【摘要】 目的 探讨大量成分输血对患者凝血机制的干预。方法 73例大量成分输血患者, 输注悬浮红细胞量平均11 U, 输注冰冻血浆量平均8 U。输血前、输血后4 h检测凝血指标。 结果 73例患者输血前后凝血因子差异有统计学意义(P均<0.01);血小板显著下降, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 大量成分输血对凝血功能有重要影响, 应及时检测凝血因子及血小板, 并通过血液加温以及针对性的补充血小板和凝血因子来减少出血风险。
【关键词】 成分输血;凝血指标;血小板
Intervention analysis of a large number of component blood transfusion on blood coagulation mechanism DONG Yong-guang.Pingdu Blood Donor Services of Qingdao Blood Station,Qingdao 266700, China
【Abstract】 Objective To analyze intervention of a large number of component blood transfusion on blood coagulation mechanism. Methods Retrospectively analyzed clinical data of 73 patients with a large number of component blood transfusion. The infusion of suspension red blood cell volume average of 11 U, infusion of average frozen plasma volume of 8 U. Blood clotting index 4 h before and after blood transfusion was detected. Results 73 cases of patients before and after blood transfusion blood coagulation factor had significant changes, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.01), blood platelet reducted significantly, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.01). Conclusion A large number of component blood transfusion has important influence on blood coagulation function, blood platelet and clotting factors should be timely detected, and through blood heat and corresponding platelet and blood coagulation factor supplementary to reduce risk of bleeding.
【Key words】 Component blood transfusion; Blood coagulation indexes; Blood platelet大量成分输血是外科手术中比较常见的辅助治疗手段, 主要包括:①24 h内输血量大于等于患者有效循环血量[1]; ②24 h内输入超过10 U的悬浮红细胞[2];③一次连续性输血大于等于患者总血容量的1.5倍[3]。主要用于抢救急性失血所致血溶量急骤减少, 血压快速下降的急危重症患者。大量成分输血对机体的凝血功能具有重要影响, 可造成电解质紊乱、低体温、酸中毒、凝血功能障碍等严重并发症, 甚至发生弥散性血管内凝血(DIC), 若处理不当可造成患者死亡。其主要机理是, 凝血因子以及血小板发生消耗性和稀释性减少[4]。本研究对73例大量成分输血患者进行回顾性分析, 探讨患者输血前后凝血指标的变化情况, 以期为临床输血提供可借鉴的依据。
1 资料与方法
1. 1 一般资料选取2013年1月~2014年1月来源于本地区三级综合医院的大量成分输血患者输血病历资料73例进行回顾性分析, 排除内科血液疾病、肝功能衰竭及药物原因造成的凝血障碍。其中, 男38例, 女35例, 平均年龄(49.7±18.8)岁;按照失血原因分类, 妇产科出血18例, 外科手术失血外伤性失血35例, 消化系统出血13例, 呼吸系统出血7例。
1. 2输血情况
1. 2. 1成分输血单位计算由200 ml新鲜全血制备1 U悬浮红细胞, 平均容积(150.7±9.5)ml; 由200 ml新鲜全血制备1 U冰冻血浆, 容积为100 ml。
1. 2. 2输血量及输血速度本研究中73例患者输注悬浮红细胞量为10~19 U, 平均11 U。同期输注冰冻血浆量5~11 U, 平均8 U。输注的血液制品均由本血站提供。按照患者失血情况以及身体耐受性调整输血速度, 平均为5~10 ml/min。
1. 3 观察指标73例患者分别于输血前、输血后4 h两个时间节点检测以下指标, 以比较输血前后凝血功能变化。采用日本希斯美康公司Sysmex CA1500血凝仪测定纤维蛋白原(FIB)、活化部分凝血酶原时间(APTT)、凝血酶原时间(PT)、凝血酶原时间活动度(PT%)、国际标准化比值(INR)、凝血酶时间(TT), 美国贝克曼库尔特公司贝克曼-库尔特血细胞分析仪检测血小板计数(PLT)、血红蛋白(HGB)、红细胞压积(HCT)。各试验试剂均为仪器配套试剂。
1. 4 统计学方法应用SPSS17.0统计分析, 计量资料以均数 ±标准差( x-±s)表示, 采用t检验, 计数资料用 χ2检验, P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2. 1输血前后凝血因子比较73例患者输血前后凝血因子均有显著改变, 差异有统计学意义(P均<0.01), 详见表1。表明大量成分输血对凝血功能有重要影响。
