Chongqing Rank First in Profi t Increase of Scaled Industries in China the Last 5 Months
In the fi rst fi ve months of this year, driven by the automotive industry, Chongqing achieves a total profi t of RMB 31.1 billion, an increase of 43.4% over the same period of the previous year, maintaining its highest increase throughout the country. In terms of industrial segments, the profi t of the automotive industry is up by 100.7% over the same period of the previous year; electronic industry up by 8.9%; equipment industry up by 23.1%; chemical and pharmaceutical industry up by 11.3%; material industry up by 120.1%; consumer goods industry up by 18.7%; while the profi t of energy industry is down by 2.9%. Among others, the automotive industry contributes 72% to profi t growth.