gag epitopes. Unless ART is started early,the vast majority (>98%) of latent viruses carry CTL escape mutations that render infected cells insensitive to CTLs directed at common epitopes. To solve this problem,we identified CTLs that could recognize epitopes from latent HIV-1 that were unmutated in every chronically infected patient tested. Upon stimulation,these CTLs eliminated target cells infected with autologous virus derived from the latent reservoir,bothinvitroand in patient-derived humanized mice. The predominance of CTL-resistant viruses in the latent reservoir poses a major challenge to viral eradication. Our results demonstrate that chronically infected patients retain a broad-spectrum viral-specific CTL response and that appropriate boosting of this response may be required for the elimination of the latent reservoir.

一种ABC运输蛋白的8.2 Å分辨率的结构

“ATP-binding cassette” (ABC)运输蛋白涉及若干种人类疾病,是一个重要药物目标。它是一种小型异寡聚蛋白,对结构生物学家构成挑战。新研究报告了处在一个无核苷酸、面朝里的构型中的TmrAB(异二聚ABC运输蛋白)的8.2 Å分辨率的电子低温显微镜结构。该结构显示,这一ABC运输蛋白的胞质核苷酸结合域是相互接触的。与处于各种不同状态的其他ABC运输蛋白的结构比较显示,胞质核苷酸结合域在从面朝里构型向面朝外构型转变过程中发生滑移和转动。

论文链接: Kim J M,etal.. Subnanometre-resolution electron cryomicroscopy structure of a heterodimeric ABC exporter. Nature,2015,517:396-400.doi:10.1038/nature13872.

Abstract: ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters translocate substrates across cell membranes, using energy harnessed from ATP binding and hydrolysis at their nucleotide-binding domains. ABC exporters are present both in prokaryotes and eukaryotes,with examples implicated in multidrug resistance of pathogens and cancer cells,as well as in many human diseases. TmrAB is a heterodimeric ABC exporter from the thermophilic Gram-negative eubacteriumThermusthermophilus;it is homologous to various multidrug transporters and contains one degenerate site with a non-catalytic residue next to the Walker B motif. Here we report a subnanometre-resolution structure of detergent-solubilized TmrAB in a nucleotide-free,inward-facing conformation by single-particle electron cryomicroscopy. The reconstructions clearly resolve characteristic features of ABC transporters,including helices in the transmembrane domain and nucleotide-binding domains. A cavity in the transmembrane domain is accessible laterally from the cytoplasmic side of the membrane as well as from the cytoplasm,indicating that the transporter lies in an inward-facing open conformation. The two nucleotide-binding domains remain in contact via their carboxy-terminal helices. Furthermore,comparison between our structure and the crystal structures of other ABC transporters suggests a possible trajectory of conformational changes that involves a sliding and rotating motion between the two nucleotide-binding domains during the transition from the inward-facing to outward-facing conformations.



论文链接: Huang Y H,etal..CEACAM1 regulates TIM-3-mediated tolerance and exhaustion. Nature,2015,517:386-390. doi:10.1038/nature13848.