2. 2输血前后血细胞比较输血后HGB、HCT得到显著改善, 差异有统计学意义(P均<0.01);PLT显著下降, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.01), 详见表2。
表2输血前后血细胞比较( x-±s, n=73)
时间 HGB(g/L) HCT PLT(×109/L)
输血前 58.8±11.7 0.23±0.03 155.8±19.9
输血后 76.4±17.6a 0.31±0.05a 76.5±15.9a
注:组间比较, aP均<0.01
成分输血具有提高血制品各成分的利用度以及较少输血相关感染性疾病传播风险的优点[5], 目前临床用血, 成分输血已替代了全血输注, 大出血患者要获得大量全血已不现实。然而大量成分输血对凝血功能的影响值得关注。大量成分输血对急、危、重患者的抢救发挥重要作用, 对于大量失血患者, 及时充足的血液供应对抢救起到关键性作用, 调查显示大量成分输血治疗后患者死亡率在18%~69%[6], 其中凝血机制障碍是导致患者死亡的重要因素[7]。库存血液特点是血小板及凝血因子FⅤ、FⅧ、FⅪ随储存的时间越长破坏越严重, 大量快速输注库存血液则有可能导致自身凝血因子的稀释性降低[8], 无凝血功能障碍成人输入超过1200 ml血液可出现凝血功能改变[9]。患者大量输入温度较低的库存血液会引起体温下降, 如果没有及时补充凝血因子, 会导致稀释性凝血因子减少。凝血因子数量的相对减少是导致凝血功能下降的原因之一[10]。首先降低的凝血成分是FIB, 大量成分输血时, 胞浆素原被激活成为胞浆素, 造成FIB过度溶解, 导致FIB显著降低。研究发现[11], 当输入5 U红细胞后即会出现稀释性凝血障碍, 输入12 U红细胞可致PT和APTT异常延长, 输入20 U红细胞即可致凝血功能障碍, 有发生出血的危险[12]。PT和APTT分别反映外源性和内源性凝血功能。APTT的延长主要与Ⅷ、Ⅸ、Ⅺ、Ⅻ因子减少有关, PT的延长主要与Ⅶ因子减少有关。
综上所述, 大量成分输血对凝血功能有重要影响, 应及时检测凝血因子及血小板, 并通过血液加温以及针对性的补充血小板和凝血因子来减少出血风险。
[1] Stainsby D, MacLennan S, Thomas D, et al. Guidelines on the man-agement of massive blood loss. British J Haematol, 2006, 135(5):634-641.
[2] Hewitt PE, Machin SJ.ABC of transfusion Massive blood transfusion. BMJ, 1990, 300(6717):107-109.
[3] Malone DL, Hess JR, Fingerhut A. Massive transfusion practices around the globe and a suggestion for a common massive transfusion protocol. J Trauma, 2006, 60(6):S91-S96.
[4] Kozek-Langenecker S. Management of massive operative bloodloss.Minerva Anestesiol, 2007, 73(7):401-415.
[5] Schuster KM, Davis KA, Lui FY, et al. The status of massive trans-fusion protocols in United States trauma centers:massive transfusion or massive confusion. Transfusion, 2010, 50(7):545-1551.
[6] MacLeod JB, Lynn M, McKenney MG, et al. Early coagulopathy predicts mortality in trauma. J Trauma, 2003, 55(1):39-44.
[7] Cinat ME, Wallace WC, Nastanski F, et al.Improved survival fol-lowing massive transfusion in patients who have undergone trau-ma. Arch Surg, 1999, 134(9):964-968.
[8] Riskin DJ, Tsai TC, Riskin L, et al.Massive transfusion protocols:The role of aggressive resuscitation versus product ratio in mortality reduction. J Am Coll Surg, 2009, 209(2):198-205.
[9] Como JJ, Dutton RP, Scalea TM, et al. Blood transfusion rates in the care of acute trauma. Transfusion, 2004, 44(6):809-813.
[10]Miller RD, Robbins TO, Tong MJ, et al. Coagulation defects associ-ated with massive blood transfusion. Ann Surg, 1971, 174(5):794-801.
[11]Counts RB, Haiscb C, Simon TL, et al. Hemostasis in massively transfused trauma patients. Ann Surg, 1979, 190(1):91-99.
[12]Hardy JF, Moerloose P, Samama M, et al. Massive transfusion and coagulopathy: pathophysiology and implication for clinical manage-ment, Can J Anesth, 2004, 51(4): 293-310.
