罗平生物群是海生动物、陆生植物以及少量陆生动物的混合群落。其中,节肢动物占主宰地位,以甲壳纲为主,还有鲎类、千足虫类等。鱼类也丰富多样, 至少有二十多个种,其中大部分是新属新种。伴生化石还包括海生爬行类、双壳类、腹足类、菊石、棘皮类、腕足类、牙形石、有孔虫等。罗平生物群保存精美,种类丰富,规模庞大, 堪称世界级化石宝库,是云南省继澄江动物群之后又一重大发现。
罗平生物群由中国地质调查局成都地调中心进行1:50 000区调时发现。首发地位于云南省罗平县城东南12km罗雄镇大洼子村。生物化石赋存于中三叠统世(安尼期)关岭组二段。
Luoping Biota
The Luoping Biota is one of the most diverse Mesozoic marine Fossil-Lagerstatten known in the world, which represents the overall revival of marine ecosystem of early Triassic after mass extinction of organisms at end of Permian.
The Luoping Biota is a mixed community of marine animals, terrestrial plants and a few terrestrial animals.The arthropod is the dominant member in the community, mainly the crustacean.Moreover,the horseshoe crab and millipede are discovered as well.The fishes are also abundant and diverse, including at least more than 20 spicies, mostly new taxa.There are still many associated fossils, such as marine reptiles, bivalves, gastropods, ammolites, echinoderms, brachiopods, conodonts, foraminifers and plants, etc.The Luoping Biota is preserved perfectly, abundant and diverse in taxology, which can be regarded as the so-called world-rank fossil treasury.It is another important discovery after the discovery of Chengjiang Fauna in Yunnan Province.
The Luoping Biota is discovered by Chengdu Geological Survey Center, China Geological Survey Bureau, in 1: 50 000 regional survey.The first discovery place is Dawazi Village in Luoxiong Town, 12km SE of Luoping County town.The fossils are occurred in Member 2 of the Guanling Formation,Middlle Triassic(Anlsian)
(中国地调局成都地调中心 供稿)