近年来,众多学者对我国机动车大气污染物排放进行了较多的研究,侧重的角度也不尽相同,大致可以概括为两种:第一种,是以一个或多个城市为研究区域,评价研究区域机动车污染物的排放现状。例如,Huo等[1]研究了2007年中国22个不同大小和不同发展阶段城市的机动车污染物排放特征。姚志良等[2] 选择中国12个典型城市建立1990-2009年机动车排放清单,分析各城市机动车排放历史演变趋势。郎建垒等[3]建立了2008年京津冀地区的四种机动车污染物排放清单,并从不同污染物,不同车型和不同排放标准的角度分析了污染物的排放特征。车文蔚等[4] 建立了2006年珠江三角洲地区机动车污染物排放清单,并分析了三种污染物排放特征。王孝文等[5]研究建立了基于GIS系统的2010年杭州市四种机动车污染物高时空分辨率排放清单,并分析了不同车型不同污染物的分担率。Wang等[6]利用自上而下的方法研究了北京市2005年三种机动车污染物的排放情况。Zheng等[7]分析了珠江三角洲包括机动车污染物排放在内的三种污染源的五种污染物的排放强度,并建立3 km网格分析其空间分布特征。第二种,是评价某个地区已采取的机动车污染物控制措施及其实施效果。Zhang等[8]对广州2005-2009年的机动车排放建立排放清单,并对该时期广州市政府所才采取的排放控制措施进行评价。吉木色等[9]运用情景预测方法评估了在不同情景下2011-2020年北京市各种控制措施对四种污染物的削减效果。Zhang等[10]建立了三种能源情景并预测了我国2030年四种典型机动车污染物的排放量。Wu等[11]将北京市采取的机动车污染物减排措施归结为七大类并分析了措施的实施效果。上述研究更多着重于单个城市机动车污染物的排放特征及其控制和减排措施,即使有涉及区域研究的,也大多是侧重区域内城市的污染物排放特征,而关于区域机动车污染物排放总量控制的研究却鲜有涉及。本研究以京津冀区域为例,分析了区域机动车污染物总量的排放特征,并对区域内污染物总量减排责任进行了分配,探索通过建立多年的机动车污染物排放清单,分析区域内部排放分担率。并根据区域内产业结构、经济水平和空气质量三种因素修正分担率结果,确定分配结果并提出了相应对策措施,为区域联合防治大气污染提供决策依据。
式中:m表示区域(本研究区域为北京、天津、河北); n表示污染物种类(CO、NOx、HC、PM);i表示机动车类型(重型客车、轻型客车、重型货车、轻型货车、摩托车); j表示机动车污染物国家排放标准(国0、国1、国2、国3、国4);k表示年份(本研究年份为2007-2011年);EQm,n,k表示第m区域n类污染物在k年的排放量,t/a;Pm,i,j,k为m区域内i种车型在j种排放标准下k年的保有量,辆;VKTm,i,k为m区域i种车型k年的年平均行驶里程,km/a;EFi,j,n为i种车型在j种排放标准下n类污染物的排放因子,g/(km·辆)。
Tab.1Vehicle survival rates ry-k(x)
Tab.2Vehicular emission standards
implementation timetable
Vehicle type国1
Tab.3Vehicle kilometers travelled103km
本研究通过对机动车污染物(CO,NOx,HC,PM)多年排放清单的测算,分析区域内机动车污染物的区域分担率,然后综合考虑污染物排放强度(即CO排放强度=CO排放量/GDP,NOx排放强度=NOx排放量/GDP,HC排放强度= HC排放量/GDP,PM排放强度= PM排放量/GDP)、人均GDP、空气质量好于二级以上天数三个指标作为分配机动车污染物的指标体系,即从区域内部产业结构、经济水平和空气质量三个方面的差异公平分配污染物总量。
Tab.4Vehicular emission factorsg/km
Vehicle type燃油类型
Fuel type执行标准
△Qi=C∑ni=1Qi∑ni=1αi×Qi(αi×Qi)=C∑ni=1Qi∑ni=1∑mj=1 fij×ωj1n∑ni=1∑mj=1 fij×ωj×Qi
×∑mj=1 fij×ωj1n∑ni=1∑mj=1 fij×ωj×Qi(4)
其中,xi为i地区的目标削减率;x为n个参与分配地区的平均削减率,且x=C∑ni=1Qi∑ni=1(αi×Qi);αi为i地区相对削减因子,且αi=∑mj=1 fij×ωj1n∑ni=1∑mj=1 fij×ωj;Qi表示i地区基期污染物排放量;C为区域总的目标削减率;j表示第j个指标(共有m个指标);fij表示i地区第j个指标归一化数值;ωj为第j个指标的权重。
Fig.1Trends of total amount of regional vehicular emissions
Fig.2Internal area contribution rates of regional vehicular emissions
Tab.5Index weights of pollutants reduction allocation
Index weight污染物
Per capita
Days of air quality up
to GradeⅡ standardCO0.4740.2350.291NOx0.4130.2620.325HC0.5360.2070.267PM0.5180.2150.267目标出台,本研究参考《京津冀及周边地区落实大气污染防治行动计划实施细则》中提出的大气污染物减排目标,并结合机动车污染物占总体污染物的比例,假定京津冀区域机动车污染物总量减排目标为10%。按照公式(3)、(4)计算出京津冀四种污染物在2012年排放清单基础上的削减率和削减量,最终分配结果见表6。
从分配结果来看,①根据2007-2011年污染物排放清单预测2012年京津冀地区由机动车所产生的CO排放总量为2850106 t,在10%的排放目标下,河北省的削减率为77.7%,即承担区域77.7%的CO减排总量,与其2012年的区域分担率79.9%相差不大,可以认为在综合考虑污染物排放强度、人均GDP和空气质量三种因素的情况下,河北省仍然是京津冀地区机动车CO排放总量的最主要的贡献者,而北京虽然分担率为9.9%,但综合三种因素后削减率达到12.4%。②根据预测,京津冀地区2012年的机动车排放的NOx总量为1 151 499 t,河北省分担率为64.0%,北京的分担率为23.2%,综合考虑三种因素后,河北省削减率为55.8%,北京为23.2%,天津为11.1%,即河北省和天津市对于京津冀区域NOx排放总量的贡献率一部分被经济水平和空气环境因素转化给北京市,但河北省仍然承担最大的削减比例。③2012年京津冀机动车HC排放总量为538 047 t,与CO和NOx的排放
Tab.6Predicted amount of regional vehicular emissions and
results of reduction allocation
Total amount
of emissions
in 2012区域
quantityCO京281 199.3 9.912.435 208.2 津292 523.1 10.310.028 433.5 冀2 276 383.8 79.977.7221 368.9 NOx京267 146.4 23.233.138 117.3 津146 868.4 12.811.112 798.9 冀737 484.1 64.055.864 233.7 HC京41 037.5 7.69.04 866.4 津32 704.7 6.15.22 771.0 冀464 305.0 86.385.846 167.4 PM京12 422.0 20.224.01 471.8 津9 367.5 15.213.2811.7 冀39 644.3 64.562.83 859.9