综上所述, 大量成分输血对凝血功能有重要影响, 应及时检测凝血因子及血小板, 并通过血液加温以及针对性的补充血小板和凝血因子来减少出血风险。
[1] Stainsby D, MacLennan S, Thomas D, et al. Guidelines on the man-agement of massive blood loss. British J Haematol, 2006, 135(5):634-641.
[2] Hewitt PE, Machin SJ.ABC of transfusion Massive blood transfusion. BMJ, 1990, 300(6717):107-109.
[3] Malone DL, Hess JR, Fingerhut A. Massive transfusion practices around the globe and a suggestion for a common massive transfusion protocol. J Trauma, 2006, 60(6):S91-S96.
[4] Kozek-Langenecker S. Management of massive operative bloodloss.Minerva Anestesiol, 2007, 73(7):401-415.
[5] Schuster KM, Davis KA, Lui FY, et al. The status of massive trans-fusion protocols in United States trauma centers:massive transfusion or massive confusion. Transfusion, 2010, 50(7):545-1551.
[6] MacLeod JB, Lynn M, McKenney MG, et al. Early coagulopathy predicts mortality in trauma. J Trauma, 2003, 55(1):39-44.
[7] Cinat ME, Wallace WC, Nastanski F, et al.Improved survival fol-lowing massive transfusion in patients who have undergone trau-ma. Arch Surg, 1999, 134(9):964-968.
[8] Riskin DJ, Tsai TC, Riskin L, et al.Massive transfusion protocols:The role of aggressive resuscitation versus product ratio in mortality reduction. J Am Coll Surg, 2009, 209(2):198-205.
[9] Como JJ, Dutton RP, Scalea TM, et al. Blood transfusion rates in the care of acute trauma. Transfusion, 2004, 44(6):809-813.
[10]Miller RD, Robbins TO, Tong MJ, et al. Coagulation defects associ-ated with massive blood transfusion. Ann Surg, 1971, 174(5):794-801.
[11]Counts RB, Haiscb C, Simon TL, et al. Hemostasis in massively transfused trauma patients. Ann Surg, 1979, 190(1):91-99.
[12]Hardy JF, Moerloose P, Samama M, et al. Massive transfusion and coagulopathy: pathophysiology and implication for clinical manage-ment, Can J Anesth, 2004, 51(4): 293-310.
综上所述, 大量成分输血对凝血功能有重要影响, 应及时检测凝血因子及血小板, 并通过血液加温以及针对性的补充血小板和凝血因子来减少出血风险。
[1] Stainsby D, MacLennan S, Thomas D, et al. Guidelines on the man-agement of massive blood loss. British J Haematol, 2006, 135(5):634-641.
[2] Hewitt PE, Machin SJ.ABC of transfusion Massive blood transfusion. BMJ, 1990, 300(6717):107-109.
[3] Malone DL, Hess JR, Fingerhut A. Massive transfusion practices around the globe and a suggestion for a common massive transfusion protocol. J Trauma, 2006, 60(6):S91-S96.
[4] Kozek-Langenecker S. Management of massive operative bloodloss.Minerva Anestesiol, 2007, 73(7):401-415.
[5] Schuster KM, Davis KA, Lui FY, et al. The status of massive trans-fusion protocols in United States trauma centers:massive transfusion or massive confusion. Transfusion, 2010, 50(7):545-1551.
[6] MacLeod JB, Lynn M, McKenney MG, et al. Early coagulopathy predicts mortality in trauma. J Trauma, 2003, 55(1):39-44.
[7] Cinat ME, Wallace WC, Nastanski F, et al.Improved survival fol-lowing massive transfusion in patients who have undergone trau-ma. Arch Surg, 1999, 134(9):964-968.
[8] Riskin DJ, Tsai TC, Riskin L, et al.Massive transfusion protocols:The role of aggressive resuscitation versus product ratio in mortality reduction. J Am Coll Surg, 2009, 209(2):198-205.
[9] Como JJ, Dutton RP, Scalea TM, et al. Blood transfusion rates in the care of acute trauma. Transfusion, 2004, 44(6):809-813.
[10]Miller RD, Robbins TO, Tong MJ, et al. Coagulation defects associ-ated with massive blood transfusion. Ann Surg, 1971, 174(5):794-801.
[11]Counts RB, Haiscb C, Simon TL, et al. Hemostasis in massively transfused trauma patients. Ann Surg, 1979, 190(1):91-99.
[12]Hardy JF, Moerloose P, Samama M, et al. Massive transfusion and coagulopathy: pathophysiology and implication for clinical manage-ment, Can J Anesth, 2004, 51(4): 293-310.