(云浮发电厂(B)厂有限公司,广东 云浮 527300)
中图分类号:TK264.1文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-6835(2014)08-0022-02
该发电厂地处北亚热带湿润季风气候区,具有四季分明、雨量充沛、日照充足、冬寒夏热和雨热同步等特点。由于环境温度的变化,导致闭冷水温度随着季节变化而变化。由图1可知,闭冷水冷却器出口温度仅在6—9月会超过35 ℃,全年平均温度在25 ℃左右。变冷泵流量和效率特性曲线由图2所示,闭冷水系统用户冷却器进口调整门开度在7—9月超过80%,平均开度在50%左右;特别是在冬季,其开度在20%左右,闭冷水系统用户各冷却器所需要的冷却水量较设计值偏离大。由图2可知,闭冷水系统冷却器全年出口压力平均值为0.65 MPa左右。 2.3闭冷水系统全年用户冷却水量分析
闭冷泵型号为SLOW300—550IB,额定流量为2 000 m3/h,扬程为50 m,功率为400 kW,其特性曲线如图2所示。由图2可知,6—9月闭冷水流量为1 500~2 000 m3/h,其他月份为750~1 250 m3/h。
闭冷水系统用水量长期为750~1 250 m3/h,选择额定流量为1 000~1 200 m3/h、扬程为40 m的水泵,与#1,#2闭冷泵并联运行,就可以满足闭冷水系统各冷却器的需求。该电厂220 MW机组正进行拆除,机组的射水泵额定流量为1 201 m3/h,扬程为40 m,完全可以满足机组闭冷水系统除6—9月以外8个月份的运行。
按该水泵运行240 d,按75%的负荷率计算,全年可节约(400-185)×24×240×0.48×0.75×10-4=44.582 4(万元),2台机组全部实施改造后,将每年产生89.170 8万元的经济收益。改造后,#1,#2闭冷泵型号为SLOW300-550IB,#3闭冷泵型号为350S-44AG。6—9月使用#1,#2闭冷泵运行,其余月份使用#3泵运行,极大地提高了闭冷水系统运行的经济性和可靠性,达到了节能降耗的目的。改造后闭冷水系统简图如图3所示。
月份 室外温度/℃ 闭式水冷却器出口温度/℃ 闭式水冷却器出口压力/MPa
1 2 16 0.63
2 5 20 0.60
3 10 24 0.55
4 18 25 0.45
5 20 28 0.42
10 22 29 0.38
[1]李念生.300 MW汽轮机控制系统改造[J].电力学报,2004(04).
[2]周琳,谭锐,卫栋梁.东汽纯凝600 MW级火电机组供热改造探讨[J].东方电气评论,2012(02).
Explore Energy Saving Turbine Closed Water System
Wu Jifu
Abstract: Introduction Turbine closed water system overview, discusses the need for the transformation of closed water system optimization, combined with relevant energy saving measures to select the correct transformation program, closed cooling water system for steam turbine for energy saving. The result shows that the transformation program closed water system effectively reduces energy consumption, has a good system of work benefits, and should be widely applied.
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On the Practical Application of Mechatronics and Future Mine Development
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Abstract: Mechatronics technology in coal production and more widely, it can not only improve the safety of coal mine production operations, but also reduce the miners labor intensity and improve work efficiency, coal mining enterprises tremendous economic benefits. Based on this, the practical application of mechatronics mine and future development are briefly discussed.
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Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Measurement of Lead in Wastewater
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Abstract: Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry can effectively detect metal ion content in wastewater, wastewater treatment methods to determine.
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The Improvement of Xiaohuigou Coal Mine Local Ventilator Dedicated Power Supply Scheme
Han Dezhu
Abstract: Mainly for Xiaohuigou Coal Mine local ventilator dedicated power supply plan before and after the improvement of safety and reliability, briefly discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the improved scheme and the improved economic benefits and social benefits.
Key words: coal mine; local ventilator; power supply; improved scheme
Key words: turbine; closed cooling water system; energy conservation; transformation
On the Practical Application of Mechatronics and Future Mine Development
Ding Liao
Abstract: Mechatronics technology in coal production and more widely, it can not only improve the safety of coal mine production operations, but also reduce the miners labor intensity and improve work efficiency, coal mining enterprises tremendous economic benefits. Based on this, the practical application of mechatronics mine and future development are briefly discussed.
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Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Measurement of Lead in Wastewater
Lin Songhe
Abstract: Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry can effectively detect metal ion content in wastewater, wastewater treatment methods to determine.
Key words: flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry; wastewater; lead; spectral lines
The Improvement of Xiaohuigou Coal Mine Local Ventilator Dedicated Power Supply Scheme
Han Dezhu
Abstract: Mainly for Xiaohuigou Coal Mine local ventilator dedicated power supply plan before and after the improvement of safety and reliability, briefly discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the improved scheme and the improved economic benefits and social benefits.
Key words: coal mine; local ventilator; power supply; improved scheme
Key words: turbine; closed cooling water system; energy conservation; transformation
On the Practical Application of Mechatronics and Future Mine Development
Ding Liao
Abstract: Mechatronics technology in coal production and more widely, it can not only improve the safety of coal mine production operations, but also reduce the miners labor intensity and improve work efficiency, coal mining enterprises tremendous economic benefits. Based on this, the practical application of mechatronics mine and future development are briefly discussed.
Key words: coal; mechatronics; application; development
Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Measurement of Lead in Wastewater
Lin Songhe
Abstract: Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry can effectively detect metal ion content in wastewater, wastewater treatment methods to determine.
Key words: flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry; wastewater; lead; spectral lines
The Improvement of Xiaohuigou Coal Mine Local Ventilator Dedicated Power Supply Scheme
Han Dezhu
Abstract: Mainly for Xiaohuigou Coal Mine local ventilator dedicated power supply plan before and after the improvement of safety and reliability, briefly discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the improved scheme and the improved economic benefits and social benefits.
Key words: coal mine; local ventilator; power supply; improved scheme