Mingbao SUN Nanbo CHEN Songhua LI Yinghui ZHANG
We use the following notations throughout this paper:Let Rndenote then-dimensional Euclidean space over the field of real numbers(n≥2),0,i=1,2,···,n},={x=(x1,x2,···,xn)∈Rn:xi<0,i=1,2,···,n},R=(−∞,+∞)andN={1,2,···,n,···}.Forx=(x1,x2,···,xn)∈Rn,y=(y1,y2,···,yn)∈Rnandα∈R,we denote by
Schur in[1]gave the definition of the Schur convex function as in Definition 1.1,which can be found in[2].
Definition 1.1LetΩ⊆Rnbe a set,a real-valued function f onΩis said to be Schur convex if
for each pair of n-tuples x=(x1,x2,···,xn)and y=(y1,y2,···,yn)inΩ,such that x≺y,that is
where x[i]denotes the i-th largest component of x.f is called Schur concave if−f is Schur convex.
The above Schur convexity has many important applications in analytic inequalities(see[3–13]),linear regression(see[14]),combinatorial optimization(see[15]),graphs and matrices(see[16]),gamma and digamma functions(see[17]),reliability and availability(see[18])and other related fields.Hardy,Littlewood,and Polya were also interested in some inequalities that are related to the Schur convex functions(see[19]).
Recently,Schur convexity of the some symmetric functions and their applications have been investigated by many authors,see for instance(see[3,20–24])and the references therein.
In[3],Guan defined the following symmetric functions:
forx=(x1,···,xn)∈[0,1)n={x=(x1,x2,···,xn)∈Rn:0≤xi<1,i=1,2,···,n},r∈Nandr≤n,wherei1,i2,···,inare positive integers.The Schur convexity and Schur geometric convexity forKn(x,r)were discussed and some inequalities were established by use of the theory of majorization in[3].
In[20],Chu et al.had a further discussion on the Schur comvexity ofKn(x,r),in particular,solved an open problem proposed by Guan in[3].
Xia and Chu in[21–22]defined the symmetric functionsMn(x,r)andNn(x,r)as follows:
forx=(x1,···,xn)∈(0,1)n,r∈Nandr≤n,wherei1,i2,···,inare positive integers.Xia et al.[23]defined the symmetric function
forx=(x1,···,xn)∈,r∈Nandr≤n,wherei1,i2,···,inare positive integers.In[21–23],they discussed the Schur convexity,Schur multiplicative convexity and Schur harmonic convexity forMn(x,r),Nn(x,r)andTn(x,r),respectively,and established some inequalities.
In this paper,motivated by ideas in[3,20–23],we define the following symmetric functions:
forx=(x1,···,xn)∈∪,r∈Nandr≤n,wherei1,i2,···,inare positive integers.The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the Schur convexity for the symmetric functionFn(x,r),As applications,by a bijective transformation of independent variable for a Schur convex function,we obtain the Schur convexity ofGn(x,r)and the Schur convexity for the symmetric functionsMn(x,r),Nn(x,r)andTn(x,r),which subsumes the main results in[3,20–23];establish some inequalities by use of the theory of majorization.In particular,we derive from our results the Weierstrass inequalities(see[25,P.260])and the Ky Fan’s inequality(see[26]),and give a generalization of Safta’s conjecture(see[27–28])in then-dimensional space and others.
This paper,except for the introduction,is divided into three sections.In Section 2,we introduce and establish some lemmas.By using the results of Section 2,we will give the main results in Section 3.Finally,some applications are given by use of the theory of majorization.
In this section,we introduce and establish some lemmas,which will be used in the proof of our main results.
Lemma 2.1LetΩ⊆Rnbe a symmetric convex set with nonempty interiorintΩ,and f:Ω→R be a Schur convex(or concave,respectively)function onΩ.If the transformation T:Ω′→Ωdefined by x=ay+b(a/=0)for y∈Ω′,a,b∈R is bijective,put ϕ(y)=f(ay+b)=f(x),then ϕ:Ω′→R is a Schur convex(or concave,respectively)function onΩ′.HereΩis a symmetric set which means that x∈Ωimplies Px∈Ωfor any n×n permutation matrix P.
