Leah Li,Rebecca Hardy,Diana Kuh,Chris Power
1. Centre for Paediatric Epidemiology & Biostatistics,
2. MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing,University College London,UK
Life-course body mass index trajectories and blood pressure in mid life in two British birth cohorts: stronger associations in the later-born generation
Leah Li1*,Rebecca Hardy2,Diana Kuh2,Chris Power1
1. Centre for Paediatric Epidemiology & Biostatistics,
2. MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing,University College London,UK
推荐论文:Leah Li,Rebecca Hardy,Diana Kuh,et al. Life-course body mass index trajectories and blood pressure in mid life in two British birth cohorts: stronger associations in the later-born generation [J]. International Journal of Epidemiology,Accepted 20 May 2015,
优点:1)前瞻性的大样本研究;2)使用了两个出生队列;3)使用了Joint multivariate response models;4)数据分析详实,合适的分层分析,结果展示清楚;
Background: Little is known about the impact of recent increases in obesity and more rapid gains in body mass index(BMI)on cardiovascular risk factors. We investigated life-course BMI trajectories associations with adult blood pressure(BP)across two generations.
Methods: We used the the 1946 and 1958 British birth cohorts. Joint multivariate response models were fitted to longitudinal BMI measures [7,11,16,20,26,36,43 and 50 y(years): 1946 cohort,n=4787; 7,11,16,23,33 and 45 y: 1958 cohort,n=16820] and midadult BP. We adopted linear spline models with random coefficients to characterize childhood and adult BMI slopes.
Results: Mean systolic BP(SBP)decreased from the earlier- to later-born cohort by 2.8 mmHg in females,not males; mean diastolic BP(DBP)decreased by 3.2-3.3 mmHg(both sexes). Adult BMI was higher in the later- than the earlier-born cohort by 1.3-1.8 kg/m2,slopes of BMI trajectory were steeper from early adulthood and associations with adult BP were stronger. Associations between adult BMI and SBP were stronger in the later-born cohort. For males,childhood BMI slope was associated with SBP only in the later-born cohort; the association for adult BMI slope was stronger in the later-born cohort: correlation coefficient r=0.28 [95% confidence interval(CI): 0.25,0.33] versus 0.13(0.06,0.20). For females,childhood slope was associated with SBP in both cohorts; adult slope was associated with SBP only in the 1958 cohort [r=0.34(0.31,0.37)]. Patterns of child-to-adult BMI associations were similar in relation to DBP.
Conclusions: BP did not increase between two generations born 12 y apart despite higher BMI levels. A stronger association between BMI trajectory and BP in the laterborn cohort suggests that BMI-related effects may have been offset by improvements in other factors linked to BP,such as diet and smoking.
Cohort study; blood pressure; BMI trajectories; joint modeling; life course
Key Messages
· Mean values of systolic or diastolic blood pressure(BP)did not increase between two generations born 12 years apart,despite the steeper slope for BMI changes from early adulthood and higher levels of body mass index(BMI)in mid adulthood in the later- than the earlier-born cohort.
· A stronger association between life-course BMI trajectories and higher BP levels in the later-born cohort suggests that BMI-related effects may have been offset by improvements in other factors linked to BP over successive generations in the UK.
* Corresponding author. Centre for Paediatric Epidemiology and Biostatistics,UCL Institute of Child Health,30 Guilford Street,London WC1N 1EH,UK. E-mail: leah.li@ucl.ac.uk.