Research of PHD and Sports Education Media Master Thesis

2014-06-13 09:50许晓峰
科技视界 2014年9期


(河北联合大学 体育部,河北 唐山 063009)

From a perspective of discipline research nature, research of international Sports Education media politics is applied theory construction areas combined of physical Sports Education, communication and politics, is interdisciplinary research areas or multidisciplinary cross -integrated research areas, original document resources for professional research results publishing are of a wide variety, such as topics, journals, monographs, PHD and master papers, research reports,academic conferences and other outcome types.According to diversity of groups participated in PHD and master thesis on international Sports Education media politics and multiple features of value selection, PHD and master thesis resources of international Sports Education media politics are being steadily constructed, commercial academic resources is in a boom phase, which greatly promoted the research independence of international Sports Education media politics and the formation of contending academic atmosphere.Sports Education media network research results, Sports Education media news research results, while our research group attempted to carry out research work combined with International politics theory, but is insignificant work of results referral for the development of Sports Education media politics discipline, here,choose the carrier form of PHD and master thesis, select the more important research results to recommend and review, to enrich the political theory and practice of Chinese Sports Education media.

Slavko Gajevic’s “Build Traitor: How Did New Zealand Newspaper Construct The Role of Russell Coutts During America Cup in 2003”explored that news media reflected heroes in society through newspapers and the reality of hero’s loyalty to the country.The study is based on case study of New Zealand newspapers and how they present Russell Coutts’ role in America Cup in 2003.In 1995, Russell Coutts became the leader of “New Zealand ”, who won the America Cup in 2000.He was hailed as a hero by New Zealand newspapers, he led the “New Zealand” from one victory to another.However, after the victory in 2000,Russell Coutts signed the rival team“Alinghi”, changed his heroic role in New Zealand newspapers.He became the team’s betrayer, traitor to the country.Research used narrative tone, as background information of main theories and methods.

The paper analyzes the process of how to make news frame under the influence of news practice rules and the wider social environment.The paper discussed how reporters report in the value of news and combine dominant values with everyday life stories in the real society.The study re-presented that country in news media is an ideal simplified construction and beyond identity.Therefore, the role of hero is a false accusation, a representative of this ideal, the framework of hero is a loyal person, rather than challenge the rules of society.Using news media’s power, the paper discussed identity definition of individual loyalty to the country.Study showed a hero should be fundamentally redefined if he does not follow the news expectations and social rules, even stand firm.

Information obtained from Sports Education reporters is the first analysis as a whole, and then matched the samples for analysis.Matched samples including who responded and journalists in all the women movements, an equal number of men choose Sports Education reporter.Information obtained from Sports Education editors is used to support the findings of Sports Education journalists.Four main themes emerged from data analysis of matched samples.Firstly, women and men Sports Education reporters from different task nature and work visibility.Women Sports Education reporters cover the same prestigious task, 17 published,less than male counterparts per month, and a significant increase of the number of women than men agreed to cover women's movement more than men.Secondly, have the opportunity to advance the field of Sports Education news and women inadequate in Sports Education journalism.

Despite the opportunity to advance in the field of Sports Education news is limited, significantly, more women than men respondents tend to think that women do not have the same opportunity to advance in the field rather than men.Thirdly, the Sports Education news is dominated by men, women and men Sports Education journalists are often belonging to different network groups.There is no professional Sports Education affiliated to women association.Fourthly, although women journalists connect to some unpleasant things, they are still willing to engage in the work of journalist.More than 50% of respondents are not satisfied with the relationship with the surrounding career development, and are not satisfied with the current work plan and tasks undertaken.However, 75 respondents said that if they had determined the individual goals, they will not hesitate to choose to become a Sports Education journalist.



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