
2014-07-17 12:58洪京京胡滨
科技与创新 2014年8期




中图分类号:TG142.15文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-6835(2014)08-0105-02




根据规范《金属材料 疲劳试验 轴向力控制方法》(GB/T 3075—2008)中对疲劳试样的要求(见图1),将试样最小处宽度b取为10 mm,弧形段水平投影有效长度取为50 mm,预设计试样尺寸半径r值分别取40 mm、50 mm和60 mm。


通过ANSYS有限元软件来计算各个方案在轴向力量作用下的应力分布情况。316L不锈钢在室温状态下常规力学性能见表1.由于试样的形状对称,施加的荷载也对称,因此建模过程中应取试样有效段的1/4为模型,以达到简化的效果。模拟中,划分网格时采用六面体单元,这是因为规则的单元计算结果更加精确。为了取得较好的结果,同时节省时间、提高计算机工作效率,在应力相对集中区域,单元划分较密;在远离应力集中区域,单元也可以适当安排得稀疏些,图2为划分网格之后的模型图。约束施加对称约束即可,根据316L不锈钢材料的屈服极限,由于本项目研究的是有限寿命设计,初步设定疲劳荷载为130 MPa。为了和疲劳方面相对应,此处静力学分析中所施加的均布荷载也为130 MPa。各种情况下危险区域模拟结果如图3、图4和图5所示。



材料 屈服强度/MPa 抗拉强度/MPa 弹性模量E/GPa 泊松比

316L不锈钢 269.17 603.50 206 0.3


a. r=40时x方向应力分布云图b. r=40时等效应力分布云图


a. r=50时x方向应力分布云图 b. r=50时等效应力分布云图


a. r=60时x方向应力分布云图b. r=60时等效应力分布云图


首先观察x方向的应力云图,由于所施加荷载方向为x方向,因此x方向的应力云图起着决定性作用;接着观察Mises等效应力,Mises等效应力综合反映了各个方向的应力总体作用效果,与其他方向应力的关系见式1(如果用主应力表示见式2). 因此,Mises等效应力也可作为描述材料加载状态的一个重要指标。




* [基金项目]贵州民族大学科研基金资助项目〔2012(10)〕

最小处宽度b为10 mm,弧形段水平投影有效长度为50 mm,半径r为60 mm作为标准试样进行疲劳分析。






确定试样尺寸之后,使用ANSYS软件对试样进行疲劳分析。分析r=60 mm时的静力模拟结果中x方向应力分布云图与等效应力分布云图,发现危险区域产生在试样中部,因此首先对此区域存在的点(取节点16)进行疲劳分析。此处采用的交变载荷平均应力为零,应力幅130 MPa,拉应力130 MPa,压应力130 MPa。图6为两种工况下的静力学结果文件,图7为模拟所用的疲劳曲线,图8为节点16疲劳计算的结果文件。文件中显示,该点疲劳寿命为0.297 4E5次,当预先设定该点疲劳寿命为2E5时,材料的疲劳使用寿命系数为0.672 72.






[3]韩同伟.316L不锈钢表面纳米化后的低周疲劳性能研究[D]. 贵阳:贵州大学,2006.


Numerical Simulation on Mechanical Properties of 316L Stainless Steel

Hong Jingjing, Hu Bin

Abstract:316L stainless steel as typical metal material, widely used in various fields of production, so it is necessary to analyze the basic mechanical properties and fatigue properties. The article uses the finite element software(Ansys)of 316 l stainless steel specimens under axial constant amplitude cyclic loading, through comparing the simulation results of several groups of different size to determine the sample size, and fatigue analysis was carried out on the confirmed sample.

