
2014-06-27 22:53:38胡炯
上海医药 2014年9期


摘 要 侵袭性真菌病是血液系统肿瘤患者的常见感染并发症。随着现代化疗和造血干细胞移植术的开展,侵袭性真菌病的发病率呈上升趋势。由于真菌病在临床上缺乏特异性的症状和体征,确诊困难且伴较高的病死率,故国内、外学者先后都制定了侵袭性真菌病诊断和治疗指南,推荐对临床上具有发生侵袭性真菌病高危因素、但未达到临床诊断和确诊标准的患者可采用经验治疗和诊断驱动治疗策略。本文就此两种治疗策略在患者人群、适应证和疗效等方面的异同作一述评。

关键词 侵袭性真菌病 经验治疗 诊断驱动治疗

中图分类号:R519; R733 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2014)09-0011-04

Abstract Invasive fungal disease (IFD) is a major infectious complication in patients with hematological malignancies. The incidence of IFD increases with the development of modern chemotherapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Due to the nonspecific clinical manifestations, diagnosis of IFD remains difficult with high mortality when treatment is delayed. Various guidelines have been developed in past decades, in which empirical or diagnostic-driven therapy was recommended for those patients with high-risk features but not yet proven IFD. The similarities and differences between two treatment strategies in the patient population, indications and efficacy are reviewed in this paper.

Key words invasive fungal disease; empirical therapy; diagnostic-driven therapy

侵袭性真菌病(invasive fungal disease, IFD)是血液系统疾病及其肿瘤患者的常见感染并发症之一。国内及欧美流行病学研究显示,血液系统疾病患者IFD的发病率总体呈上升趋势。国内近期完成的一项前瞻性、多中心流行病学研究显示,在接受化疗的血液系统肿瘤患者中,IFD的总发生率为2.1%;在接受造血干细胞移植患者中,同胞相合移植和单倍体移植患者的IFD的累积发生率分别为3.8%和7.1%。IFD在临床上缺乏特异性症状和体征,确诊困难且往往伴有较高的病死率[1-3]。针对IFD的流行现状及临床特点,目前国内、外学者已达成广泛共识积极应对,如欧洲癌症研究和治疗组织/侵袭性真菌感染协作组和美国真菌病研究组共识组、美国抗感染学会以及欧洲白血病抗感染委员会都先后发表了侵袭性真菌感染相关诊断和治疗指南[1-5]。中国侵袭性真菌感染工作组也参照国际相关指南并结合国内的流行病学和临床治疗研究结果制定了我国的侵袭性真菌感染诊断标准与治疗原则,且先后进行了4次修订,提高了国内对血液系统疾病及其肿瘤患者侵袭性真菌感染的诊断和治疗水平[6-7]。


1 经验治疗



2 诊断驱动治疗




3 临床诊断标准更新与治疗策略的选择




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[6] 中国侵袭性真菌感染工作组. 血液病/恶性肿瘤患者侵袭性真菌感染的诊断标准与治疗原则(第3次修订)[J]. 中华内科杂志, 2010, 49(5): 451-454.

[7] 中国侵袭性真菌感染工作组. 血液病/恶性肿瘤侵袭性真菌病诊治指南(第4次修订版)[J]. 中华内科杂志, 2013, 52(8): 704-709.

[8] Herbrecht R, Caillot D, Cordonnier C, et al. Indications and outcomes of antifungal therapy in French patients with haematological conditions or recipients of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation [J]. J Antimicrob Chemother, 2012, 67(11): 2731-2738.

[9] Bow EJ. Of yeasts and hyphae: a hematologists approach to antifungal therapy [J]. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program, 2006: 361-367.

[10] Hebart H, Klingspor L, Klingebiehl T, et al. PCR-based liposomal amphotericin B treatment following allogeneic stem cell transplantation is a safe treatment strategy: preliminary results of a prospective study [J]. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), 2004, 104: 192.

[11] Maertens J, Theunissen K, Verhoef G, et al. Galactomannan and computed tomography-based preemptive antifungal therapy in neutropenic patients at high risk for invasive fungal infection: a prospective feasibility study [J]. Clin Infect Dis, 2005, 41(9): 1242-1250.

[12] Ji Y, Xu LP, Liu DH, et al. Positive results of serum galactomannan assays and pulmonary computed tomography predict the higher response rate of empirical antifungal therapy in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation [J]. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant, 2011, 17(5): 759-764.

