摘 要:瞬发伽马射线中子活化分析技术(PGNAA)技术由于其分析精度高、在线原位测量等众多技术优势,近年来被广泛用于工业、环境、安全等诸多领域。本文就其技术原理、同类技术比较及其近年来在各领域的发展与现状进行了梳理与讨论。
关键词:PGNAA 在线分析 元素测量
中图分类号:O571 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2014)02(c)-0063-02
1 PGNAA基本原理及优势
瞬发γ射线中子活化分析(prompt gamma-ray neutron activation analysis,PGNAA)技术利用中子源产生的中子流轰击靶样品中各种元素的原子核,原子核发生辐射俘获、非弹性散射等反应,并在小于10-14 s时间内退激释放出能量为2 keV~10 MeV的γ射线,通过探测器探测,根据各特征γ射线的能量和强度(峰面积)对元素进行在线定性和定量分析。
on activation analysis,NAA)技术。X荧光分析技术只能测量物料近表层的元素成分,对物料和表面的平整度具有很高的要求;而红外技术也只能测量物料的近表面成分含量,同时容易受到粉尘、湿度等环境条件的影响;NAA技术具有高准确度、高灵敏度和非破坏性分析等特点而被广泛应用于科研和工农业生产。然而,对于一些轻元素(如H、B、N、P等)的测定,常规NAA技术显得无能为力,同时,NAA技术是一种离线的分析方式,无法实现在线测量,因此无法应用于工业在线测量分析。
2 PGNAA技术国内外研究现状
利用大型加速器的中子源主要应用在散裂中子源上,散裂中子源通过高能强流质子加速器产生能量在1GeV以上的质子束轰击重元素靶(如钨或铀),在靶中发生散裂反应,产生大量的中子。它的特点是在较小的体积内可产生较高的脉冲中子通量,能提供的中子能谱更加宽广,具有高脉冲通量和优越的脉冲时间结构,低本底,且不使用核燃料,只产生极少量活化产物。利用散裂中子源来进行PGNAA技术的研究在国际上很早就已经开展。其中,瑞士保罗谢勒研究所(Paul Scherrer Institute,PSI)在1997年建立了散裂中子源SINQ,利用质子加速器将质子加速到590 MeV并用质子束轰击铅靶。并在随后的实验中利用其对一系列的元素进行了测量分析包括H、N、B和Cl等元素。
3 基于PGNAA技术的在线测量技术的国内外应用研究现状
3.1 煤炭检测
美国早在20世纪70年代后期就开始对PGNAA如何应用于煤炭工业进行了研究。利用Cf中子源和一套高计数率同轴锗探测器谱处理系统对其进行在线检测分析。在1995年美国Womble等人提出利用脉冲快热中子来进行无损检测分析并且对煤炭在线分析进行了研究,1998年L.Dep等人针对该问题,提出利用中子发生器来对煤炭进行在线分析,脉冲调制快中子发生器和BGO探测器进行了煤的在线元素分析实验,将其称为脉冲快热中子分析(Pulsed Fast Thermal Neutron Analysis,PFTNA)技术。结果表明,应用PFTNA技术测量煤中S的精度可达0.05%,C的精度可接近1%。
3.2 水泥研究
在1995年阿根廷的学者Daniel L.等人就利用Am-Be源和高纯锗探测器对水泥中的元素进行了分析研究,其结果显示可以测出样品中Fe、Si、Ca和Cl元素的相对浓度。1999年R.Kheli等人也利用5Ci的Am-Be中子源和高纯锗探测器对水泥中的Si和Ca进行了测量分析,得到Ca/Si的比率。同时,Saleh H.等人也利用Cf源和高纯锗探测器研制了一套装置对钢筋混凝土中的Cl元素进行检测分析。
3.3 安全方面的研究
3.4 环境检测方面
1996年埃及的A.S.ABDEL-HALEEM等人就利用Cf源和高纯锗探测器对当地的一些环境样品进行分析检测,认为利用放射性源可以在实验室和现场对环境中的样品进行多元素检测分析,在1998年S.L. Shue等人利用不同的中子源对土壤中的元素进行了检测研究。2000年美国的克莱姆森大学的研究人员利用Cf中子源通过水慢化后对土壤中的氯元素进行检测研究,利用高纯锗探测器进行测量。同时,美国西屋科学和技术中心的学者Dulloo利用中子发生器研究了固体中Hg、Cd和Pb元素的检测效果。2006年Borsaru等人利用PGNAA技术对土壤盐化进行了研究,通过测量Cl元素来判断土壤的盐化程度。Khelifi和Idiri等学者在2007—2010年Am-Be中子源对水中的污染物进行了研究分析,包括Cd、Cl、Hg、Pb和Cr等元素。Naqvi等学者的团队在此方面做了大量的工作,其课题组在2009—2013年之间利用D-T中子发生器配合NaI、BGO、LaBr3、LaCl3等多种常用探测器对水泥、水溶液中进行了一系列的研究工作。2011年,澳大利亚研究人员利用中子发生器和伽马探测器对土壤表面进行了分析研究并搭建了一套检测装置,结果表明在土壤表层,许多元素都可以很好的被检测到。
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[10] Naqvi A A,Nagadi M M,Al-Amoudi O S B.Measurement of lime/silica ratio in concrete using PGNAA technique[J].Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators,Spectrometers,Detectors and Associated Equipment,2005,554(1): 540-545.