Abstract: T-cell immunoglobulin domain and mucin domain-3 (TIM-3,also known as HAVCR2) is an activation-induced inhibitory molecule involved in tolerance and shown to induce T-cell exhaustion in chronic viral infection and cancers. Under some conditions,TIM-3 expression has also been shown to be stimulatory. Considering that TIM-3,like cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) and programmed death 1 (PD-1),is being targeted for cancer immunotherapy,it is important to identify the circumstances under which TIM-3 can inhibit and activate T-cell responses. Here we show that TIM-3 is co-expressed and forms a heterodimer with carcinoembryonic antigen cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1),another well-known molecule expressed on activated T cells and involved in T-cell inhibition. Biochemical,biophysical and X-ray crystallography studies show that the membrane-distal immunoglobulin-variable (IgV)-like amino-terminal domain of each is crucial to these interactions. The presence of CEACAM1 endows TIM-3 with inhibitory function. CEACAM1 facilitates the maturation and cell surface expression of TIM-3 by forming a heterodimeric interaction incisthrough the highly related membrane-distal N-terminal domains of each molecule. CEACAM1 and TIM-3 also bind intransthrough their N-terminal domains. Bothcisandtransinteractions between CEACAM1 and TIM-3 determine the tolerance-inducing function of TIM-3. In a mouse adoptive transfer colitis model,CEACAM1-deficient T cells are hyper-inflammatory with reduced cell surface expression of TIM-3 and regulatory cytokines,and this is restored by T-cell-specific CEACAM1 expression. During chronic viral infection and in a tumour environment,CEACAM1 and TIM-3 mark exhausted T cells. Co-blockade of CEACAM1 and TIM-3 leads to enhancement of anti-tumour immune responses with improved elimination of tumours in mouse colorectal cancer models. Thus,CEACAM1 serves as a heterophilic ligand for TIM-3 that is required for its ability to mediate T-cell inhibition,and this interaction has a crucial role in regulating autoimmunity and anti-tumour immunity.


癌症干细胞(CSCs)或许能响应于由化疗诱导的损伤积极增殖,其方式与组织修复过程中在伤口处所看到的干细胞动员(stem cell mobilization)方式相似。通过膀胱癌的小鼠模型显示,在连续的化疗周期中,类似干细胞的CK14+细胞发生富集,并在治疗周期之间重新占据肿瘤。这是由PGE2从正在死亡的肿瘤细胞释放而驱动的,其方式与由PGE2诱导的伤口修复相似。

论文链接: Kurtova A V,etal.. Blocking PGE2-induced tumour repopulation abrogates bladder cancer chemoresistance. Nature,2015,517(7533):209-213. doi:10.1038/nature14034.

Abstract: Cytotoxic chemotherapy is effective in debulking tumour masses initially;however, in some patients tumours become progressively unresponsive after multiple treatment cycles. Previous studies have demonstrated that cancer stem cells (CSCs) are selectively enriched after chemotherapy through enhanced survival. Here we reveal a new mechanism by which bladder CSCs actively contribute to therapeutic resistance via an unexpected proliferative response to repopulate residual tumours between chemotherapy cycles,using human bladder cancer xenografts. Further analyses demonstrate the recruitment of a quiescent label-retaining pool of CSCs into cell division in response to chemotherapy-induced damages, similar to mobilization of normal stem cells during wound repair While chemotherapy effectively induces apoptosis, associated prostaglandin E2(PGE2) release paradoxically promotes neighbouring CSC repopulation. This repopulation can be abrogated by a PGE2-neutralizing antibody and celecoxib drug-mediated blockade of PGE2signalling.Invivoadministration of the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) inhibitor celecoxib effectively abolishes a PGE2- and COX2-mediated wound response gene signature,and attenuates progressive manifestation of chemoresistance in xenograft tumours, including primary xenografts derived from a patient who was resistant to chemotherapy. Collectively,these findings uncover a new underlying mechanism that models the progressive development of clinical chemoresistance,and implicate an adjunctive therapy to enhance chemotherapeutic response of bladder urothelial carcinomas by abrogating early tumour repopulation.



论文链接: Neumann B,etal.. EFF-1-mediated regenerative axonal fusion requires components of the apoptotic pathway. Nature,2015,517(7533):219-222. doi:10.1038/nature14102.

Abstract: Functional regeneration after nervous system injury requires transected axons to reconnect with their original target tissue. Axonal fusion,a spontaneous regenerative mechanism identified in several species,provides an efficient means of achieving target reconnection as a regrowing axon is able to contact and fuse with its own separated axon fragment,thereby re-establishing the original axonal tract. Here we report a molecular characterization of this process inCaenorhabditiselegans,revealing dynamic changes in the subcellular localization of the EFF-1 fusogen after axotomy,and establishing phosphatidylserine (PS) and the PS receptor (PSR-1) as critical components for axonal fusion. PSR-1 functions cell-autonomously in the regrowing neuron and, instead of acting in its canonical signalling pathway,acts in a parallel phagocytic pathway that includes the transthyretin protein TTR-52,as well as CED-7,NRF-5 and CED-6. We show that TTR-52 binds to PS exposed on the injured axon,and can restore fusion several hours after injury. We propose that PS functions as a ‘save-me’ signal for the distal fragment,allowing conserved apoptotic cell clearance molecules to function in re-establishing axonal integrity during regeneration of the nervous system.



