
2014-07-18 08:09潘晓寒
江苏农业科学 2014年2期



中图分类号: Q754文献标志码: A文章编号:1002-1302(2014)02-0039-04














缩写名称作用19S CaMV Pro花椰菜花叶病毒19S启动子35S CaMV Pro花椰菜花叶病毒35S启动子Amp氨苄青霉素抗性基因F1 oriF1噬菌体复制起始位点GAL4/VP16酵母转录激活蛋白Gal4基因/单纯疱疹病毒蛋白VP16蛋白基因GFP绿色荧光蛋白基因GUS转β-葡糖醛酸酶基因Hph潮霉素抗性基因aph(4)-IaHyg潮霉素抗性基因aph(4)-IbI2水稻α微管A1基因第二内含子MAS Pro甘露碱合成酶双向启动子Nos pro农杆菌胭脂碱启动子Nos Ter农杆菌胭脂碱终止子NptⅡ新霉素磷酸转移酶,抗卡那霉素基因OsTubA1水稻α微管A1基因OsTubA1 Pro水稻α微管A1基因启动子OsTubA1 Ter水稻α微管A1基因终止子ployAployA尾巴pUC oripUC质粒的复制起点pUC18 patial sequencepUC18质粒部分序列Sul1磺胺药物抗性基因

2.1.1SALK T-DNA 数据库SALK实验室是目前用 T-DNA 插入的方法建立的拟南芥基因组插入突变数据库中突变最为可观的实验室。数据库使用传统的T-DNA载体,对拟南芥生态型col进行基因敲除工作。目前完成137 259个转基因植株,敲除拟南芥96%以上基因。这个插入数目在拟南芥中已经接近饱和[2]。SALK实验室使用的质粒载体是pROK2,这是一个由pBIN19改良后的质粒,拥有卡那霉素抗性基因[28]。图1给出了SALK实验室的载体结构。

2.1.2RATM(Riken)Ac/Ds转座子敲除数据库RATM数据库是一个采用Ds转座子对拟南芥进行基因敲除的数据库[29]。这个基因敲除数据库已有17 671个突变株。突变体库采用双元载体的方法,将含有Ac转座酶序列的T-DNA插入突变株与含有Ds转座子的T-DNA插入突变株杂交,得到突变株种子,然后对种子进行植株培养,再自交对种子进行筛选,剔除那些含有Ac转座酶的不稳定植株。图2给出了RTAM转座子标签的结构。

2.1.3GABI-Kat T-DNA数据库GABI-Kat数据库是一个使用T-DNA对拟南芥生态型col-0进行基因敲除的数据库,在T-DNA插入数据库数目仅次于SALK T-DNA 数据库。目前已有130 000条侧翼序列标签以及70 578左右的突变株系。其中被敲除的基因数量达62.5%[30]。质粒是pAC161、pADIS1、pAC160和pGABI1[31],通过加入增强子作为激活标签。F1代抗性植株的种子在F2代时可能会丢失插入的T-DNA,因此所有的二代种都必须经过检验确定 T-DNA 插入。目前这个数据库的T-DNA保留率在78%左右[32]。图3给出了GABI-Kat载体pAC161的结构。


2.2.1POSTECH RISD T-DNA数据库RISD数据库是由韩国postech中心植物功能基因组实验室构建的以传统的 T-DNA 为载体的数据库, 大约有47 932个T-DNA插入突


2.2.2SHIP T-DNA数据库SHIP数据库是中国科学院上海植物生态生理研究所建立的T-DNA插入突变体库,以水稻粳稻中花11作为受体品种。对插入到基因的突变株植株进行分离,使用的质粒为pSMR-J18R,这是水稻基因突变研究较常见的载体,少数植株采用质粒pCAMBIA1301[36]。图5给出SHIP实验室T-DNA载体pSMR-J18R的结构。

2.2.3RTIM Tos17突变数据库RTIM数据库由日本农业资源研究所(NIAS)开展构建,采用的水稻株系是粳稻品种日本晴[37]。该数据库利用Tos17反转座子来制造突变数据库[38],突变株中反转座子插入位点数量较高,通常每个突变株都带有10~12个反转座子插入。





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[24]Sato Y,Sentoku N,Miura Y,et al. Loss-of-function mutations in the rice homeobox gene OSH15 affect the architecture of internodes resulting in dwarf plants[J]. EMBO J,1999,18(4):992-1002.

[25]Hirochika H,Mew T W,Brar D S,et al. Insertional mutagenesis in rice using the endogenous retrotransposon[J]. Rice Science:Innovations and Impact for Livelihood,2003:205.

[26]Miyao A,Tanaka K,Murata K,et al. Target site specificity of the Tos17 retrotransposon shows a preference for insertion within genes and against insertion in retrotransposon-rich regions of the genome[J]. Plant Cell,2003,15(8):1771-1780.