特征类似,河北省占据了区域最大的削减比例为85.8%。这主要是由于机动车排放HC污染物主要来源是摩托车尾气排放,河北省拥有庞大的摩托车保有量,导致其排放量远远超过了北京和天津。④预测2012年京津冀机动车PM的排放总量为61 434 t,其中河北省的分担率为64.5%,从分担率和削减率的对比来看,三种因素对PM削减量的影响较小,河北省和北京市承担超过80%的削减量。
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[27]刘巧玲,王奇.基于区域差异的污染物削减总量分配研究:以COD削减总量的省际分配为例[J].长江流域资源与环境,2012,(4):512-517.[Liu Qiaoling, Wang Qi. Pollutant Reduction Allocation Based on Regional Differences: COD Reduction Allocation between Provinces as a Case[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2012,(4):512-517.]
Total Amount Characteristics of Regional Vehicular Emissions
and Pollutant Reduction Allocation
LI Jian1,2LI Yingying1WANG Qiuyuan3
(1.Research Institute of Circular Economy, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China;
2.College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300372, China;
3.College of Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao Shandong 266580, China)
AbstractWith the regional economy integration and the rapid growth of vehicle population, vehicular emissions proved to be posing a primary threat to the atmospheric environment of urban agglomeration. In consideration of atmospheric flow, the air pollution control should be extended to regional level from one single city. Therefore, it is important and urgent to study the total amount characteristics of regional vehicular emissions and take further step to put forward policy suggestions. Synergetic development in BeijingTianjinHebei(BTH) has become the major nations strategy. Hence, taking BTH Region as a case study, this paper estimated regional total amount characteristics of four normal pollutants (CO, NOx, HC, PM)in BTH Region over the period 2007 to 2011,and analyzed the contribution of pollutants in each area in the view of internal pollutant contribution rate. Taking industrial structure, economic level and air quality into account, this study also applied improved proportional distribution method to allocate a given discharge volume based on the total amount of emissions in 2012, which derived from trends of the period studied(2007-2011). The results showed that the total amount of four pollutants in BTH region presented upward trends on the whole except few fluctuations. In terms of internal area contribution rate, however, the percentage of Hebei rose consecutively, while that of Beijing and Tianjin showed downward trends. In order to reduce the overall regional vehicular emissions by 10% on the basis of the total amount in 2012, the given discharge goal, Hebei estimated to reduce 77.7% of CO, 55.8% of NOx, 85.8% of HC and 62.8%, followed by Beijing (12.4% of CO, 33.1% of NOx, 9.0% of HC and 24.0% of PM) and Tianjin (10.0% of CO, 11.1% of NOx, 5.2% of HC and 13.2% of PM).As a result, it is proposed that Hebei should be given more attention in regional total vehicular pollutants reduction. Some measures such as investing alternative fuel vehicles as well as implementing more strict emission standards should be taken to reduce the total amount of regional vehicular emissions.