[美]弗林特,等 著 化学工业出版社 2015年1月出版

原著Principles of Virology为国际上微生物、病毒学领域销售得最好的经典巨著,是一部进行理论创新和技术革新的原典,备受学界推崇,被指定为国际知名高校的教材。译著由国内病毒与病毒性疾病研究领域最权威机构和知名专家联合翻译,确保了译著的内容精准和学术水平,以便为生物学和医学领域科学技术发展提供理论支持。本书主要介绍病毒学基础及病毒分子生物学知识,强调了病毒在感染宿主细胞内发生的分子过程;书中设置了丰富的参考文献和附录信息,总结了代表性病毒在细胞中的增殖周期,可方便读者就具体章节和某一专题深入查阅与学习。本书概念精确、内容权威、图文并茂、实用性居上,适合作为高等院校生命科学、医学及相关专业师生的病毒学教材。对于生命科学、医学及相关领域的科研与技术人员来讲,也是一部难得的工具书。





谢明勇,聂少平 编著 科学出版社 2014年12月出版




钱 洁,房健民 主编 清华大学出版社 2014年12月出版



池永红,范文斌 主编 重庆大学出版社 2014年12月出版

本书主要介绍了发酵工程设备的基本原理、结构和应用,以及在此基础上对典型发酵设备进行的实践操作,从而促进了理论与实践更好地结合。本书共10个项目,内容包括原料的预处理及输送设备、培养基制备设备、空气除菌及调节设备、种子制备及扩大培养设备、发酵罐及附属设备、液固分离设备、萃取及离子交换设备、 蒸馏设备、蒸发结晶干燥设备,并对设备操作安全作了相应介绍。可作为生物工程、发酵工程、食品、生物技术等专业的教材,也可供相关领域科研单位技术人员参考使用。


王雪松,程玉虎,张 林 著 科学出版社 2014年11月出版

本书针对生物信息学领域中海量的生物数据,分别从微阵列数据的分析和处理、基因调控网络的分析和构建以及蛋白质相互作用网络的分析等角度,系统介绍机器学习、统计学习及各种智能算法在生物信息学相关领域的应用。机器学习在生物信息学领域的研究重心集中在观测和探索生物现象,以及建立统一的形式化的模型对生物学现象加以阐释。针对生物信息学领域典型的癌症诊断模型、基因调控网络构建和蛋白质相互作用网络分析3 个研究方向展开机器学习数据挖掘方法的分析与研究,为生物信息学方向的初学者提供了入门知识,也为相关研究人员在相关方向提供了参考信息。


科学技术部社会发展科技司,中国生物技术发展中心 编著

科学出版社 2014年11月出版



张 勇,等 主编 科学出版社 2014年10月出版



Notice for Author




进展评述 刊载生物技术领域的现状和发展、国内外最新的研究进展和动态、科技成果转化应用等方面内容的分析和评述,须提出独到见解和指导性意见(4~6个印刷页面)。

研究论文 应反映生物技术领域热点的、前沿的、重要的科研课题,是从未公开发表和出版的原创性研究论文(5~8个印刷页面,附有约400字摘要,图表不少于3个)。

技术与方法 对实验技术与方法的创新或改进的报道(3~5个印刷页面,附有300字摘要)。

国际追踪 刊载介绍国外生物技术研究与产业发展现状与趋势的论文、报告等。

权威期刊 国际国内权威生物技术类期刊的学术论文的导读,由编辑部采编。

资讯传递 提供科技图书、学术会议、科研职位等信息,由编辑部采编。

产业动态 发布国内外生物技术产业新闻和产品推广广告。



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Editorial Board of Current Biotechnology

