杨红 赵雯桐 莫林辉 李波
中图分类号:TU375.4;TU313.3 文献标识码:A
Abstract: Experiment results of RC beamcolumn subassemblage show that the slippage of the longitudinal bar within joint and shear deformation of joint have significant influence on the seismic behavior of the subassemblage, but this kind of joint inelastic deformations has always been ignored in the seismic response analysis of RC frames. In order to simulate the effect of the inelastic deformations of beamcolumn joints, a zerolength section element was combined to the ends of the beam based on the fiber model. Longitudinal bar slippage was modeled with stressslippage constitutive model, while stressequivalent slippage constitutive model was adopted to simulate longitudinal bar slippage and joint shear deformation simultaneously. Nonlinear responses of a typical RC planar frame under rare earthquake excitations were investigated, and the effect of joint inelastic deformations on the global and local responses of the frame was analyzed contrastively. The results show that the maximum top displacements and maximum interstory drift ratios increase or change slightly, the quantities of the plastic hinge of the beam and the column ends decrease, and the rotation ductility demand of the beam and the column decreases as a whole when joint inelastic deformations are considered. There is a certain safety margin for the joints of the frame to avoid shear failure. Ignoring joint inelastic deformations will result in significant errors if the seismic response of RC frame is large, and the ordinary finite element model of ignoring joint inelastic deformations can be adopted if the seismic response of the structure is relatively small.
Key words: reinforced concrete; joint; longitudinal bar slippage; shear deformation; frame structure
1) 框架非弹性地震反应不大时,不考虑节点非弹性变形的常规有限元模型所得的结构最大顶点水平位移、最大层间位移角误差小.当框架非弹性地震反应较大时,不考虑节点内梁纵筋滑移及节点剪切变形会明显低估结构的最大顶点水平位移、最大层间位移角.
2) 考虑节点内梁纵筋滑移及节点剪切变形后,梁、柱的转角延性需求呈总体性减小的特征;但与梁柱组合体试验结果不同的规律是,框架中少量构件的转角延性需求有明显增大的现象.
3) 按我国现行规范设计的配置HRB400钢筋的8度0.2g区二级抗震框架,即使地震反应较大,非线性变形最大的节点距离节点剪切失效仍有一定的安全储备.
4) 当按常规模型计算所得最大层间位移角不大时,可近似忽略节点非弹性变形的影响;当常规分析方法所得最大层间位移角较大时,不考虑节点非弹性变形的计算结果误差较大,会明显估低部分构件的转角延性需求和最大层间位移角.
5) 上述节点非弹性变形对框架强震反应的影响规律有待整体框架的试验验证.
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[4]FERNANDES C, VARUM H, COSTA A. Importance of the bondslip mechanism in the numerical simulation of the cyclic response of RC elements with plain reinforcing bars\[J\]. Engineering Structures, 2013,56(11):396-406.
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[7]FAVVATA M J, IZZUDDIN B A, KARAYANNIS C G. Modelling exterior beamcolumn joints for seismic analysis of RC frame structures\[J\]. Earthquake Engineering and Structure Dynamics, 2008,37(13):1527-1548.
[8]PARK K M. Simulation of reinforced concrete frames with nonductile beamcolumn joints\[J\]. Earthquake Spectra, 2013, 29(1):233-257.
[9]LOWES L N, ALTOONTASH A. Modeling reinforced concrete beamcolumn joints subjected to cyclic loading\[J\]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2003,129(12):1686-1697.
[10]MITRA N, LOWES L N. Evaluation, calibration, and verification of a reinforced concrete beamcolumn joint model\[J\]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2007,133(1):105-120.
YANG Hong, MO Linhui, CHEN Jinke, et al. Study on modified models for inelastic deformations of reinforced concrete beamcolumn joints\[J\]. Journal of Building Structures, 2014,35(3):128-137. (In Chinese)
[12]MAZZONI S, MCKENNA F, SCOTT M H, et al. Open system for earthquake engineering simulation users commandlanguage manual\[EB/OL\].http://opensees.berkeley.edu/OpenSees/manuals/usermanual/,2009-5-2/2013-8-20.
[13]KENT D C, PARK R. Flexural members with confined concrete\[J\]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 1971,97(ST7):1969-1990.
[14]SCOTT B D, PARK R, PRIESTLEY M J N. Stressstrain behavior of concrete confined by overlapping hoops at low and high strain rates\[J\]. ACI Journal, 1982,79(1):13-27.
[15]FILIPPOU F C, POPOV E P, BERTERO V V. Nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of concrete subassemblages\[R\]. Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley, EERC Report No. 92/08, 1992.
[16]LIMKATANYU S, SPACONE E. Effects of reinforcement slippage on the nonlinear response under cyclic loadings of RC frame structures\[J\]. Earthquake Engineering and Structure Dynamics, 2003,32:2407-2424.
[4]FERNANDES C, VARUM H, COSTA A. Importance of the bondslip mechanism in the numerical simulation of the cyclic response of RC elements with plain reinforcing bars\[J\]. Engineering Structures, 2013,56(11):396-406.
[5]高文生.考虑钢筋粘结滑移影响的钢筋混凝土框架地震反应分析\[D\] .重庆:重庆大学土木工程学院,2008:37-53.
GAO Wensheng. The seismic responses analysis of RC frame including bondslip \[D\] . Chongqing: College of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, 2008:37-53. (In Chinese)
WANG Liankun, HAO Jiping, ZHANG Junfeng, et al. Substructure method considering panel zone deformation in the steel frame\[J\]. Journal of Hunan University: Natural Sciences, 2008,38(4):17-22.(In Chinese)
[7]FAVVATA M J, IZZUDDIN B A, KARAYANNIS C G. Modelling exterior beamcolumn joints for seismic analysis of RC frame structures\[J\]. Earthquake Engineering and Structure Dynamics, 2008,37(13):1527-1548.
[8]PARK K M. Simulation of reinforced concrete frames with nonductile beamcolumn joints\[J\]. Earthquake Spectra, 2013, 29(1):233-257.
[9]LOWES L N, ALTOONTASH A. Modeling reinforced concrete beamcolumn joints subjected to cyclic loading\[J\]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2003,129(12):1686-1697.
[10]MITRA N, LOWES L N. Evaluation, calibration, and verification of a reinforced concrete beamcolumn joint model\[J\]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2007,133(1):105-120.
YANG Hong, MO Linhui, CHEN Jinke, et al. Study on modified models for inelastic deformations of reinforced concrete beamcolumn joints\[J\]. Journal of Building Structures, 2014,35(3):128-137. (In Chinese)
[12]MAZZONI S, MCKENNA F, SCOTT M H, et al. Open system for earthquake engineering simulation users commandlanguage manual\[EB/OL\].http://opensees.berkeley.edu/OpenSees/manuals/usermanual/,2009-5-2/2013-8-20.
[13]KENT D C, PARK R. Flexural members with confined concrete\[J\]. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 1971,97(ST7):1969-1990.
[14]SCOTT B D, PARK R, PRIESTLEY M J N. Stressstrain behavior of concrete confined by overlapping hoops at low and high strain rates\[J\]. ACI Journal, 1982,79(1):13-27.
[15]FILIPPOU F C, POPOV E P, BERTERO V V. Nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of concrete subassemblages\[R\]. Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley, EERC Report No. 92/08, 1992.
[16]LIMKATANYU S, SPACONE E. Effects of reinforcement slippage on the nonlinear response under cyclic loadings of RC frame structures\[J\]. Earthquake Engineering and Structure Dynamics, 2003,32:2407-2424.