
2015-02-03 00:27:57韩天福
中学生英语·中考指导版 2015年1期


The Year of Horse went by, and the Year of Sheep comes. With fireworks bursts into the sky celebrating the Lunar New Year, Sheep Year come to the earth after twelve years for one round. They had spread through the ages and known to everybody that“The sheep falls into a tigers mouth”, “The sigh of losing sheep” and other relevant1 idioms about sheep.

骏马西去,神羊东来。随着新年阵阵贺岁的烟花腾空而起,十二年一轮的羊年又来到了。“羊落虎口”、“亡羊之叹” 等有关羊的成语故事早已流传千古,无人不晓。

In Chinese folklore, the sheep is as great as Prometheus who is a mighty2 figure in the ancient Greek mythology3. Like Prometheus who was sent to the altar4 for the sake of stealing fire from heaven to the world, sheep lost his life for justice because of pilfering5 corn seed to man. As early as in prehistoric ancient times, humans were severely malnourished6, pale and thin because there were no grains on the earth. One fall, taking advantage of nightfall, a God sheep came earth who took of grains (rice, millet, wheat, beans, cotton) from the welkin7 putting in his

mouth without telling the Jade Emperor. The God sheep didnt only take the seed to humans, but also entrust the method for planting them, after that quietly returned to the heavenly palace.


Human sowed the seed, then crops grew in that year. Grains spikelet8 looked like cavel9 and sheep tail. They held a grand farmhouse ritual to appreciate the grace of sheep to send seeds. Grand memorial ceremony alarmed the Emperor. The Emperor found grains appear on earth, and immediately thought of God sheep. After figuring out the situation, the Emperor was furious, and commanded the official to slaughter10 sheep of God, and let the mortals eat the sheep.


The next year, the odd thing happened. In the place of sheep execution11, it grew the grass first, then grew a little lamb, sheep thrived from this mortal to graze for a living and they put

their own flesh, milk, leather to humans selflessly. To express gratitude for the sheep, human hold a memorial ceremony for every year to show remembrance and thanksgiving.


Sheep also has its powerful side. There is a leader with two flashing blue eye in the vast prairie, and it meets the tiger without fear and meets the wolf without horror. On the head is one pair of shining coldness, bayonet-like horns. It is fearless, courageous and rush to the enemy.


We Chinese have twelve Chinese zodiacs. The sheep is the most gentle of the zodiacs. People who was born in the Year of Sheep, known as the most kind-hearted giver. They are often honest, friendly, easily affected by the unfortunate experience of others. They are good-tempered and are even a bit of shy. They are handsome, elegant and easygoing, also their self-esteem is very strong. They are very particular about the appearance. Friendly and docile sheep is symbol of auspiciousness12, kindness, nicety, polite, righteousness and filial piety13.


The sheep is the source of life and the symbol of high status. Sheep is the faithful companion of human and an indispensable source of life. Not only is the parts of the whole body of sheep treasure, but lamb is one of the best dishes of all meat, such as Shaanxi and Sichuans cuisine—steamed mutton, sheepskin can produce various leather goods and the nutritional value of goat milk even far more than that of the milk.


Throughout the ages, the dream of millions of Chinese people is holding their heads up, and our countrys peace and prosperity. Today, the entire country is being carried out mass line of educational practice, the eternal spirit of Jiao Yulu summons from generation to generation of Communists. Hundreds of millions of Chinese people devote themselves to economic construction with the spirit of winning, high morale14, a new attitude, fiery passion. China has witnessed a vibrant, wealthy and strong, beautiful colorful scenery. The nation likes a sleeping lion, when it wakes up, the whole world trembles. Great China stands at the top of the world!We should always keep in mind what General Secretary Xi tells us that practice the core values, learning to study, learning to behave, learning to be grateful and study hard to achieve the great rejuvenation15 of the Chinese dream, then make unremitting efforts to strive for success.



迷途羔羊     a lost sheep

亡羊补牢     Better late than never.

羊肠小道     a narrow winding trail

羊落虎口     The sheep falls into a tigers mouth.

虎入羊群   tigers among a flock of sheep

十羊九牧     Nine shepherds look after ten sheep.

顺手牵羊     Take the opportunity to pilfer a goat.

羊毛出在羊身上 Without a sheep, there can be no wool.

披着羊皮的狼     a wolf in sheeps clothing

挂羊头,卖狗肉 Cry up wine, and sell vinegar.

1. relevant [■] adj. 相关的

2. mighty [■] adj. 强有力的

3. mythology [■] n. 神话

4. altar [■] n. 祭坛

5. pilfer [■] vt. 偷盗

6. malnourished [■] adj. 营养不良的,营养失调的

7. welkin [■] n. 天空

8. spikelet [■] n. 穗;细长的尖状物

9. cavel [■] n. 羊角

10. slaughter [■] vt. 屠宰,屠杀

11. execution [■] n. 死刑

12. auspiciousness [■] n. 吉兆,幸运

13. filial [■] adj. 孝顺的;piety [■] n. 孝敬,虔诚;filial piety 孝道,孝顺

14. morale [■] n. 士气,斗志

15. rejuvenation [■] n. 复原,恢复活力

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