[13] Ruhnke M, Bohme A, Buchheidt D, et al. Diagnosis of invasive fungal infections in hematology and oncology-guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Working Party in Haematology and Oncology of the German Society for Haematology and Oncology (AGIHO) [J]. Ann Oncol, 2012, 23(4): 823-833.

[14] Lass-Florl C, Mutschlechner W, Aigner M, et al. Utility of PCR in diagnosis of invasive fungal infections: real-life data from a multicenter study [J]. J Clin Microbiol, 2013, 51(3): 863-868.

[15] Cordonnier C, Pautas C, Maury S, et al. Empirical versus preemptive antifungal therapy for high-risk, febrile, neutropenic patients: a randomized, controlled trial [J]. Clin Infect Dis, 2009, 48(8): 1042-1051.


[8] Herbrecht R, Caillot D, Cordonnier C, et al. Indications and outcomes of antifungal therapy in French patients with haematological conditions or recipients of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation [J]. J Antimicrob Chemother, 2012, 67(11): 2731-2738.

[9] Bow EJ. Of yeasts and hyphae: a hematologists approach to antifungal therapy [J]. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program, 2006: 361-367.

[10] Hebart H, Klingspor L, Klingebiehl T, et al. PCR-based liposomal amphotericin B treatment following allogeneic stem cell transplantation is a safe treatment strategy: preliminary results of a prospective study [J]. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), 2004, 104: 192.

[11] Maertens J, Theunissen K, Verhoef G, et al. Galactomannan and computed tomography-based preemptive antifungal therapy in neutropenic patients at high risk for invasive fungal infection: a prospective feasibility study [J]. Clin Infect Dis, 2005, 41(9): 1242-1250.

[12] Ji Y, Xu LP, Liu DH, et al. Positive results of serum galactomannan assays and pulmonary computed tomography predict the higher response rate of empirical antifungal therapy in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation [J]. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant, 2011, 17(5): 759-764.

[13] Ruhnke M, Bohme A, Buchheidt D, et al. Diagnosis of invasive fungal infections in hematology and oncology-guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Working Party in Haematology and Oncology of the German Society for Haematology and Oncology (AGIHO) [J]. Ann Oncol, 2012, 23(4): 823-833.

[14] Lass-Florl C, Mutschlechner W, Aigner M, et al. Utility of PCR in diagnosis of invasive fungal infections: real-life data from a multicenter study [J]. J Clin Microbiol, 2013, 51(3): 863-868.

[15] Cordonnier C, Pautas C, Maury S, et al. Empirical versus preemptive antifungal therapy for high-risk, febrile, neutropenic patients: a randomized, controlled trial [J]. Clin Infect Dis, 2009, 48(8): 1042-1051.


[8] Herbrecht R, Caillot D, Cordonnier C, et al. Indications and outcomes of antifungal therapy in French patients with haematological conditions or recipients of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation [J]. J Antimicrob Chemother, 2012, 67(11): 2731-2738.

[9] Bow EJ. Of yeasts and hyphae: a hematologists approach to antifungal therapy [J]. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program, 2006: 361-367.

[10] Hebart H, Klingspor L, Klingebiehl T, et al. PCR-based liposomal amphotericin B treatment following allogeneic stem cell transplantation is a safe treatment strategy: preliminary results of a prospective study [J]. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), 2004, 104: 192.

[11] Maertens J, Theunissen K, Verhoef G, et al. Galactomannan and computed tomography-based preemptive antifungal therapy in neutropenic patients at high risk for invasive fungal infection: a prospective feasibility study [J]. Clin Infect Dis, 2005, 41(9): 1242-1250.

[12] Ji Y, Xu LP, Liu DH, et al. Positive results of serum galactomannan assays and pulmonary computed tomography predict the higher response rate of empirical antifungal therapy in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation [J]. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant, 2011, 17(5): 759-764.

[13] Ruhnke M, Bohme A, Buchheidt D, et al. Diagnosis of invasive fungal infections in hematology and oncology-guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Working Party in Haematology and Oncology of the German Society for Haematology and Oncology (AGIHO) [J]. Ann Oncol, 2012, 23(4): 823-833.

[14] Lass-Florl C, Mutschlechner W, Aigner M, et al. Utility of PCR in diagnosis of invasive fungal infections: real-life data from a multicenter study [J]. J Clin Microbiol, 2013, 51(3): 863-868.

[15] Cordonnier C, Pautas C, Maury S, et al. Empirical versus preemptive antifungal therapy for high-risk, febrile, neutropenic patients: a randomized, controlled trial [J]. Clin Infect Dis, 2009, 48(8): 1042-1051.