[11] Naqvi A A,Garwan M A,Nagadi M M, et al.Non-destructive analysis of chlorine in fly ash cement concrete[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators,Spectrometers,Detectors and Associated Equipment,2009,607(2):446-450.
[12] Gehrke R J,Greenwood R C, Hartwell J K,et al.US Army Experience with the PINS Chemical Assay System[M].Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Program,1994.
[13] Im H J,Song K.Applications of prompt gamma ray neutron activation analysis: detection of illicit materials[J].Applied Spectroscopy Reviews,2009,44(4): 317-334.
[14] Abdel-HaleemA S,Abdel-Samad M A, Zaghloul R A,et al.The uses of neutron capture γ-rays in environmental pollution measurements[J].Radiation Physics and Chemistry,1996,47(5): 719-722.
[15] Shue S L,Faw R E,Shultis J K. Thermal-neutron intensities in soils irradiated by fast neutrons from point sources[J].Chemical geology,1998,144(1):47-61.
[16] Howell S L,Sigg R A,Moore F S, et al. Calibration and Validation of a Monte Carlo model for PGNAA of Chlorine in Soil[J].Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2000,244(1):173-178.
[17] Dulloo A R, Ruddy F H,Congedo T V,et al.Experimental verification of modeling results for a PGNAA system for nondestructive assay of RCRA metals in drums[J].Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2000,53(4):499-505.
[18] Borsaru M,Smith C,Merritt J,et al. In situ determination of salinity by PGNAA[J].Applied radiation and isotopes,2006,64(5):630-637.
[19] Idiri Z,Mazrou H,Amokrane A,et al. Characterization of an Am–Be PGNAA set-up developed for in situ liquid analysis:Application to domestic waste water and industrial liquid effluents analysis[J].Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,2010,268(2):213-218.
[20] Naqvi A A,Al-Anezi M S,Kalakada Z,et al.Response tests of a LaCl3: Ce scintillation detector with low energy prompt gamma rays from boron and cadmium[J].Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2012,70(5):882-887.
[21] Falahat S,K ble T,Schumann O,et al.Development of a surface scanning soil analysis instrument[J].Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2012,70(7):1107-1109.endprint
[8] Saleh H H,Livingston R A.Experimental evaluation of a portable neutron-based gamma-spectroscopy system for chloride measurements in reinforced concrete[J].Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2000,244(2):367-371.
[9] Naqvi A A,Nagadi M M,Baghabra Al-Amoudi O S.Elemental analysis of concrete samples using an accelerator-based PGNAA setup[J].Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B:Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,2004,225(3):331-338.
[10] Naqvi A A,Nagadi M M,Al-Amoudi O S B.Measurement of lime/silica ratio in concrete using PGNAA technique[J].Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators,Spectrometers,Detectors and Associated Equipment,2005,554(1): 540-545.
[11] Naqvi A A,Garwan M A,Nagadi M M, et al.Non-destructive analysis of chlorine in fly ash cement concrete[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators,Spectrometers,Detectors and Associated Equipment,2009,607(2):446-450.
[12] Gehrke R J,Greenwood R C, Hartwell J K,et al.US Army Experience with the PINS Chemical Assay System[M].Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Program,1994.
[13] Im H J,Song K.Applications of prompt gamma ray neutron activation analysis: detection of illicit materials[J].Applied Spectroscopy Reviews,2009,44(4): 317-334.
