英语诗歌写作 感受美的教育

2014-11-06 09:56许文婷
校园英语·中旬 2014年10期



【关键词】英语诗歌 创作热情 艺术殿堂

一、 读中感悟, 品味诗歌之美

朗诵是学习诗歌最基本也是最重要的方式, 而兴趣是最好的老师。教学英语诗歌同样需要创设情境, 以激发学生学习的兴趣。因此笔者在课堂的开始邀请学生配乐朗诵了Shakespeare绘制人口的爱情诗Shall I compare thee to the summers day, 在音乐和诗歌优美的押韵中唤起了学生对诗歌极大的兴趣。接着邀请学生进行诗歌创作,考虑到学生有明显的畏难情绪,笔者展示一只金鱼的图片,让学生诵读了英美文学史上最短的诗歌Ode to a Goldfish,全诗仅有区区几个单词Ode to a goldfish, O Wet Pet!

[设计意图] 让学生感受诗歌的美,树立学生信心,让学生感受到写诗并不难。

二、 结构提炼,运用韵律比喻


笔者和学生一起唱Twinkle, Twinkle, Little star。学生的热情被激起,接着启发学生注意每行诗句末的押韵并让学生找出押韵词(rhyming words), 如star, are, high, sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are,

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.


An apple a day

Keeps the doctor away

Apple in the morning

Doctor's warning

Eat an apple going to bed

Knock the doctor on the head

Three each day, seven days a week

Ruddy apple, ruddy cheek

[设计意图] 让学生通过熟悉的童谣发现押韵,并学会在诗歌写作中填写押韵词。

2.明喻和暗喻(simile & metaphor)

(1) 明喻(simile)。展示月亮的图片,引出明喻,然后让学生自己创作含有明喻的句子。

The moon is like a pancake.

The moon is as round as a pancake.

(2) 暗喻(metaphor)。展示笑脸图片,引出暗喻,然后让学生自己创作含有暗喻的句子。

A smile is a sunny morning.

[设计意图] 让学生感知和了解比喻,并学会在诗歌写作中运用比喻。

三、 悟中创作,培养创新能力

接着读者利用思维导图,引导学生回顾第一堂阅读课所学的不同种类诗歌,引出本堂课写作重点——清单诗的写作(List poem)。给学生时间然后通过朗读展示。

1.List Poem A — “To my parents, thank you”

Youre always there to ______ me

Youre always there to ______ me

Most importantly, youre always there to_____me

[学生习作] To my parents, thank you

Youre always there to help me,

Youre always there to guide me,

Youre always there to laugh with me,

Youre always there to cry with me,

Most importantly, youre always there to love me.

2.List Poem B —“Friendship”

Friendship is ____________

[学生习作] Friendship

Friendship is a shoulder when you shed tears

Friendship is a sunshine when you feel cold

Friendship is a hand when you come across difficulties

3.List Poem C——“My wish”

If I had done… Id have done…

[学生习作] My wish

I would have passed the test,

If I had worked hard

If I had reviewed well

If I hadnt played the night before

If I hadnt slept during the test

I would have passed the test

If Ive stayed focused all the time

当堂即兴改写, 学生的语言文字虽然不够完美, 但体现学生的诗歌创作的热情和潜力。笔者及时对学生的精彩诗歌表现给予充分肯定, 并且让其他同学参与评价,这样激励更多的学生跃跃欲试,展示自己的诗歌作品, 从而使英语课堂活跃起来,充满创作的氛围。

[设计意图] 尝试写作清单诗,清单诗是最容易上手的一种诗歌形式,笔者通过精心设计学生生活不可或缺的友情,亲情及愿望三个话题,鼓励学生仿写,由易到难,层层递进,激发学生的写作热情,这三首诗在情感教育上也存在着内在的联系。

四、 习作互赏,提升文化素养

最后,笔者布置学生课后仿照课本介绍的形式学写诗歌或自己创作诗歌,给予学生自由发挥空间。实践证明, 只要给学生机会,学生总会给我们惊喜。学生们精心创作,写出了不少精彩的诗句,短小精悍,想象丰富,寓意丰富。

[学生习作] Teenage dream

We are young

We are smart

We are kind

We dream and fight

We shine like a pearl

We blossom like flower

We burst our color

This is us——— the young

结束语:把诗歌写作引入课堂, 把对美的感悟和对诗歌的热爱传递给学生,学生对英语诗歌的热情远远超出了笔者的想象,学生通过诗歌创作,创造性思维得到激发和增强,使得笔者也受益匪浅,在艺术的殿堂里享受审美情趣, 陶冶情操。endprint