ProofWe give only the proof in the case ofϕbeing Schur convex on Ω′,since the proof in the others case is similar.
It is easy to derive that Ω′is a symmetric convex set with nonempty interior.For anyy′,y′′∈Ω′,y′≺y′′,sinceTis bijective,there exist only pointx′,x′′∈Ω such thatx′=ay′+b,x′′=ay′′+bandx′=ay′+b≺ay′′+b=x′′.Noting thatfis Schur convex on Ω.
We havef(x′)≤f(x′′).Further we obtain
Therefore,ϕis Schur convex on Ω′.
Lemma 2.2(see[29])LetΩ⊆Rnbe a symmetric convex set with nonempty interiorintΩ,and f:Ω→R be a continuous symmetry function onΩ.If f is differentiable onintΩ,then f is Schur convex onΩif and only if
for i,j=1,2,···,n and all x=(x1,···,xn)∈intΩ.And f is Schur concave onΩif and only if the inequality(2.1)is reversed.Here f is a symmetric function inΩwhich means that f(Px)=f(x)for any x∈Ωand any n×n permutation matrix P.
Remark 2.1Sincefis symmetric,the Schur’s condition in Lemma 2.2,i.e.(2.1)can be reduced as
Fort=(t1,t2,···,tn)∈(n≥2)andr∈{1,2,···,n},ther-th order elementary symmetric functionEn(t,r)(see[30])is defined as
wherei1,i2,···,inare positive integers.
Lemma 2.3Let t=(t1,t2,···,tn)If1≤r≤n−1,then
ProofFort=(t1,t2,···,tn)∈,the proof of Lemma 2.3 can be found in[20,31].Applying the known results fort=(t1,t2,···,tn)∈,we derive that Lemma 2.3 is valid fort=(t1,t2,···,tn)∈.
Lemma 2.4Let n≥3,1≤r≤n−1.Then the function
is decreasing with respect to xi(i=1,2,···,n)on(−1,0).
ProofSinceϕn(x1,x2,···,xn;r)is symmetric with respect to(x1,x2,···,xn)∈(−1,0)n,we give only the proof in the case ofϕn(x1,x2,···,xn;r)being decreasing with respect tox1on(−1,0).The proof is divided into three cases.
Case 1 Ifr=1,then
Case 2 Ifr=n−1,then
Case 3 Ifn≥4 and 2≤r≤n−2,then
where Δ =(1+x1)Fn−1(x2,x3,···,xn;r−1)+x1Fn−1(x2,x3,···,xn;r),ti=i=1,2,···,n−1.From Lemma 2.3 and(2.2),we have
This completes the proof of Lemma 2.4.
Lemma 2.5(see[10])Let x=(x1,x2,···,xn)∈then
From Lemma 2.5,we have the following lemma.
Lemma 2.6Let x=(x1,x2,···,xn)∈then
Lemma 2.7(see[10])Let x=(x1,x2,···,xn)∈then
From Lemma 2.7,we derive the following lemma.
Lemma 2.8Let x=(x1,x2,···,xn)∈,and
Lemma 2.9(see[32])Let x=(x1,x2,···,xn)∈Rn,andthen
Theorem 3.1For n≥2,the function Fn(x,1)is Schur concave in,and Schur convex in.
ProofFrom(1.5),we have
Whenx=(x1,x2,···,xn)∈,we derive
Applying Lemma 2.2 and Remark 2.1,we obtain thatFn(x,1)is Schur concave in.Similarly,it is easy to see thatFn(x,1)is Schur convex in.
Theorem 3.2For n≥2and2≤r≤n,
(1)if r is an even integer(or odd integer,respectively),then Fn(x,r)is Schur convex(orconcave,respectively)in
(2)if r is an even integer(or odd integer,respectively),then Fn(x,r)is Schur concave(orconvex,respectively)in
(3)Fn(x,r)is Schur concave in(−∞,−1]n,and Schur convex in.
