Department of Mathematics,Huzhou University,Huzhou 313000,China
Lifang ZHOU(周立芳)
Department of Mathematics,Huzhou University,Huzhou 313000,China
integral operators;sufcient condition;necessary condition;operator norm; hypergeometric functions
2010 MR Subject Classifcation47B38;47G10
It is well known that the weighted harmonic Bergman projection
was discussed while studying the Toeplitz operator on harmonic Bergman space,see[8].And see[9]for the Berezin-type transform with λ=0.Therefore,to give the boundedness and the norm of the integral operators,such as Sλand Berezin-type operator Bλdefned above,we need to consider such class integral operators
where a,b,c∈R.
(3)Ta,b,cis bounded on L∞,if and only if
Corollary 1.2Suppose a,b,c and λ∈R,and c=n+a+b.
(i)Let 1<p<∞,a,b,λ be such that
Then we have
(ii)Suppose p=1.If a,b,λ are such that
then we have
If a,b,λ are such that
then we have
(iii)Suppose p=∞,a>0,b>-1.If b≤a-n or b≥a-2,then
If a-n<b<a-2,then
A number of hypergeometric functions will appear throughout.We use the classical notation2F1(α,β;γ;z)to denote
with γ/=0,-1,-2,···,where
And the hypergeometric series in(2.1)converges absolutely for all the value of|z|<1.
We list a few formulas for easy reference(see[26,Chapter II]):
The following integral formulas concerning the hypergeometric functions are signifcant for our main results.
Lemma 2.1([6,Lemma 2.2])For γ∈R and α>-1,we have
Corollary 2.2(Forelli-Rudin estimates,see[3,Lemma 4.4])Let α>-1 and β∈R. Then for any x∈Bn,
where a(x)≈b(x)means that the ratio a(x)/b(x)has a positive fnite limit as|x|→1-.
Lemma 2.3([6,Lemma 2.1])Suppose Reλ>0,Reδ>0 and Re(λ+δ-α-β)>0. Then
Lemma 2.4Let α>0,β>0,γ∈R,and n+α+β-2γ-1>0,we have
ProofUsing Lemma 2.1 in the inner integral of(2.8),we have
Then(2.7)shows the result.
Lemma 2.5([27,Theorem 3.6])Suppose that(X,µ)is a σ-fnite measure space and K(x,y)is a nonnegative measurable function on X×X and T the associated integral operator
Let 1<p<∞and 1/p+1/q=1.If there exist positive constants C and a positive measurable function u on X such that
for almost every x in X,and
for almost every y in X,then T is bounded on Lp(X,µ)with‖T‖≤C.
The proof of Theorem 1.1 will be divided into two steps.
Step IProve(2)and(3)in Theorem 1.1.Let T∗
a,b,cdenote the adjoint operator of Ta,b,c, and
is a fnite number by Lemma 2.1.From(2.6),we see that
which gives case(2).And case(3)can be obtained in the same way as case(2).
Step IIProve(1)in Theorem 1.1.Suppose 1<p<∞,and q is the conjugate number of p such that 1/p+1/q=1 in this step.
we will take
With α=b+1+(σ-(λ+1))/p,β=a+σ/q+(λ+1)/p,γ=c/2,applying Lemma 2.4 to the left-hand of last inequality,we frstly get
Then the arbitrariness of σ>0 implies
When c=n+a+b,by(2.8),the inequality(3.2)is to be that
Letting σ→0+in the last inequality,we can see that the limit
is a fnite non-negative real number.Thus,we can conclude that-pa<λ+1<p(b+1)since the limit of the denominator,
is a fnite non-negative real number under the condition of(3.3).
Using Lemma 2.1 and(2.3),we frst calculate the integral
Thus,applying(2.4),we have
Similar argument gives
whose monotonicity implies the result of(ii)in Corollary 1.2.And the same line as(ii)gives (iii)in Corollary 1.2.?
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∗Received May 20,2014;revised November 27,2014.Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11426104,11271124,11201141,11301136,and 61473332),Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang province(LQ13A010005,LY15A010014)and Teachers Project of Huzhou University(RP21028).
Acta Mathematica Scientia(English Series)2015年6期