卫洪春 姜凯
摘 要: 在超短波电台通信中,由于GMSK调制算法前后码元之间的相关性,码元之间存在码间串扰,传统的GMSK 1比特差分解调算法性能不够理想。在分析GMSK信号特性的基础上,提出一种带判决反馈的1比特差分检测算法。在对两种解调算法进行研究比较后对其进行了仿真,仿真结果表明带判决反馈的1比特差分检测算法在满足解调性能时获得了3 dB的解调增益。最后使用VHDL语言在FPGA芯片中实现了该算法,并已成功用于超短波电台通信系统中。
关键词: GMSK; 判决反馈; 差分解调; 信号特性分析
中图分类号: TN924?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2014)17?0001?04Abstract: In VHF radio communication, GMSK suffers from significant inter?symbol interference because of its symbols coherent. Since the traditional 1?bit differential demodulation algorithm of GMSK is not perfect, the 1?bit differential detection algorithm with decision feedback is presented based on the analysis of the GMSK signal characteristics. The two demodulation algorithms were simulated after comparing the two demodulation algorithms. Simulation results show that 1?bit differential detection algorithm with decision feedback obtains about 3 dB demodulation gain. This algorithm was implemented in FPGA by using VHDL language. It was applied to VHF radio communication succesfully.
Keywords: GMSK; decision feedback; differential demodulation; signal property analysis
0 引 言
1 MSK信号和GMSK信号的产生
3.3 判决反馈1比特差分解调的FPGA实现
4 结 论
本文在分析GMSK信号特性的基础上,针对传统1比特差分解调的符号间干扰问题,提出了带反馈的1比特差分解调方法,并对两种解调方式进行了性能仿真,结果表明后者在满足误码率要求下可以带来3 dB的解调增益。最后在FPGA芯片上实现了该算法,并成功应用于VHF超短波电台通信系统中,经测试数据灵敏度达到理想水平。
[1] 樊昌信,张甫翊,徐炳祥,等.通信原理[M].5版.北京:国防工业出版社,2005.
[2] LINZ A, HENDRICKSON A. Efficient implementation of an IQ GMSK modulator [J].IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Syetems H: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 1996, 43(1): 14?23.
[3] 冯超,杨晨.一种基于GSM?R的GMSK信号调制解调方法的实现[J].计算机与电子工程,2011,39(9):157?160.
[4] GUPTA Subhashini, BHATIA Vikas, MANGAL L C. An efficient FPGA implementation of GMSK (BT=0.3) transceiver with non coherent sequence detection for tactical V/UHF waveforms [C]// 2012 National Conference on Communications. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2012: 1?5.
[5] NITIN BABU K M, VINAYMURTHI K K.GMSK modulator for GSM system an economical implementation on FPGA [C]// Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing. Calicut: IEEE, 2011: 208?212.
[6] 赵彦惠.基于相位累加实现GMSK调制的技术分析[J].无线电工程,2013,43(3):20?23.
[7] SIMON M K, WANG C C. Differential detection of Gaussian MSK in mobile radio environment [J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1984, 33(4): 307?320.
[8] 郭梯云,杨家玮,李建东.数字移动通信[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2001.
[9] 王茂磊,张志恒,蔡凡.卫星通信中GMSK信号的解调算法研究[J].中国科学院上海天文台年刊,2012(33):114?120.
[10] ABBS Y, DIMITRIOS M, KAMILO F. Differential detection of GMSK using decision feedback [J]. IEEE Transtations on Communications, 1988,36(6): 641?649.
摘 要: 在超短波电台通信中,由于GMSK调制算法前后码元之间的相关性,码元之间存在码间串扰,传统的GMSK 1比特差分解调算法性能不够理想。在分析GMSK信号特性的基础上,提出一种带判决反馈的1比特差分检测算法。在对两种解调算法进行研究比较后对其进行了仿真,仿真结果表明带判决反馈的1比特差分检测算法在满足解调性能时获得了3 dB的解调增益。最后使用VHDL语言在FPGA芯片中实现了该算法,并已成功用于超短波电台通信系统中。
关键词: GMSK; 判决反馈; 差分解调; 信号特性分析
中图分类号: TN924?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2014)17?0001?04Abstract: In VHF radio communication, GMSK suffers from significant inter?symbol interference because of its symbols coherent. Since the traditional 1?bit differential demodulation algorithm of GMSK is not perfect, the 1?bit differential detection algorithm with decision feedback is presented based on the analysis of the GMSK signal characteristics. The two demodulation algorithms were simulated after comparing the two demodulation algorithms. Simulation results show that 1?bit differential detection algorithm with decision feedback obtains about 3 dB demodulation gain. This algorithm was implemented in FPGA by using VHDL language. It was applied to VHF radio communication succesfully.
Keywords: GMSK; decision feedback; differential demodulation; signal property analysis
0 引 言
1 MSK信号和GMSK信号的产生
3.3 判决反馈1比特差分解调的FPGA实现
4 结 论
本文在分析GMSK信号特性的基础上,针对传统1比特差分解调的符号间干扰问题,提出了带反馈的1比特差分解调方法,并对两种解调方式进行了性能仿真,结果表明后者在满足误码率要求下可以带来3 dB的解调增益。最后在FPGA芯片上实现了该算法,并成功应用于VHF超短波电台通信系统中,经测试数据灵敏度达到理想水平。
[1] 樊昌信,张甫翊,徐炳祥,等.通信原理[M].5版.北京:国防工业出版社,2005.
