China, Free Rider or Contributor?

2014-10-29 21:03
CHINA TODAY 2014年10期

IN an interview early last August with the New York Times, U.S. President Obama remarked that China had been a global free rider for the past 30 years, and that the U.S. does not expect China to do anything substantial in dealing with Iraq. Obama is in fact not the first to accuse China of being a free rider in the international community. In September 2005, U.S. former Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick said that China should become a responsible stakeholder, implying that China should take more international responsibility by helping Western countries led by the U.S. to maintain international order. The NY Times interview, however, marked the first time a U.S. President had publicly criticized China.

Chinas Huge Contribution Devalued

In international relations, the epithet free rider usually refers to countries that are unwilling to act, or that shun their responsibilities when international issues, crises, and conflicts arise. Since 2005, constant criticisms of China in U.S. academic and political circles for its socalled free riding have shaped the national mindset as regards judging and defining Chinas foreign diplomacy. Tom Christensen, professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State, is a main representative of those in this segment. In their view China, in spite of its rising international status and strength, is reluctant to help the U.S. and other Western countries deal effectively with international and regional affairs. It is moreover unwilling to sustain the costs entailed in assuming the international responsibilities that its newly-gained status entails, instead focusing on its own interests. Christensen once remarked in this regard that Chinas is an “abrasive diplomacy.” This, of course, is an unfair judgment.

Since the reform and opening-up drive came into effect in 1978, Chinas economic growth and national development have in fact contributed greatly to world prosperity, stability, and cooperation. As the worlds largest exporter and second largest consumption market, China, with its vigorous and sound development, has become a major engine of world economic growth. Reports from such international organizations as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund point out that Chinas sustained and rapid economic growth is critical to world economic prospects. Since the late 1990s, Chinas entry into the WTO, gradual internationalization of the RMB exchange rate, and advancing of economic and financial cooperation between member countries of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have steadily injected fresh vitality into the world economy. Today, China is a main flag bearer for world free trade, regional economic integration, and globalization. Chinas cooperation with Africa, Latin America, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East in energy, mineral resources, and economy is reshaping the traditional geo-economies of these regions. In 2013, the trade volume between China and Africa surpassed US $200 billion. The same year that between China and Southeast Asia stood at more than US $400 billion, and between China and Latin America exceeded US $280 billion. China was thus the most dynamic contributor to global and regional sustainable development. Since the early 1990s, Chinas economic aid and social assistance to the developing world in Asia, Africa, and Latin America have topped US $280 billion. The vibrant economic and social development that China has generated in less developed regions over the past 20 years exceeds by far that emanating from Western countries.

Chinas rise has reshaped the world economic landscape. East Asia, Europe, and North America have become three economic powers, and the Asia-Pacific region is witnessing the worlds most rapid economic development and trade growth. World wealth has thus been redistributed. It is to be expected that, after 200 years, the East and West should reach level pegging in their development. The U.S.s free riding accusations clearly devalue Chinas huge contribution to world economic development and politics over the past 20 years.

Obamas comment about China free riding actually reflects disappointment at Chinas unwillingness to follow the U.S.s lead in forcefully interfering in world affairs. Since the 9.11 Attack, China has extended its support to the U.S. and participated in the world campaign to crack down on international terrorist forces. However, China and many other countries made clear their opposition to the Iraq War that the U.S. started in March 2003, which constituted a unilateral American military intervention that circumvented the UN. The current chaotic situation, apparent in the ferocity of emerging international terrorist forces, proves the far-sightedness of such countries that included China. The U.S. adopted the pose of liberator of the Iraqi people by overthrowing the Saddam Regime through war, with the intent of implementing its democratic reforms in the Middle East. However, the endless turmoil and disorder in the region stands testament to the bankruptcy of American power politics and presumptuous imposition of its values and systems on other countries. The current Afghanistan situation is another example.

It is Chinas non-endorsement of the U.S.s world concept and interfering internationalism that has prompted it to label China as an “irresponsible free rider.” This accusation is groundless, and in total disregard of Chinas positive role in the world.

Harmony in Diversity

Disputes and diversified views according to countries different interests are inevitable in international affairs. When faced with grim international issues, crises, or conflicts, the positive role of a country is embodied not in unilateral action borne of its particular evaluation and judgment of the situation, but in its ability to reach consensus with other countries and adhere to the UN Charter and principles. In American diplomacy, praise or criticism of a countrys behavior is not based on the UN Charter or generally acknowledged international standards, but on the concept of the liberal international order with itself at the center. The U.S.s persistence in this stance, so ignoring the diversity of world civilizations and development paths, the situations of different countries and their opinions, indeed constitutes irresponsible behavior towards the international community.

Chinas diplomacy, in light of the reality of a diversified world and the countrys development logic, reflects the modesty and harmony inherent in Chinese culture, based on which it assesses its own and other countriesactions. This fundamental diplomatic concept demonstrates the maturity of a growing country in its understanding of world affairs. It also embodies respect for diversified world civilizations, social values, and development paths, and advocacy of a multipolarized world. The international responsibilities that China takes should be proportionate to the countrys strength and at the same time manifest Chinas fundamental evaluation of world affairs. China, therefore, will not follow suit in the Western worlds military interference, but abide by the UN Charter and emphasize harmonious development of the world in all its diversity. Chinas clear stance and candid views on international affairs underline the countrys responsible attitude toward world development.

How Can the U.S. Be Reassured?

The U.S. has persistently demanded that China take international actions that accord with American standards and conform to American interests, thus realizing them, while at the same time downplaying Chinas outstanding contributions to world development. On many regional issues, China has chosen to follow international rules in the interests of peoples of the world rather than “ganging up” with the U.S. against them.

In fact, while griping about China, from a strategic point of view the U.S. is quite happy to let China “take a free ride.” Another connotation of free riding here refers to the conservative diplomacy which does not proactively seek to change the international order. Were it to stop cooperating with the U.S. in maintaining the current international order, China would probably substantiate its position by setting up a new order according to different principles. This would be unacceptable to the U.S. Hence, some commentators in the U.S. hold that China should be allowed to continue as a “free rider,” because this is preferable to China standing up to the U.S.

Although grumbling about Chinas free riding, therefore, President Obama might well inwardly have been experiencing turmoil and uncertainty. American contradictory opinions as regards allowing China to be a free rider reflect wavering U.S. evaluations of this rising world power.

China Welcomes Other Countries to Take a Free Ride

Strategically, being a free rider is an advisable choice for China in the midst of profound changes in its political and economic structures. Chinas biggest challenge in the future will come not from abroad but within the country. As long as China maintains its unity, national unification, and strength, no international force can thwart its historic rise. Being a free rider thus also accords with its bid to prioritize domestic development, reduce strategic risk in its foreign policies, and maintain low costs in international relations. In this sense, if a free ride is available, why not make use of it?

In assuming its international responsibility, China welcomes neighboring countries and the world at large to take advantage of and have a free ride on Chinas economic and social development. This will achieve common prosperity and stability throughout the world.

During Chinese President Xi Jinpings state visit to Mongolia from August 21 to 22, 2014, in addition to a host of cooperation documents, China also signed a joint declaration with Mongolia to boost bilateral ties by upgrading their relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership. On August 22, in his speech at the State Great Hural of Mongolia, the countrys parliament, President Xi committed China to providing opportunity and space for common development of neighboring countries, including Mongolia, and welcomed them to “board Chinas train of development.”

After all, China and the U.S.s mutual “free ride” will contribute to their respective development as well as to world peace, stability and prosperity.