新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 6 STEP BY STEP随堂通

2015-01-31 02:07
中学生英语 2015年11期

新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 6 STEP BY STEP随堂通

Section A



()1.What’s your uncle?

()2.How are you going to do that?

()3.Where are you going to work?

()4.Are you going to keep a diary?

()5.When are you going to start?


A.By working really hard.

B.Yes,I am.

C.Tomorrow,I think.

D.He’s an engineer.

E.Maybe in Wuhan.


1.Henry is good at playing the violin.He is a________(小提琴手).

2.His uncle is a computer________(程序员).He writes programs for computers.

3.A________(飞行员)is a person who flies planes.

4.She wants to be an engineer when she________(长大)up.

5.I like to study science because I want to be a________(科学家)in the future.


1.Do you want to go to c________after you finish high school?

2.The bus d________always sits for a long time without moving.

3.The teacher asked us to write an a________about keeping pets.

4.We should get a good e________when we’re young because we learn fast.

5.Will you take the m________if you don’t feel well?

6.My mother c________delicious meals at home while my father works hard in his office.

7.If you want to be a great basketball player,you’ll have to p________it every day.

8.Her mother asked Lucy to s________the basket of bananas to the old woman.

10.An old English saying about health is that an apple a day keeps the d________away.

Section B


()1.—What’s your brother doing over there?

—Oh,he’s________his New Year’s resolutions.


()2.________the beginning of the term,my mother bought me a new schoolbag.


()3.—Do you know something about Tom’s resolution?

—Yes,his resolution________his school life in the next year.

A.has to do withB.is good atC.is next toD.is cross from

()4.—My New Year’s resolution is to travel to Hong Kong.


A.That sounds great B.Sorry to hear thatC.SureD.I’d love to

()5.—You promised to buy your brother a toy car,didn’t you?

—Yes,I am going to________my promise.


()6.—Is she going to be________actor?

—Yes.She is taking________lessons on weekends now.


()7.—I don’t know how to write a book report.

—You just________what you read and think when you read a book.

A.look forB.write downC.take awayD.make up

()8.—Do you have any interest or________,Jessie?

—Yes,I like painting and singing English songs.


()9.—I am going to watch English movies to________my English.

—That’s a good idea.


()10.—I am going to ask my father to pay me for the housework I do every day.

—I don’t think your father will________you.

A.help withB.agree onC.agree withD.look at


Mr.Clark works in a middle school.He likes reading and often borrows some books from the library.He1listening to the radio every morning and reading2after supper.So he knows much and teaches well.His3(崇拜)him very much.Mike,Mr.Clark’s little son,is only nine.He4likes reading books.And he often asks his father some questions.Mr. Clark always thinks he’s too5to(理解)him and chooses the easiest ones to answer.Of course,the boy is not6with it.

One day Mike read something about the(电灯)and was7in it.When his father told him to do some housework,he went on8about it.He asked his father a few questions,and his father answered all.Then his father said(自豪地),“Fathers always know9than sons!”The boy thought for a while and said,“I don’t think so!”


Mike didn’t answer and asked,“Who invented the electric lights?”

“Thomas Edison.”answered Mr.Clark.

“10didn’t his father invent them,then?”

Looking at his son,Mr.Clark didn’t know how to answer it!












In the morning Mr.Smith came into the garden at the back of his house.He saw so much snow in the garden.Mr.Smith wanted to take his car out,so he asked a man to clean the road from his(车库)to the gate.He said to the man,“Don’t throw any snow on that side.It will(损坏)the flowers in my garden,and don’t throw any on the other side for it will damage the wall.And don’t throw any into the street,or the policeman will come.”The man answered,“No problem!”Then he went out.

When he came back,he found the road was clean.There was no snow on the flowers,on the wall or in the street.But when he opened the garage to get his car out,he saw that the garage was full of snow,and that his car was under the snow!


()1.Mr.Smith had a big house with a garden in front of it.

()2.Mr.Smith wanted to go out with his car,so he asked a man to help clean the road.

()3.People couldn’t throw the snow into the streets.

()4.The man couldn’t make the road clean.

()5.The man finished his job very well.

Self Check


()1.—When you leave the classroom,________to turn off all the lights.

—OK,I am sure to do it.

A.make sureB.be sureC.be carefulD.become careful

()2.—How are you going to be________?

—I’m going to practice basketball every day.

A.a basketball player B.a teacherC.a pianistD.a pilot

()3.—I am tired of playing tennis.

—So you can________other hobbies instead of tennis.

A.put upB.look upC.take upD.send up

()4.—Can your sister feed herself now?

—Of course.She is also________dress herself.

A.ready toB.afraid toC.sure toD.able to

()5.—We parents should often take our children to relax when they are free.

—I agree.Children should have time to enjoy________.


()6.—What________languages are you learning,Li Gang?

—I am learning English and Japanese.


()7.—Do you have to read a book every week?

—And we have to hand in the book report________.


()8.—Don’t feel too easy to________to other people.

—I always keep my words.

A.make promisesB.make wishesC.make resolutions D.make decision

()9.—I made some plans for the________year.

—Great.I want to do as you did.


()10.—I decided to tell my parents________my wishes and plans.

—That’s the way to help keep them.



When I was walking down the street the other day,I(碰巧)find a small wallet1there.I picked it up and2it to see if I could find out the owner’s name. There was3inside except a little money and an old photo—a picture of a woman and a girl about sixteen years old.The4one looked like the woman’s daughter.I put the photo back and5the wallet to the police station.I gave the wallet to a policeman.

That evening I went to have6with my aunt and uncle.They also invited a young woman. So there were four people at table.Her face was(熟悉).I was quite7that we met before,but I couldn’t8where I saw her.In the talk,the young woman happened to(提及)that she9her wallet that afternoon.(突然)I knew where I saw her.She was the mother of the young girl in the picture.She was very10,of course,when I was able to tell her about her wallet.






()6.A.a partyB.dinnerC.trainingD.talks






It’s Monday today,Mr.Brown and his wife are at home,his son and son’s wife are at work,and his grandchildren are at school.

Mrs.Brown said,“It’s your birthday today,dear.We must(庆祝)it.Let’s go shopping and we’ll have dinner.”

The old man agrees and then they go out.But it’s very cold outside.Most shops are closed and they can’t buy any meat or vegetables.When they walk by a small restaurant,Mr.Brown says,“Well,then,let’s go in and have something there.”So they come in.There is nobody but a girl.“Can I help you?”asks the girl.“A fish,four eggs,and some chicken and bread.”says Mrs. Brown.

Half an hour later,the girl brings in all their food to them and Mrs.Brown asks her husband to eat first and watches him.The girl feels very strange and asks,“Aren’t you hungry,madam?”“Yes,I am,”says the old woman.“But I have to wait.He is using my(假的)teeth now.”

()1.Mr.and Mrs.Brown________.

A.live aloneB.are young parentsC.work very hardD.are in one family

()2.How do they celebrate Mr.Brown’s birthday at last?

A.By having a meal together.B.By buying something as a present.

C.By having a walk.D.By using the false teeth together.

()3.The restaurant________.

A.is closed when they get thereB.is very large and expensive

C.has no fishD.has few people in it

()4.What does the underlined word“strange”mean here?


()5.Which of the sentence is TRUE?

A.Mr.and Mrs.Brown are rich people.B.Mrs.Brown asks for a big meal.

C.The girl is not so kind.D.Both of them have bad teeth.

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