Naomi+Vona 费婷
Everything is started about one year and a half ago, when Ive bought some big lots of vintage photos and postcard from eBay because Ive always loved to collect things as found stuff of any kind of material. Once Ive had all these photos in my hands I just thought: why dont put my collected stuff on them? So I started to do this collages. The result satisfied me so much, I felt really good and I didnt want to stop anymore. Every collage artwork is basically composed of three elements: my life background, my inspirations and subconscious, that is also the glue that puts all together.
In all these images (and in most of my collage artworks) I tried to “cover” the faces of the subjects to play and to reinvent their new “role” in the society, and/or with their identity. Once you cannot see them, or you just can see a little fragment of them, they can become everyone. Even when you can see their faces, I try to transform completely the meaning of the original shot. The purpose of my collage project is to recover the identities on these forgotten people and to give them a brand new life.