主 编


林 敏 中国农业科学院生物技术研究所 研究员

LIN Min Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences


Vice Editor-in-Chief

成 浩 中国农业科学院茶叶研究所 研究员

CHENG Hao Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

张春义 中国农业科学院生物技术研究所 研究员

ZHANG Chun-yi Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

编 委(按姓氏笔划顺序)

Editorial Member

马雪梅 北京工业大学生命科学与生物工程学院 教授

MA Xue-mei College of Life Science and Bio-engineering, Beijing University of Technology

王占武 河北省农林科学院遗传生理研究所 研究员

WANG Zhan-wu Institute of Genetics and Physiology, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences

王俊平 天津科技大学食品工程与生物技术学院 教授

WANG Jun-ping Institute of Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Tianjing University of Science and Technology

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WU Ning-feng Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

刘 波 福建省农业科学院 研究员

LIU Bo Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

孙 毅 山西省农业科学院生物技术研究中心 研究员

SUN Yi Biotechnology Research Center, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences

闫培生 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)海洋学院 教授

YAN Pei-sheng School of the Ocean, Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai

何晨阳 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所 研究员

HE Chen-yang Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

宋 渊 中国农业大学生物学院 教授

SONG Yuan College of Biological Science, China Agricultural University

张晓东 北京市农林科学院农业生物技术中心 研究员

ZHANG Xiao-dong Agricultural Biotechnology Center, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences

李 寅 中国科学院微生物研究所 研究员

LI Yin Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

李 颖 中国农业大学生物学院 教授

LI Ying College of Biological Science, China Agricultural University

汪世华 福建农林大学生命科学学院 教授

WANG Shi-hua College of Life Science, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

姚 斌 中国农业科学院饲料研究所 研究员

YAO Bin Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

昝林森 西北农林科技大学动物科技学院国家肉牛改良中心 教授

ZAN Lin-sen National Beef Cattle Improvement Center, College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A & F University

赵黎明 华东理工大学生物工程学院食品科学与工程系 教授

ZHAO Li-ming Department of Food Science and Technology, School of Biotechnology, East China University of Science and Technology

郜海燕 浙江省农业科学院食品科学研究所 研究员

GAO Hai-yan Institute of Food Science, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences

郝东云 吉林省农业科学院生物技术研究中心 研究员

HAO Dong-yun Biotechnology Research Center, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences

涂巨民 浙江大学农业与生物技术学院 教授

TU Ju-min College of Agriculture & Biotechnology, Zhejiang University

郭三堆 中国农业科学院生物技术研究所 研究员

GUO San-dui Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

路铁刚 中国农业科学院生物技术研究所 研究员

LU Tie-gang Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Research Methods for Antibacterial Mechanism of Traditional Chinese Medicine

PENG Qi, XIE Li-ling*, XIE Jun


As a result of antibiotics’ abuse, bacterial resistance and antibiotics’ residues in food have become growing problems. It is urgent to find new antibacterial drugs to deal with these problems. However, It takes long cycle and high cost to develop new antibiotics, besides, resistance and residues are inevitable when using antibiotics. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has thousands years’ application history in our country, anti-bacterial anti-inflammatory effect of some TCM have been proved by modern science. In addition, TCM has many merits, such as, cheap, non-toxic, non-residues, non-resistance and so on. However, current studies focused on separation and extraction of active ingredients, or preliminary antibacterial effect. This paper summarized the main principles, research methods and achievements of TCM antibacterial mechanisms from cell wall and cell membrane, protein and genetic material, and respiratory metabolism in order to provide a reference for conducting relative studies.

traditional Chinese medicine; antibacterial mechanism; research methods

2014-12-31; 接受日期:2015-01-09


彭齐,硕士研究生,研究方向为活性物质提取。E-mail:644599905@qq.com。*通信作者:谢丽玲,副教授,硕士,主要从事生物活性物质研究。Tel:0754-88562072; E-mail:llxie@stu.edu.cn


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