ProofHere we give only the proof in the case ofrbeing an even integer,since the proof in the case ofrbeing an odd integer is similar.
(1)According to Lemma 2.2 and Remark 2.1,we only need to prove that
To prove(3.1),we divide the proof into five cases.
Case 1 Ifn≥2,r=n,then from(1.5),we have
By(3.2),we obtain
Case 2 Ifn=3,r=2,then(1.5)yields
From(3.4),we have
whereWhenxwe obtainHence,
Therefore,from(3.5),we get that(3.1)holds.
Case 3 Ifn≥4,r=2,then from(1.5)we have
Hence,from(3.6),we get
whereWhenwe haveThus
Therefore,from(3.7)we derive that(3.1)is valid.
Case 4 Ifn≥4,r=n−1,from(1.5)we have
Hence,we obtain
where.Whenris an even integer andwe have
Thus,from(3.9),we have that(3.1)holds.
Case 5 Ifn≥5,3≤r≤n−2,from(1.5),we have
Hence,we obtain
whereWhenris an even integer andwe haveFn−2(x3,x4,···,xn;r−2)>0.From(1.5)and Lemma 2.4,we derive
Therefore,from(3.10),we derive that(3.1)is valid.
(2)By the notations in the proof of(1),from Lemma 2.2 and Remark 2.1,we only need to prove that
To prove(3.11),using the discussion similar to that of(1),we also divide the proof into five cases.
Case 1 Ifn≥2,r=n,then from(3.3)we derive Δ1≤0 forTherefore,we obtain that(3.11)holds.
Case 2 Ifn=3,r=2,andthenHence,
Therefore,from(3.5)we get that(3.11)holds.
Case 3 Ifn≥4,r=2,then whenwe get
Hence,from(3.7)we obtain that(3.11)is valid.
Case 4 Ifn≥4,r=n−1,andthen
Therefore,from(3.9),we have that(3.11)holds.
Case 5 Ifn≥5,3≤r≤n−2,andthenFn−2(x3,x4,···,xn;r−2)>0.From(1.5)and Lemma 2.4,we derive
Therefore,from(3.10),we get that(3.11)is valid.
(3)According to Lemma 2.2 and Remark 2.1,from(3.3),(3.5),(3.7),(3.9)–(3.10),it is easy to see thatFn(x,r)is Schur concave in(−∞,−1]n,and Schur convex in.
This completes the proof of Theorem 3.2.
Applying Lemma 2.1 to Theorems 3.1–3.2,we can derive the Schur convexity of the symmetric functionsGn(x,r),Mn(x,r),Nn(x,r)andTn(x,r)as follows.
Theorem 3.3For n≥2,the function Gn(x,1)is Schur concave inand Schur convex in.
ProofBy replacingxijby−xijin(1.5),we get
whereGn(x,r)is the symmetric function in(1.6).From Lemma 2.1 and Theorem 3.1 we obtain that Theorem 3.3 is valid.
Similarly,by replacingxijby−xijin(1.5),from Lemma 2.1 and Theorem 3.2,we can derive the following Theorem 3.4.
Theorem 3.4For n≥2,and2≤r≤n,
(1)Gn(x,r)is Schur convex inand Schur concave in
(2)if r is an even integer(or odd integer,respectively),then Gn(x,r)is Schur convex(or concave,respectively)in;
(3)if r is an even integer(or odd integer,respectively),then Gn(x,r)is schur concave(or convex,respectively)in[1,∞)n.
By substitutingxijby−1+xijin(1.5),we get
whereKn(x,r)is the symmetric function in(1.1).From Lemma 2.1 and Theorems 3.1–3.2,we can derive the following Corollaries 3.1–3.2.
Corollary 3.1For n≥2,the function Kn(x,1)is Schur concave in(1,∞)n,and Schur convex in(−∞,1)n.
Corollary 3.2For n≥2,and2≤r≤n,
(1)the function Kn(x,r)is Schur convex inand Schur concave in
(2)if r is an even integer(or odd integer,respectively),then Kn(x,r)is Schur convex(or concave,respectively)in(1,∞)n;
(3)if r is an even integer(or odd integer,respectively),then Kn(x,r)is Schur concave(or convex,respectively)in(−∞,0]n.
