王怀宇 李景丽
中图分类号: TP391.41 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1002-1302(2014)07-0143-03
北方地区玉米苗期杂草非常常见,一般在播种后便可观察到杂草。据统计,华北地区玉米播种后的8~10 d是杂草出土最集中的时期,12~15 d杂草出土占总量的80%,25 d后达到95%。杂草的出土、生长时间规律与北方地区夏玉米苗期生长节律基本吻合。因此,只有及时除去杂草才能保证玉米产量。研究证实,当玉米生长至3~5叶、田间杂草生长至2~3叶时,是去除杂草的关键时期。本研究在玉米生长至3~5叶时采集田间各类杂草图像,包括刺儿菜、藜、马唐、田旋花。在目标物正上方以640×480像素进行拍摄,杂草图像实例见图1。
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[16]Valentini G,Dietterich T G. Bias-variance analysis of support vector machines for the development of SVM-based ensemble methods[J]. Journal of Machine Learning Research,2004,5(7):725-775.
[7]Franz E,Gebhardt M R,Unklesbay K B. The use of local spectral properties of leaves as an aid for identifying weed seedlings in digital images[J]. Transactions of the ASAE,1991,34(2):682-687.
[8]Lu R,Peng Y K. Hyperspectral scattering for assessing peach fruit firmness[J]. Biosystems Engineering,2006,93(2):161-171.
[9]Goel P K,Prasher S O,Patel R M,et al. Use of airborne multispectral imagery for weed detection in field crops[J]. Transactions of the ASAE,2002,45(2):443-449.
[10]周平,汪亚明,赵匀. 基于颜色分量运算与色域压缩的杂草实时检测方法[J]. 农业机械学报,2007,38(1):116-119.
[11]何东健. 数字图像处理[M]. 西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2004.
[12]刘立宏,胡可刚,刘立欣. 目标检测中的快速中值滤波法[J]. 吉林大学学报:信息科学版,2004,22(3):232-235.
[13]Haralick R M,Shanmugam K. Texture features for image classification[J]. IEEE Systems Man and Cyberbetucs,1973,3(6):610-621.
[14]Ulaby F T,Kouyate F,Brisco B,et al. Textural infornation in SAR images[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,1986,GE-24(2):235-245.
[15]邓乃扬,田英杰 .数据挖掘中的新方法:支持向量机[M]. 北京:科学出版社,2004.
[16]Valentini G,Dietterich T G. Bias-variance analysis of support vector machines for the development of SVM-based ensemble methods[J]. Journal of Machine Learning Research,2004,5(7):725-775.
[7]Franz E,Gebhardt M R,Unklesbay K B. The use of local spectral properties of leaves as an aid for identifying weed seedlings in digital images[J]. Transactions of the ASAE,1991,34(2):682-687.
[8]Lu R,Peng Y K. Hyperspectral scattering for assessing peach fruit firmness[J]. Biosystems Engineering,2006,93(2):161-171.
[9]Goel P K,Prasher S O,Patel R M,et al. Use of airborne multispectral imagery for weed detection in field crops[J]. Transactions of the ASAE,2002,45(2):443-449.
[10]周平,汪亚明,赵匀. 基于颜色分量运算与色域压缩的杂草实时检测方法[J]. 农业机械学报,2007,38(1):116-119.
[11]何东健. 数字图像处理[M]. 西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2004.
[12]刘立宏,胡可刚,刘立欣. 目标检测中的快速中值滤波法[J]. 吉林大学学报:信息科学版,2004,22(3):232-235.
[13]Haralick R M,Shanmugam K. Texture features for image classification[J]. IEEE Systems Man and Cyberbetucs,1973,3(6):610-621.
[14]Ulaby F T,Kouyate F,Brisco B,et al. Textural infornation in SAR images[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,1986,GE-24(2):235-245.
[15]邓乃扬,田英杰 .数据挖掘中的新方法:支持向量机[M]. 北京:科学出版社,2004.
[16]Valentini G,Dietterich T G. Bias-variance analysis of support vector machines for the development of SVM-based ensemble methods[J]. Journal of Machine Learning Research,2004,5(7):725-775.