邹新军 徐洞斌 王亚雄
中图分类号:TU472.3 文献标识码:A
Abstract: In order to discuss the torsional behavior of single pile in layered subsoil, various bearing states (elastic and plastic) of the subsoil were considered, and the double broken line model (i.e., the ideal elastoplastic model) was used to simulate the load transferring law along the pile shaft. The plastic zone developmental depth in the subsoil was chosen as an independent variable to derive the solutions for the torquetwist angle curve at the pile top and the torqueangle distribution curves along the pile shaft in layered subsoil. A recursive algorithm was presented to calculate the torque and the twist angle with the computer program worked out as well. Based on the solutions obtained, the torsional behavior of the pile shaft in the singlelayer and the doublelayer subsoil was analyzed respectively. Finally, an engineering project was used to verify the present method and to carry out the parameter analysis. The result shows that the consideration of various elastic or plastic states of the subsoil will result in a more reasonable outcome, compared with engineering practice. Furthermore, for a constant torque T, the torsion angles φ at the pile top will decrease with the decrease of the shear modulus Gp and radius r0 of pile shaft. An obvious effect of r0 on the Tφ curve was observed, in which the torsional bearing capacity may be increased 4~6 times if the value of r0 was doubled and other conditions remained unchanged. The upper soil layer may be treated to improve the torsional performance with an advised effective treatment depth of 0.2 times the pile shaft length.
Key words:pile foundation; layered subsoil; torque load; load transfer method; double broken line model
1) 根据地层分布将桩身先初步划分成n个单元,确定每个桩段的几何力学参数(li,Gp,Jp,Gs)及荷载传递模型参数(k0, φui).
2) 以塑性区开展深度la为变量,计算桩顶的Tφ曲线和桩身扭矩扭转角分布曲线.la=0时,取桩顶扭转角为弹性极限扭转角 φu,按式(18)递推计算弹塑性临界扭矩值.
3) 计算la>0时即弹塑性阶段的桩顶Tφ曲线、桩身扭矩和扭转角分布曲线:当la所对应的点位于某个桩段内时,则以该点为界将该桩段再细分成两个桩段,其余桩段划分不变,分别按式(18)和式(19)递推计算弹性区和塑性区的桩身扭矩和扭转角分布曲线.不断增加la进行循环计算,直至la=L时即可获得桩顶的Tφ 曲线,由此可作为设计的依据(根据设计规定的桩顶容许扭转角即可确定出相应的桩顶扭矩值,即实现按变形控制设计的思想).
5 结论
1) 分别建立出单层与成层地基中桩身扭转弹、塑性控制方程,并以桩侧土中塑性区开展深度为基本变量,导得了桩侧土处于弹性与塑性阶段时的桩顶、桩身的扭矩与扭转角计算公式,并基于Mathcad编制出相应的计算程序.
2) 通过与已有方法对单层与双层地基中桩身受扭弹性对比分析,验证了本文方法的可行性,且参数分析表明:桩顶扭矩T一定时,桩顶扭转角φ随桩身剪切模量Gp和桩径r0的增加而减小,且r0对Tφ曲线影响显著,相同条件下,r0提高一倍时桩顶可承受的扭矩可提高4~6倍.
3) 双层地基中上下两层土体的层厚比及剪切模量比Gs1/Gs2对桩身抗扭性能影响较大,Gs1/Gs2值由0.25增至4.0时桩身抗扭能力提高约4倍.因此,工程中可对桩侧上部土层进行处理来提高桩身的抗扭性能,且有效处理厚度约为0.2倍桩长.
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[8]GUO W D, CHOW Y K, RANDOLPH M F. Torsional piles in twolayered nonhomogeneous soil \[J\]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2007, 7(6): 410-412.
[9]陈胜立,张利民. 层状地基中单桩的扭转变形分析\[J\]. 岩土工程学报, 2005, 27(5): 531-535.
CHEN Shengli, ZHANG Limin. Torsional response of single pile embedded in layered ground \[J\]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2005, 27(5): 531-535. (In Chinese)
[10]陈胜立,寿汉平. 传递矩阵法分析层状地基中桩的扭转变形\[J\]. 岩土力学,2004, 25(2): 178-186.
CHEN Shengli, SHOU Hanping. Analysis of torsional response of a single pile embedded in layered soil with transfer matrix method \[J\]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2004, 25(2): 178-186. (In Chinese)
[11]SEED H B, REESE L C. The action of soft clay along friction piles \[J\]. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1955,122(81): 112-118.
[12]王奎华,吕述晖,吴文兵,等. 层状地基中基于虚土桩模型的单桩沉降计算方法\[J\]. 工程力学, 2013,30(7):75-83.
WANG Kuihua, LV Shuhui, WU Wenbin, et al. A new calculation method for the settlement of single pile based on virtual soilpile model in layered soils \[J\]. Engineering Mechanics, 2013, 30(7): 75-83. (In Chinese)
[13]赵明华,贺炜,邹新军. 计入桩侧摩阻力非线性特性的基桩承载力分析方法\[J\]. 湖南大学学报:自然科学版, 2007,34(4):5-9.