[27]Hirochika H. Insertional mutagenesis with Tos17 for functional analysis of rice genes[J]. Breeding Science,2010,60(5):486-492.

[28]lker B,Peiter E,Dixon D P,et al. Getting the most out of publicly available T-DNA insertion lines[J]. The Plant Journal,2008,56(4):665-677.

[29]Ito T,Motohashi R,Kuromori T,et al. A resource of 5814 dissociation transposon-tagged and sequence-indexed lines of Arabidopsis transposed from start loci on chromosome 5[J]. Plant and Cell Physiology,2005,46(7):1149-1153.

[30]Kleinboelting N,Huep G,Kloetgen A,et al. GABI-Kat Simple Search:new features of the Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA mutant database[J]. Nucleic Acids Research,2012,40(Suppl 1):D1211-D1215.

[31]Rosso M G,Li Y,Strizhov N,et al. An Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA mutagenized population (GABI-Kat) for flanking sequence tag-based reverse genetics[J]. Plant Molecular Biology,2003,53(1/2):247-259.

[32]Riao-Pachón D M,Nagel A,Neigenfind J,et al. GabiPD:the GABI primary database—a plant integrative ‘omics database[J]. Nucleic Acids Research,2009,37(Suppl 1):D954-D959.

[33]An G,Lee S,Kim S H,et al. Molecular genetics using T-DNA in rice[J]. Plant and Cell Physiology,2005,46(1):14-22.

[34]Jeong D H,An S,Park S,et al. Generation of a flanking sequence-tag database for activation-tagging lines in japonica rice[J]. Plant J,2006,45(1):123-132.

[35]An S,Park S,Jeong D H,et al. Generation and analysis of end sequence database for T-DNA tagging lines in rice[J]. Plant Physiology,2003,133(4):2040-2047.

[36]Wu G Z,Shi Q M,Niu Y,et al. Shanghai RAPESEED Database:a resource for functional genomics studies of seed development and fatty acid metabolism of Brassica[J]. Nucleic Acids Research,2008,36(Suppl 1):D1044-D1047.

[37]Cheng C,Daigen M,Hirochika H. Epigenetic regulation of the rice retrotransposon Tos17[J]. Molecular Genetics and Genomics,2006,276(4):378-390.

[38]Miyao A,Hirochika H. Transposon insertion lines of rice for analysis of gene function[M]//Rice blast:interaction with rice and control. Netherlands:Springer,2004:107-112.

[22]Wan S,Wu J,Zhang Z,et al. Activation tagging,an efficient tool for functional analysis of the rice genome[J]. Plant Molecular Biology,2009,69(1/2):69-80.

[23]Greco R,Ouwerkerk P B F,De Kam R J,et al. Transpositional behaviour of an Ac/Ds system for reverse genetics in rice[J]. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2003,108(1):10-24.

[24]Sato Y,Sentoku N,Miura Y,et al. Loss-of-function mutations in the rice homeobox gene OSH15 affect the architecture of internodes resulting in dwarf plants[J]. EMBO J,1999,18(4):992-1002.

[25]Hirochika H,Mew T W,Brar D S,et al. Insertional mutagenesis in rice using the endogenous retrotransposon[J]. Rice Science:Innovations and Impact for Livelihood,2003:205.

[26]Miyao A,Tanaka K,Murata K,et al. Target site specificity of the Tos17 retrotransposon shows a preference for insertion within genes and against insertion in retrotransposon-rich regions of the genome[J]. Plant Cell,2003,15(8):1771-1780.

[27]Hirochika H. Insertional mutagenesis with Tos17 for functional analysis of rice genes[J]. Breeding Science,2010,60(5):486-492.

[28]lker B,Peiter E,Dixon D P,et al. Getting the most out of publicly available T-DNA insertion lines[J]. The Plant Journal,2008,56(4):665-677.

[29]Ito T,Motohashi R,Kuromori T,et al. A resource of 5814 dissociation transposon-tagged and sequence-indexed lines of Arabidopsis transposed from start loci on chromosome 5[J]. Plant and Cell Physiology,2005,46(7):1149-1153.

[30]Kleinboelting N,Huep G,Kloetgen A,et al. GABI-Kat Simple Search:new features of the Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA mutant database[J]. Nucleic Acids Research,2012,40(Suppl 1):D1211-D1215.

[31]Rosso M G,Li Y,Strizhov N,et al. An Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA mutagenized population (GABI-Kat) for flanking sequence tag-based reverse genetics[J]. Plant Molecular Biology,2003,53(1/2):247-259.

[32]Riao-Pachón D M,Nagel A,Neigenfind J,et al. GabiPD:the GABI primary database—a plant integrative ‘omics database[J]. Nucleic Acids Research,2009,37(Suppl 1):D954-D959.