Key words:316L stainless steel; mechanical properties; fatigue properties; numerical simulation






On the County Power Enterprises Line Loss Management

Yang Kunming

Abstract: The line loss management is important indicators to measure the level of integrated management of power supply enterprise, reflecting the national grid system adhere to the scientific concept of development and construction of energy-saving ideas corporate purposes. On the county line loss management in terms of power supply enterprise, highlighting local characteristics, and strive to build a “technology, management, to ensure that” the three systems, county power should be the focus of business management, is truly achieve energy saving, to management effectiveness, establishing an effective and efficient way to save the enterprise.

Key words: grid; line loss; county; management






Intensive Management Mode Power Supplies and Application Analysis

Huang Zhiyang

Abstract: The application of intensive management mode, making the management of electricity supplies toward standardization, information technology, systematic direction. Describes the power supplies and the advantages of intensive management, and proposed measures to strengthen the centralized management of power supplies, for reference.

Key words: electricity; supplies; intensive; management




[3]韩同伟.316L不锈钢表面纳米化后的低周疲劳性能研究[D]. 贵阳:贵州大学,2006.


Numerical Simulation on Mechanical Properties of 316L Stainless Steel

Hong Jingjing, Hu Bin

Abstract:316L stainless steel as typical metal material, widely used in various fields of production, so it is necessary to analyze the basic mechanical properties and fatigue properties. The article uses the finite element software(Ansys)of 316 l stainless steel specimens under axial constant amplitude cyclic loading, through comparing the simulation results of several groups of different size to determine the sample size, and fatigue analysis was carried out on the confirmed sample.

Key words:316L stainless steel; mechanical properties; fatigue properties; numerical simulation






On the County Power Enterprises Line Loss Management

Yang Kunming

Abstract: The line loss management is important indicators to measure the level of integrated management of power supply enterprise, reflecting the national grid system adhere to the scientific concept of development and construction of energy-saving ideas corporate purposes. On the county line loss management in terms of power supply enterprise, highlighting local characteristics, and strive to build a “technology, management, to ensure that” the three systems, county power should be the focus of business management, is truly achieve energy saving, to management effectiveness, establishing an effective and efficient way to save the enterprise.

Key words: grid; line loss; county; management






Intensive Management Mode Power Supplies and Application Analysis

Huang Zhiyang

Abstract: The application of intensive management mode, making the management of electricity supplies toward standardization, information technology, systematic direction. Describes the power supplies and the advantages of intensive management, and proposed measures to strengthen the centralized management of power supplies, for reference.

Key words: electricity; supplies; intensive; management




[3]韩同伟.316L不锈钢表面纳米化后的低周疲劳性能研究[D]. 贵阳:贵州大学,2006.


Numerical Simulation on Mechanical Properties of 316L Stainless Steel

Hong Jingjing, Hu Bin

Abstract:316L stainless steel as typical metal material, widely used in various fields of production, so it is necessary to analyze the basic mechanical properties and fatigue properties. The article uses the finite element software(Ansys)of 316 l stainless steel specimens under axial constant amplitude cyclic loading, through comparing the simulation results of several groups of different size to determine the sample size, and fatigue analysis was carried out on the confirmed sample.

Key words:316L stainless steel; mechanical properties; fatigue properties; numerical simulation






On the County Power Enterprises Line Loss Management

Yang Kunming

Abstract: The line loss management is important indicators to measure the level of integrated management of power supply enterprise, reflecting the national grid system adhere to the scientific concept of development and construction of energy-saving ideas corporate purposes. On the county line loss management in terms of power supply enterprise, highlighting local characteristics, and strive to build a “technology, management, to ensure that” the three systems, county power should be the focus of business management, is truly achieve energy saving, to management effectiveness, establishing an effective and efficient way to save the enterprise.

Key words: grid; line loss; county; management






Intensive Management Mode Power Supplies and Application Analysis

Huang Zhiyang

Abstract: The application of intensive management mode, making the management of electricity supplies toward standardization, information technology, systematic direction. Describes the power supplies and the advantages of intensive management, and proposed measures to strengthen the centralized management of power supplies, for reference.

Key words: electricity; supplies; intensive; management