[14] Abdel-HaleemA S,Abdel-Samad M A, Zaghloul R A,et al.The uses of neutron capture γ-rays in environmental pollution measurements[J].Radiation Physics and Chemistry,1996,47(5): 719-722.
[15] Shue S L,Faw R E,Shultis J K. Thermal-neutron intensities in soils irradiated by fast neutrons from point sources[J].Chemical geology,1998,144(1):47-61.
[16] Howell S L,Sigg R A,Moore F S, et al. Calibration and Validation of a Monte Carlo model for PGNAA of Chlorine in Soil[J].Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2000,244(1):173-178.
[17] Dulloo A R, Ruddy F H,Congedo T V,et al.Experimental verification of modeling results for a PGNAA system for nondestructive assay of RCRA metals in drums[J].Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2000,53(4):499-505.
[18] Borsaru M,Smith C,Merritt J,et al. In situ determination of salinity by PGNAA[J].Applied radiation and isotopes,2006,64(5):630-637.
[19] Idiri Z,Mazrou H,Amokrane A,et al. Characterization of an Am–Be PGNAA set-up developed for in situ liquid analysis:Application to domestic waste water and industrial liquid effluents analysis[J].Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,2010,268(2):213-218.
[20] Naqvi A A,Al-Anezi M S,Kalakada Z,et al.Response tests of a LaCl3: Ce scintillation detector with low energy prompt gamma rays from boron and cadmium[J].Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2012,70(5):882-887.
[21] Falahat S,K ble T,Schumann O,et al.Development of a surface scanning soil analysis instrument[J].Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2012,70(7):1107-1109.endprint
[8] Saleh H H,Livingston R A.Experimental evaluation of a portable neutron-based gamma-spectroscopy system for chloride measurements in reinforced concrete[J].Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2000,244(2):367-371.
[9] Naqvi A A,Nagadi M M,Baghabra Al-Amoudi O S.Elemental analysis of concrete samples using an accelerator-based PGNAA setup[J].Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B:Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,2004,225(3):331-338.
[10] Naqvi A A,Nagadi M M,Al-Amoudi O S B.Measurement of lime/silica ratio in concrete using PGNAA technique[J].Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators,Spectrometers,Detectors and Associated Equipment,2005,554(1): 540-545.
[11] Naqvi A A,Garwan M A,Nagadi M M, et al.Non-destructive analysis of chlorine in fly ash cement concrete[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators,Spectrometers,Detectors and Associated Equipment,2009,607(2):446-450.
[12] Gehrke R J,Greenwood R C, Hartwell J K,et al.US Army Experience with the PINS Chemical Assay System[M].Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Program,1994.
[13] Im H J,Song K.Applications of prompt gamma ray neutron activation analysis: detection of illicit materials[J].Applied Spectroscopy Reviews,2009,44(4): 317-334.
[14] Abdel-HaleemA S,Abdel-Samad M A, Zaghloul R A,et al.The uses of neutron capture γ-rays in environmental pollution measurements[J].Radiation Physics and Chemistry,1996,47(5): 719-722.
[15] Shue S L,Faw R E,Shultis J K. Thermal-neutron intensities in soils irradiated by fast neutrons from point sources[J].Chemical geology,1998,144(1):47-61.
[16] Howell S L,Sigg R A,Moore F S, et al. Calibration and Validation of a Monte Carlo model for PGNAA of Chlorine in Soil[J].Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2000,244(1):173-178.
[17] Dulloo A R, Ruddy F H,Congedo T V,et al.Experimental verification of modeling results for a PGNAA system for nondestructive assay of RCRA metals in drums[J].Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2000,53(4):499-505.
[18] Borsaru M,Smith C,Merritt J,et al. In situ determination of salinity by PGNAA[J].Applied radiation and isotopes,2006,64(5):630-637.
[19] Idiri Z,Mazrou H,Amokrane A,et al. Characterization of an Am–Be PGNAA set-up developed for in situ liquid analysis:Application to domestic waste water and industrial liquid effluents analysis[J].Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,2010,268(2):213-218.
[20] Naqvi A A,Al-Anezi M S,Kalakada Z,et al.Response tests of a LaCl3: Ce scintillation detector with low energy prompt gamma rays from boron and cadmium[J].Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2012,70(5):882-887.
[21] Falahat S,K ble T,Schumann O,et al.Development of a surface scanning soil analysis instrument[J].Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2012,70(7):1107-1109.endprint