
2014-07-16 19:50张超
中学生英语·中考指导版 2014年4期


玛丽·居里又被称作居里夫人(Madame Curie),是波兰裔法国籍女物理学家、化学家,是放射性现象的研究先驱。1903年她和丈夫皮埃尔·居里及亨利·贝克勒共同获得了诺贝尔物理学奖,1911年又因放射学方面的成就获得诺贝尔化学奖,是历史上获得两次诺贝尔奖的第一人及唯一的女性。她开创了放射性理论,发明了分离放射性同位素技术,并发现了两种新元素钋(Po)和镭(Ra)。在她的指导下,人们第一次将放射性同位素用于治疗癌症。居里夫人是成功女性的先驱,她的事迹激励了很多人。

Born (出生): November 7, 1867, Warsaw, Kingdom of Poland, then part of Russian Empire


Died (逝世): July 4, 1934 (aged 66), Haute-Savoie, France


Nationality (国籍): Poland, France 波兰,法国

Fields (研究领域): physics, chemistry 物理,化学

Known for (著名成就): radioactivity 放射性

polonium 钋元素

radium 镭元素

Notable awards (获奖): Nobel Prize in Physics (1903)


Davy Medal (1903)


Matteucci Medal (1904)


Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1911)


Notes (注): She is the first person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences.


As is known to all, Marie Curie is one of the most famous woman physicists (物理学家) and chemists in the world. As a scientist, she discovered two radioactive (放射性的) matter—Radium (镭) and Polonium (钋), which play an important part in human life.

众所周知,居里夫人是世界上最著名的女性物理学家和化学家之一。作为一名科学家,她发现了两种放射性物质——镭和钋, 而这两种物质在人类生活中起了十分重要的作用。

Marie Curie was born in a teachers family in Poland (波兰) on November 7th, 1867. From her childhood, Marie Curie was very interested in science. She loved to study and hoped to become a scientist some day. At the age of 16, she finished middle school. When she was 24, she left for Paris and entered Paris University, because women were not admitted to (许可进入) universities at that time in Poland. When she was studying in Paris, she lived a very poor life. However, she studied very hard and succeeded in taking a first class degree (学位) in physics in 1893.

1867年11月7日居里夫人出生于波兰一个教师家庭。自幼居里夫人就对科学颇感兴趣。她爱学习,并希望有一天成为一名科学家。16岁的时候, 她读完中学。当她24岁时, 她去了巴黎并进入了巴黎大学, 因为当时在波兰女性不允许上大学。她在巴黎学习的时候, 过着非常清贫的生活。可是她学习却很刻苦, 并于1893年顺利地取得了一级物理学位。

In 1895 Marie Curie married Pierre Curie, and then they worked together on the research into radioactive matter. They discovered two elements (元素)—Polonium and Radium. In 1903 she and her husband were given the Nobel Prize for physics. In 1906 her husband, Pierre was killed in a traffic accident, but Marie endured (忍住) the greatest sorrow to go on working and Marie Curie received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1911.

1895年居里夫人和皮埃尔·居里结了婚, 然后他们一起从事放射性物质的研究工作。他们发现了两种元素——镭和钋。1903年,她和她的丈夫被授予诺贝尔物理学奖。1906年她的丈夫皮埃尔在一次交通事故中丧生, 但居里夫人忍住巨大悲痛继续工作,并于1911年获得诺贝尔化学奖。

The radium with which she had worked for many years had caused (引起) serious illnesses and finally a disease (疾病) of the blood. For the last ten years of her life she was almost blind. In 1934 she died of leukemia (白血病) in Paris at the age of 66.

她曾多年来从事研究的镭使她患上了严重的疾病,最后还得了血液病。在她生命的最后十年她几乎双目失明。1934年她在巴黎病逝于白血病, 享年66岁。

Madame Curie contributed (贡献) her whole life to the scientific research. She was the only scientist who has got the Nobel Prize twice. One was Nobel Prize in physics in 1903, the other one was Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1911.


Today Marie Curie, a famous and respected (受尊敬的) woman scientist, a French professor of physics, will be remembered as a great scientist by us for ever. And she will be also remembered for her determination (决心) and courage (勇气) in the scientific research career (事业).

今天,居里夫人, 作为一位著名而又受人尊敬的女科学家, 法国物理学教授, 将永远为我们所怀念,而她所从事科研事业的决心和勇气也将永远为后人所牢记。

2022年诺贝尔物理学奖 从量子纠缠到量子通信