Remark 3.1It is easy to see that Corollaries 3.1–3.2 are the generalization of the Schur convexity ofKn(x,r)in(0,1)n,which is obtained by Guan[3]and Chu et al.[20].
Replacingxijby−1−xijin(1.5),we get
whereTn(x,r)is the symmetric function in(1.4).From Lemma 2.1 and Theorems 3.1–3.2,we can derive the following Corollaries 3.3–3.4.
Corollary 3.3For n≥2,the function Tn(x,1)is Schur concave in(−1,∞)n,and Schur convex in(−∞,−1)n.
Corollary 3.4For n≥2,and2≤r≤n,
(1)if r is an even integer(or odd integer,respectively),then Tn(x,r)is Schur convex(orconcave,respectively)in
(2)if r is an even integer(or odd integer,respectively),then Tn(x,r)is Schur concave(orconvex,respectively)in
(3)Tn(x,r)is Schur convex in(−∞,−1)n,and Schur concave in[0,∞)n.
Remark 3.2It is easy to see that Corollaries 3.3–3.4 are the generalization of the Schur convexity ofTn(x,r)in,which is obtained by Xia et al.[23].
By replacingxijbyin(1.5),from Lemma 2.1 and Theorems 3.1–3.2,we have the following Corollaries 3.5–3.6.
Corollary 3.5For n≥2,the function Mn(x,1)is Schur concave in(1,∞)n,and Schur convex in(−∞,1)n.
Corollary 3.6For n≥2,and2≤r≤n,
(1)Mn(x,r)is Schur convex inand Schur concave in
(2)if r is an even integer(or odd integer,respectively),then Mn(x,r)is Schur convex(or concave,respectively)in(1,∞)n;
(3)if r is an even integer(or odd integer,respectively),then Mn(x,r)is Schur concave(or convex,respectively)in(−∞,−1]n.
Remark 3.3It is easy to see that Corollaries 3.5–3.6 are the generalization of the Schur convexity ofMn(x,r)in(0,1)n,which is obtained by Xia and Chu[21].
By replacingxijbyin(1.5),from Lemma 2.1 and Theorems 3.1–3.2,we get the following Corollaries 3.7–3.8.
Corollary 3.7For n≥2,the function Nn(x,1)is Schur concave in(−∞,−1)n,and Schur convex in(−1,∞)n.
Corollary 3.8For n≥2,and2≤r≤n,
(1)Nn(x,r)is Schur convex inand Schur concave in
(2)if r is an even integer(or odd integer,respectively),then Nn(x,r)is Schur convex(or concave,respectively)in(−∞,−1)n;
(3)if r is an even integer(or odd integer,respectively),then Nn(x,r)is Schur concave(or convex,respectively)in[1,∞)n.
Remark 3.4It is easy to see that Corollaries 3.7–3.8 are the generalization of the Schur convexity ofNn(x,r)in(0,1)n,which is established by Xia and Chu[22].
Theorem 3.5For n≥2,and1≤r≤n,Gn(x,r)is Schur convex in Dn={x=(x1,x2,···,xn)
ProofAccording to Lemma 2.2 and Remark 2.1,we only need to prove that
The proof is divided into seven cases.
Case 1 Ifn≥2,r=1,from(1.6),we have
Thus we derive
Case 2 Ifn=2,r=2,then from(1.6),we have
Thus we get
Case 3 Ifn=3,r=2,then from(1.6)we have
Thus we obtain
Case 4 Ifn≥4,r=n−1,then from(1.6)we have
Thus we derive
Case 5 Ifn≥4,r=2,then from(1.6)we have
Thus we get
Case 6 Ifn≥3,r=n,then from(1.6),we have
Thus we obtain
Case 7 Ifn≥5,3≤r≤n−2,then from(1.6),we have
Thus we derive
Therefore,(3.12)follows from cases 1–7,and the proof of Theorem 3.5 is completed.