[33]An G,Lee S,Kim S H,et al. Molecular genetics using T-DNA in rice[J]. Plant and Cell Physiology,2005,46(1):14-22.

[34]Jeong D H,An S,Park S,et al. Generation of a flanking sequence-tag database for activation-tagging lines in japonica rice[J]. Plant J,2006,45(1):123-132.

[35]An S,Park S,Jeong D H,et al. Generation and analysis of end sequence database for T-DNA tagging lines in rice[J]. Plant Physiology,2003,133(4):2040-2047.

[36]Wu G Z,Shi Q M,Niu Y,et al. Shanghai RAPESEED Database:a resource for functional genomics studies of seed development and fatty acid metabolism of Brassica[J]. Nucleic Acids Research,2008,36(Suppl 1):D1044-D1047.

[37]Cheng C,Daigen M,Hirochika H. Epigenetic regulation of the rice retrotransposon Tos17[J]. Molecular Genetics and Genomics,2006,276(4):378-390.

[38]Miyao A,Hirochika H. Transposon insertion lines of rice for analysis of gene function[M]//Rice blast:interaction with rice and control. Netherlands:Springer,2004:107-112.

[22]Wan S,Wu J,Zhang Z,et al. Activation tagging,an efficient tool for functional analysis of the rice genome[J]. Plant Molecular Biology,2009,69(1/2):69-80.

[23]Greco R,Ouwerkerk P B F,De Kam R J,et al. Transpositional behaviour of an Ac/Ds system for reverse genetics in rice[J]. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2003,108(1):10-24.

[24]Sato Y,Sentoku N,Miura Y,et al. Loss-of-function mutations in the rice homeobox gene OSH15 affect the architecture of internodes resulting in dwarf plants[J]. EMBO J,1999,18(4):992-1002.

[25]Hirochika H,Mew T W,Brar D S,et al. Insertional mutagenesis in rice using the endogenous retrotransposon[J]. Rice Science:Innovations and Impact for Livelihood,2003:205.

[26]Miyao A,Tanaka K,Murata K,et al. Target site specificity of the Tos17 retrotransposon shows a preference for insertion within genes and against insertion in retrotransposon-rich regions of the genome[J]. Plant Cell,2003,15(8):1771-1780.

[27]Hirochika H. Insertional mutagenesis with Tos17 for functional analysis of rice genes[J]. Breeding Science,2010,60(5):486-492.

[28]lker B,Peiter E,Dixon D P,et al. Getting the most out of publicly available T-DNA insertion lines[J]. The Plant Journal,2008,56(4):665-677.

[29]Ito T,Motohashi R,Kuromori T,et al. A resource of 5814 dissociation transposon-tagged and sequence-indexed lines of Arabidopsis transposed from start loci on chromosome 5[J]. Plant and Cell Physiology,2005,46(7):1149-1153.

[30]Kleinboelting N,Huep G,Kloetgen A,et al. GABI-Kat Simple Search:new features of the Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA mutant database[J]. Nucleic Acids Research,2012,40(Suppl 1):D1211-D1215.

[31]Rosso M G,Li Y,Strizhov N,et al. An Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA mutagenized population (GABI-Kat) for flanking sequence tag-based reverse genetics[J]. Plant Molecular Biology,2003,53(1/2):247-259.

[32]Riao-Pachón D M,Nagel A,Neigenfind J,et al. GabiPD:the GABI primary database—a plant integrative ‘omics database[J]. Nucleic Acids Research,2009,37(Suppl 1):D954-D959.

[33]An G,Lee S,Kim S H,et al. Molecular genetics using T-DNA in rice[J]. Plant and Cell Physiology,2005,46(1):14-22.

[34]Jeong D H,An S,Park S,et al. Generation of a flanking sequence-tag database for activation-tagging lines in japonica rice[J]. Plant J,2006,45(1):123-132.

[35]An S,Park S,Jeong D H,et al. Generation and analysis of end sequence database for T-DNA tagging lines in rice[J]. Plant Physiology,2003,133(4):2040-2047.

[36]Wu G Z,Shi Q M,Niu Y,et al. Shanghai RAPESEED Database:a resource for functional genomics studies of seed development and fatty acid metabolism of Brassica[J]. Nucleic Acids Research,2008,36(Suppl 1):D1044-D1047.

[37]Cheng C,Daigen M,Hirochika H. Epigenetic regulation of the rice retrotransposon Tos17[J]. Molecular Genetics and Genomics,2006,276(4):378-390.

[38]Miyao A,Hirochika H. Transposon insertion lines of rice for analysis of gene function[M]//Rice blast:interaction with rice and control. Netherlands:Springer,2004:107-112.

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