[2] LINZ A, HENDRICKSON A. Efficient implementation of an IQ GMSK modulator [J].IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Syetems H: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 1996, 43(1): 14?23.
[3] 冯超,杨晨.一种基于GSM?R的GMSK信号调制解调方法的实现[J].计算机与电子工程,2011,39(9):157?160.
[4] GUPTA Subhashini, BHATIA Vikas, MANGAL L C. An efficient FPGA implementation of GMSK (BT=0.3) transceiver with non coherent sequence detection for tactical V/UHF waveforms [C]// 2012 National Conference on Communications. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2012: 1?5.
[5] NITIN BABU K M, VINAYMURTHI K K.GMSK modulator for GSM system an economical implementation on FPGA [C]// Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing. Calicut: IEEE, 2011: 208?212.
[6] 赵彦惠.基于相位累加实现GMSK调制的技术分析[J].无线电工程,2013,43(3):20?23.
[7] SIMON M K, WANG C C. Differential detection of Gaussian MSK in mobile radio environment [J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1984, 33(4): 307?320.
[8] 郭梯云,杨家玮,李建东.数字移动通信[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2001.
[9] 王茂磊,张志恒,蔡凡.卫星通信中GMSK信号的解调算法研究[J].中国科学院上海天文台年刊,2012(33):114?120.
[10] ABBS Y, DIMITRIOS M, KAMILO F. Differential detection of GMSK using decision feedback [J]. IEEE Transtations on Communications, 1988,36(6): 641?649.
摘 要: 在超短波电台通信中,由于GMSK调制算法前后码元之间的相关性,码元之间存在码间串扰,传统的GMSK 1比特差分解调算法性能不够理想。在分析GMSK信号特性的基础上,提出一种带判决反馈的1比特差分检测算法。在对两种解调算法进行研究比较后对其进行了仿真,仿真结果表明带判决反馈的1比特差分检测算法在满足解调性能时获得了3 dB的解调增益。最后使用VHDL语言在FPGA芯片中实现了该算法,并已成功用于超短波电台通信系统中。
关键词: GMSK; 判决反馈; 差分解调; 信号特性分析
中图分类号: TN924?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2014)17?0001?04Abstract: In VHF radio communication, GMSK suffers from significant inter?symbol interference because of its symbols coherent. Since the traditional 1?bit differential demodulation algorithm of GMSK is not perfect, the 1?bit differential detection algorithm with decision feedback is presented based on the analysis of the GMSK signal characteristics. The two demodulation algorithms were simulated after comparing the two demodulation algorithms. Simulation results show that 1?bit differential detection algorithm with decision feedback obtains about 3 dB demodulation gain. This algorithm was implemented in FPGA by using VHDL language. It was applied to VHF radio communication succesfully.
Keywords: GMSK; decision feedback; differential demodulation; signal property analysis
0 引 言
1 MSK信号和GMSK信号的产生
3.3 判决反馈1比特差分解调的FPGA实现
4 结 论
本文在分析GMSK信号特性的基础上,针对传统1比特差分解调的符号间干扰问题,提出了带反馈的1比特差分解调方法,并对两种解调方式进行了性能仿真,结果表明后者在满足误码率要求下可以带来3 dB的解调增益。最后在FPGA芯片上实现了该算法,并成功应用于VHF超短波电台通信系统中,经测试数据灵敏度达到理想水平。
[1] 樊昌信,张甫翊,徐炳祥,等.通信原理[M].5版.北京:国防工业出版社,2005.
[2] LINZ A, HENDRICKSON A. Efficient implementation of an IQ GMSK modulator [J].IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Syetems H: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 1996, 43(1): 14?23.
[3] 冯超,杨晨.一种基于GSM?R的GMSK信号调制解调方法的实现[J].计算机与电子工程,2011,39(9):157?160.
[4] GUPTA Subhashini, BHATIA Vikas, MANGAL L C. An efficient FPGA implementation of GMSK (BT=0.3) transceiver with non coherent sequence detection for tactical V/UHF waveforms [C]// 2012 National Conference on Communications. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2012: 1?5.
[5] NITIN BABU K M, VINAYMURTHI K K.GMSK modulator for GSM system an economical implementation on FPGA [C]// Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing. Calicut: IEEE, 2011: 208?212.
[6] 赵彦惠.基于相位累加实现GMSK调制的技术分析[J].无线电工程,2013,43(3):20?23.
[7] SIMON M K, WANG C C. Differential detection of Gaussian MSK in mobile radio environment [J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1984, 33(4): 307?320.
[8] 郭梯云,杨家玮,李建东.数字移动通信[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2001.
[9] 王茂磊,张志恒,蔡凡.卫星通信中GMSK信号的解调算法研究[J].中国科学院上海天文台年刊,2012(33):114?120.
[10] ABBS Y, DIMITRIOS M, KAMILO F. Differential detection of GMSK using decision feedback [J]. IEEE Transtations on Communications, 1988,36(6): 641?649.