In this section,we establish some inequalities by use of Theorems 3.1–3.5 and the theory of majorization.
Theorem 4.1If n≥2,x=(x1,x2,···,xn),
ProofTheorem 4.1 follows from Theorem 3.1 and Lemma 2.9.
Takingλ=0 in Theorem 4.1,we have the following corollary.
Corollary 4.1If n≥2,
From Theorem 3.2 and Lemmas 2.5–2.6,we have the following result.
Theorem 4.2Let n≥2,2≤r≤n,and x=(x1,x2,···,xn)with
(1)Suppose that x∈and c≤sn.If r is even,then
while if r is odd,the inequality(4.1)is reversed.
(2)Suppose that xand c≤sn.If r is even,then(4.1)is reversed,whileif r is odd,then(4.1)is holds.
(3)Ifand c≥sn,then(4.1)holds,while if x∈(−∞,−1]nand c≤sn,then(4.1)is reversed.
Similarly,the following Theorems 4.3–4.5 can be derived from Theorem 3.2 and Lemmas 2.7–2.9 together with the fact that
Theorem 4.3Let n≥2,2≤r≤n,and x=(x1,x2,···,xn)with
(1)Suppose that xand c≤0.If r is even,then
while if r is odd,then(4.3)is reversed.
(2)Suppose that xand c≤0.If r is even,then(4.3)is reversed,whileif r is odd,then(4.3)holds.
(3)If x∈and c≥0,then(4.3)holds,while if x∈(−∞,−1]nand c≤0,then(4.3)is reversed.
Theorem 4.4Let n≥2,2≤r≤n,x=(x1,x2,···,xn)withand0≤λ≤1.
(1)Suppose that xIf r is even,then
while if r is odd,then(4.4)is reversed.
(2)Suppose that xIf r is even,then(4.4)is reversed,while if r is odd,then(4.4)holds.
(3)If x∈,then(4.4)holds,while if x∈(−∞,−1]n,then(4.4)is reversed.
Theorem 4.5Let n≥2,2≤r≤n,x=(x1,x2,···,xn)withand0≤λ≤1.
(1)Suppose that xIf r is even,then
while if r is odd,then(4.5)is reversed.
(2)Suppose that xIf r is even,then(4.5)is reversed,while if r is odd,then(4.5)holds.
(3)If x∈,then(4.5)holds,while if x∈(−∞,−1]n,then(4.5)is reversed.
Takingλ=0 in Theorem 4.4 or Theorem 4.5,we derive the following theorem.
Theorem 4.6Let n≥2,2≤r≤n,x=(x1,x2,···,xn),with
(1)Suppose thatIf r is even,then
while if r is odd,then(4.6)is reversed.
(2)Suppose that xIf r is even,then(4.6)is reversed,while if r is odd,then(4.6)holds.
(3)If x∈,then(4.6)holds,while if x∈(−∞,−1]n,then(4.6)is reversed.
Remark 4.1Takingr=nandin Theorem 4.6(3),we obtain the Weierstrass inequality(see[25,p.260])
From Theorems 3.3–3.4,Lemmas 2.5–2.9,and(4.2),by an argument similar to that used in the proof of Theorems 4.1–4.5,we have the following Theorems 4.7–4.11.
Theorem 4.7Let n≥2,x=(x1,x2,···,xn)withand0≤λ≤1.Ifthen
while if x∈,then(4.8)is reversed.
Takingλ=0 in Theorem 4.7,we have the following corollary.
Corollary 4.2Let n≥2,x=(x1,x2,···,xn)withthen
while if x∈,then(4.9)is reversed.
Theorem 4.8Let n≥2,2≤r≤n,x=(x1,x2,···,xn)with
(1)Suppose that c≥sn.Ifthen
while ifthen(4.10)is reversed.
(2)Suppose that x∈and c≤sn.If r is even,then(4.10)holds,while if r is odd,then(4.10)is reversed.
(3)Suppose that x∈[1,+∞)nand c≤sn.If r is even,then(4.10)is reversed,while if r is odd,then(4.10)holds.