Key wordsarea contribution rates; BTH; multiyear inventories; pollutants reduction allocation; vehicular emissions
[27]刘巧玲,王奇.基于区域差异的污染物削减总量分配研究:以COD削减总量的省际分配为例[J].长江流域资源与环境,2012,(4):512-517.[Liu Qiaoling, Wang Qi. Pollutant Reduction Allocation Based on Regional Differences: COD Reduction Allocation between Provinces as a Case[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2012,(4):512-517.]
Total Amount Characteristics of Regional Vehicular Emissions
and Pollutant Reduction Allocation
LI Jian1,2LI Yingying1WANG Qiuyuan3
(1.Research Institute of Circular Economy, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China;
2.College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300372, China;
3.College of Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao Shandong 266580, China)
AbstractWith the regional economy integration and the rapid growth of vehicle population, vehicular emissions proved to be posing a primary threat to the atmospheric environment of urban agglomeration. In consideration of atmospheric flow, the air pollution control should be extended to regional level from one single city. Therefore, it is important and urgent to study the total amount characteristics of regional vehicular emissions and take further step to put forward policy suggestions. Synergetic development in BeijingTianjinHebei(BTH) has become the major nations strategy. Hence, taking BTH Region as a case study, this paper estimated regional total amount characteristics of four normal pollutants (CO, NOx, HC, PM)in BTH Region over the period 2007 to 2011,and analyzed the contribution of pollutants in each area in the view of internal pollutant contribution rate. Taking industrial structure, economic level and air quality into account, this study also applied improved proportional distribution method to allocate a given discharge volume based on the total amount of emissions in 2012, which derived from trends of the period studied(2007-2011). The results showed that the total amount of four pollutants in BTH region presented upward trends on the whole except few fluctuations. In terms of internal area contribution rate, however, the percentage of Hebei rose consecutively, while that of Beijing and Tianjin showed downward trends. In order to reduce the overall regional vehicular emissions by 10% on the basis of the total amount in 2012, the given discharge goal, Hebei estimated to reduce 77.7% of CO, 55.8% of NOx, 85.8% of HC and 62.8%, followed by Beijing (12.4% of CO, 33.1% of NOx, 9.0% of HC and 24.0% of PM) and Tianjin (10.0% of CO, 11.1% of NOx, 5.2% of HC and 13.2% of PM).As a result, it is proposed that Hebei should be given more attention in regional total vehicular pollutants reduction. Some measures such as investing alternative fuel vehicles as well as implementing more strict emission standards should be taken to reduce the total amount of regional vehicular emissions.
Key wordsarea contribution rates; BTH; multiyear inventories; pollutants reduction allocation; vehicular emissions
[27]刘巧玲,王奇.基于区域差异的污染物削减总量分配研究:以COD削减总量的省际分配为例[J].长江流域资源与环境,2012,(4):512-517.[Liu Qiaoling, Wang Qi. Pollutant Reduction Allocation Based on Regional Differences: COD Reduction Allocation between Provinces as a Case[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2012,(4):512-517.]
Total Amount Characteristics of Regional Vehicular Emissions
and Pollutant Reduction Allocation
LI Jian1,2LI Yingying1WANG Qiuyuan3
(1.Research Institute of Circular Economy, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China;
2.College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300372, China;
3.College of Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao Shandong 266580, China)
AbstractWith the regional economy integration and the rapid growth of vehicle population, vehicular emissions proved to be posing a primary threat to the atmospheric environment of urban agglomeration. In consideration of atmospheric flow, the air pollution control should be extended to regional level from one single city. Therefore, it is important and urgent to study the total amount characteristics of regional vehicular emissions and take further step to put forward policy suggestions. Synergetic development in BeijingTianjinHebei(BTH) has become the major nations strategy. Hence, taking BTH Region as a case study, this paper estimated regional total amount characteristics of four normal pollutants (CO, NOx, HC, PM)in BTH Region over the period 2007 to 2011,and analyzed the contribution of pollutants in each area in the view of internal pollutant contribution rate. Taking industrial structure, economic level and air quality into account, this study also applied improved proportional distribution method to allocate a given discharge volume based on the total amount of emissions in 2012, which derived from trends of the period studied(2007-2011). The results showed that the total amount of four pollutants in BTH region presented upward trends on the whole except few fluctuations. In terms of internal area contribution rate, however, the percentage of Hebei rose consecutively, while that of Beijing and Tianjin showed downward trends. In order to reduce the overall regional vehicular emissions by 10% on the basis of the total amount in 2012, the given discharge goal, Hebei estimated to reduce 77.7% of CO, 55.8% of NOx, 85.8% of HC and 62.8%, followed by Beijing (12.4% of CO, 33.1% of NOx, 9.0% of HC and 24.0% of PM) and Tianjin (10.0% of CO, 11.1% of NOx, 5.2% of HC and 13.2% of PM).As a result, it is proposed that Hebei should be given more attention in regional total vehicular pollutants reduction. Some measures such as investing alternative fuel vehicles as well as implementing more strict emission standards should be taken to reduce the total amount of regional vehicular emissions.
Key wordsarea contribution rates; BTH; multiyear inventories; pollutants reduction allocation; vehicular emissions