ZHAO Minghua, HE Wei, ZOU Xinjun. Calculation method for the bearing capacity of pile by considering the nonlinear character of side resistance \[J\]. Journal of Hunan University :Natural Sciences, 2007, 34(4): 5-9. (In Chinese)
[14]赵明华,何俊翘,曹文贵,等. 基桩竖向荷载传递模型及承载力研究\[J\]. 湖南大学学报:自然科学版,2005, 32 (1):37-42.
ZHAO Minghua, HE Junqiao, CAO Wengui, at al. Study on the load transfer model and the bearing capacity of vertically loaded piles\[J\]. Journal of Hunan University :Natural Sciences, 2005,32(1):37-42. (In Chinese)
[15]王奎华,罗永健,吴文兵,等. 层状地基中考虑桩端应力扩散的单桩沉降计算\[J\]. 浙江大学学报:工学版, 2013, 47(3): 472-479.
WANG Kuihua, LUO Yongjian, WU Wenbin, et al. Calculation method for settlement of single pile considering stress dispersion of pile and soil\[J\]. Journal of Zhejiang University :Engineering Science, 2013, 47(3): 472-479. (In Chinese)
[16]GEORGIADIS M. Interaction between torsional and axial pile response\[J\]. Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 1987, 11(6): 645-650.
[17]GEORGIADIS M, SAFLEKOU S. Piles under axial and torsion loads \[J\]. Computers and Geotechnics, 1990, 9(4): 291-305.
[18]洪毓康,陈强华. 钻孔灌注桩的荷载传递性能\[J\]. 岩土工程学报, 1985, 7(5): 22-24.
HONG Yukang, CHEN Qianghua. Load transfer performance of bored pile \[J\]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1985, 7(5): 22-24. (In Chinese)
[19]赵明华,张洋,张永杰. 考虑荷载传递非线性特性的基桩竖向承载力计算\[J\]. 公路交通科技,2011,28(9):71-76.
[8]GUO W D, CHOW Y K, RANDOLPH M F. Torsional piles in twolayered nonhomogeneous soil \[J\]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2007, 7(6): 410-412.
[9]陈胜立,张利民. 层状地基中单桩的扭转变形分析\[J\]. 岩土工程学报, 2005, 27(5): 531-535.
CHEN Shengli, ZHANG Limin. Torsional response of single pile embedded in layered ground \[J\]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2005, 27(5): 531-535. (In Chinese)
[10]陈胜立,寿汉平. 传递矩阵法分析层状地基中桩的扭转变形\[J\]. 岩土力学,2004, 25(2): 178-186.
CHEN Shengli, SHOU Hanping. Analysis of torsional response of a single pile embedded in layered soil with transfer matrix method \[J\]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2004, 25(2): 178-186. (In Chinese)
[11]SEED H B, REESE L C. The action of soft clay along friction piles \[J\]. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1955,122(81): 112-118.
[12]王奎华,吕述晖,吴文兵,等. 层状地基中基于虚土桩模型的单桩沉降计算方法\[J\]. 工程力学, 2013,30(7):75-83.
WANG Kuihua, LV Shuhui, WU Wenbin, et al. A new calculation method for the settlement of single pile based on virtual soilpile model in layered soils \[J\]. Engineering Mechanics, 2013, 30(7): 75-83. (In Chinese)
[13]赵明华,贺炜,邹新军. 计入桩侧摩阻力非线性特性的基桩承载力分析方法\[J\]. 湖南大学学报:自然科学版, 2007,34(4):5-9.
ZHAO Minghua, HE Wei, ZOU Xinjun. Calculation method for the bearing capacity of pile by considering the nonlinear character of side resistance \[J\]. Journal of Hunan University :Natural Sciences, 2007, 34(4): 5-9. (In Chinese)
[14]赵明华,何俊翘,曹文贵,等. 基桩竖向荷载传递模型及承载力研究\[J\]. 湖南大学学报:自然科学版,2005, 32 (1):37-42.
ZHAO Minghua, HE Junqiao, CAO Wengui, at al. Study on the load transfer model and the bearing capacity of vertically loaded piles\[J\]. Journal of Hunan University :Natural Sciences, 2005,32(1):37-42. (In Chinese)
[15]王奎华,罗永健,吴文兵,等. 层状地基中考虑桩端应力扩散的单桩沉降计算\[J\]. 浙江大学学报:工学版, 2013, 47(3): 472-479.
WANG Kuihua, LUO Yongjian, WU Wenbin, et al. Calculation method for settlement of single pile considering stress dispersion of pile and soil\[J\]. Journal of Zhejiang University :Engineering Science, 2013, 47(3): 472-479. (In Chinese)
[16]GEORGIADIS M. Interaction between torsional and axial pile response\[J\]. Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 1987, 11(6): 645-650.
[17]GEORGIADIS M, SAFLEKOU S. Piles under axial and torsion loads \[J\]. Computers and Geotechnics, 1990, 9(4): 291-305.
[18]洪毓康,陈强华. 钻孔灌注桩的荷载传递性能\[J\]. 岩土工程学报, 1985, 7(5): 22-24.
HONG Yukang, CHEN Qianghua. Load transfer performance of bored pile \[J\]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1985, 7(5): 22-24. (In Chinese)
[19]赵明华,张洋,张永杰. 考虑荷载传递非线性特性的基桩竖向承载力计算\[J\]. 公路交通科技,2011,28(9):71-76.