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Abstract:This articleanalyzesthe plant area of Beiting ancient town site area and its adjacent areathroughfield investigation,collection of plant specimens and lirature reviewThe results show thatthere are 122 species of seed plants,belonging to 105 genera in 37 families in Beiting ancient town site area and its adjacent areaThe composition of the families,genera and species are in a single genus and single as the subject;the genera,single species genera constitute the subject of structureDrude lives in mainly herbaceous plants,a total of 102 species,accounting for 8360% of the total speciesAs forthe ecological type of water,mesophyteand xerophyte are the main species,including 73 species of mesophyteaccounting for 5984% of the total species and33 species of xerophytic plantsaccounting for 2704% of the total speciesThe floristic elements of seed plants in the family level to the distribution in the world;the areal types of genera of temperate zoneoccupies the absolute superiority,andthenorth temperate generais the coreof the floraIn the long term effects of regional climate environment,flora showthe typicalfeatures oftemperate zone,and thereareno China endemism genera
Key words:beiting ancient town site area;seed plants;flora;geographical elementsendprint
[14] 周桂玲,魏岩,等新疆高等植物科属检索表[M]乌鲁木齐:新疆大学出版社,2005:112~124
[15] 曾小飚,黄珂广西田阳敢壮山种子植物多样性分析[J]百色学院学报,2008,21(6):84~90
[16] 中国科学院新疆综合考察队,中国科学院植物研究所新疆植被及其利用[M]北京:科学出版社,1978
[17] 刘利辽宁凤凰山植物多样性研究[D]长春:东北师范大学,2006
[18] 旷柏根,夏江林,赵成,等南岳衡山种子植物区系中单(寡)种属特征分析[J]湖南林业科技,2012:39(4):10~15
[19] 张高,海鹰,曾雅娟新疆中天山野生种子植物区系分析[J]西北植物学报,2011:31(12):2532~2538
[20] 潘晓玲,党荣理,伍光和西北干旱荒漠区植物区系地理与资源利用[M]北京:科学出版社,2001:34~36
Abstract:This articleanalyzesthe plant area of Beiting ancient town site area and its adjacent areathroughfield investigation,collection of plant specimens and lirature reviewThe results show thatthere are 122 species of seed plants,belonging to 105 genera in 37 families in Beiting ancient town site area and its adjacent areaThe composition of the families,genera and species are in a single genus and single as the subject;the genera,single species genera constitute the subject of structureDrude lives in mainly herbaceous plants,a total of 102 species,accounting for 8360% of the total speciesAs forthe ecological type of water,mesophyteand xerophyte are the main species,including 73 species of mesophyteaccounting for 5984% of the total species and33 species of xerophytic plantsaccounting for 2704% of the total speciesThe floristic elements of seed plants in the family level to the distribution in the world;the areal types of genera of temperate zoneoccupies the absolute superiority,andthenorth temperate generais the coreof the floraIn the long term effects of regional climate environment,flora showthe typicalfeatures oftemperate zone,and thereareno China endemism genera
Key words:beiting ancient town site area;seed plants;flora;geographical elementsendprint
[14] 周桂玲,魏岩,等新疆高等植物科属检索表[M]乌鲁木齐:新疆大学出版社,2005:112~124
[15] 曾小飚,黄珂广西田阳敢壮山种子植物多样性分析[J]百色学院学报,2008,21(6):84~90
[16] 中国科学院新疆综合考察队,中国科学院植物研究所新疆植被及其利用[M]北京:科学出版社,1978
[17] 刘利辽宁凤凰山植物多样性研究[D]长春:东北师范大学,2006
[18] 旷柏根,夏江林,赵成,等南岳衡山种子植物区系中单(寡)种属特征分析[J]湖南林业科技,2012:39(4):10~15
[19] 张高,海鹰,曾雅娟新疆中天山野生种子植物区系分析[J]西北植物学报,2011:31(12):2532~2538
[20] 潘晓玲,党荣理,伍光和西北干旱荒漠区植物区系地理与资源利用[M]北京:科学出版社,2001:34~36
Abstract:This articleanalyzesthe plant area of Beiting ancient town site area and its adjacent areathroughfield investigation,collection of plant specimens and lirature reviewThe results show thatthere are 122 species of seed plants,belonging to 105 genera in 37 families in Beiting ancient town site area and its adjacent areaThe composition of the families,genera and species are in a single genus and single as the subject;the genera,single species genera constitute the subject of structureDrude lives in mainly herbaceous plants,a total of 102 species,accounting for 8360% of the total speciesAs forthe ecological type of water,mesophyteand xerophyte are the main species,including 73 species of mesophyteaccounting for 5984% of the total species and33 species of xerophytic plantsaccounting for 2704% of the total speciesThe floristic elements of seed plants in the family level to the distribution in the world;the areal types of genera of temperate zoneoccupies the absolute superiority,andthenorth temperate generais the coreof the floraIn the long term effects of regional climate environment,flora showthe typicalfeatures oftemperate zone,and thereareno China endemism genera
Key words:beiting ancient town site area;seed plants;flora;geographical elementsendprint