Theorem 4.9Let n≥2,2≤r≤n,x=(x1,x2,···,xn)with
(1)Suppose that c≥0.If
while ifthen(4.11)is reversed.
(2)Suppose that x∈and c≤0.If r is even,then(4.11)is holds,while if r is odd,then(4.11)is reversed.
(3)Suppose that x∈[1,+∞)nand c≥0.If r is even,then(4.11)is reversed,while if r is odd,then(4.11)holds.
Theorem 4.10Let n≥2,2≤r≤n,x=(x1,x2,···,xn)withand0≤λ≤1.
while ifthen(4.12)is reversed.
(2)Suppose that x∈.If r is even,then(4.12)holds,while if r is odd,then(4.12)is reversed.
(3)Suppose that x∈[1,+∞)n.If r is even,then(4.12)is reversed,while if r is odd,then(4.12)holds.
Theorem 4.11Let n≥2,2≤r≤n,x=(x1,x2,···,xn)withand0≤λ≤1.
while ifthen(4.13)is reversed.
(2)Suppose that x∈.If r is even,then(4.13)holds,while if r is odd,then(4.13)is reversed;
(3)Suppose that x∈[1,+∞)n.If r is even,then(4.13)is reversed,while if r is odd,then(4.13)holds.
Takingλ=0 in Theorem 4.10 or Theorem 4.11,we derive the following theorem.
Theorem 4.12Let n≥2,2≤r≤n,x=(x1,x2,···,xn),with
while ifthen(4.14)is reversed.
(2)Suppose that x∈.If r is even,then(4.14)holds,while if r is odd,then(4.14)is reversed.
(3)Suppose that x∈[1,+∞)n.If r is even,then(4.14)is reversed,while if r is odd,then(4.14)holds.
Remark 4.2Takingr=nin Theorem 4.12(1),we have the Ky Fan’s inequality(see[26])
forx∈(0,]n.Inequality(4.15)has evoked the interest of several mathematicians,and different proofs as well as many extension,sharpenings,and variants have been published,see the survey paper[33]and the references therein.It is easy to see that Theorem 4.12 is a generalizations of the Ky Fan’s inequality(4.15).
Theorem 4.13Let n≥2,xi≥0(i=1,2,···,n),withThen
ProofTheorem 4.13 follows from Theorem 3.5 and the following fact
Remark 4.3Takingr=nandin Theorem 4.13,we obtain the Weierstrass inequality(see[25,p.260])
Theorem 4.14Suppose that A∈Mn(C)(n≥2)is a complex matrix,and λ1≥λ2≥···≥λnare the eigenvalues of A.If A is a positive Hermitian matrix,then
ProofIt is easy to know that
Therefore,Theorem 4.14(1)follows from(4.16)–(4.17)and Theorem 3.2(1).Theorem 4.14(2)follows from(4.18)–(4.19)and Theorem 3.2(2).Theorem 4.14(3)and Theorem 4.14(4)follow from(4.20)and(4.21)together with Theorem 3.2(3),respectively,while Theorem 4.14(5)and Theorem 4.14(6)follow from(4.22)together with Theorem 3.2(3)and Theorem 3.5,respectively.
For the proofs of Theorem 4.14(1)and Theorem 4.14(2),the reader is also referred to[20].
In 1981,Safta[27–28]proposed the following conjecture:
LetAA1,BB1,CC1be any Cevian lines in△ABC,where the pointsA1,B1,C1lie on sidesBC,CA,AB,respectively.IfAA1∩B1C1=P,BB1∩A1C1=Q,CC1∩A1B1=R,then
In[34],Zhang proved the inequality(4.23),and obtained a generalization and an improvement of this conjecture in then-dimensional space.In this paper we give a generalization of Safta’s conjecture in then-dimensional space,and obtain more extensive resuls than the main results in[34].
Theorem 4.15Let A=A1A2···An+1be an n-dimensional simples inRnand P be an arbitrary point in the interior of A.If Biis the intersection point of straight line AiP andhyperplane(i=1,2,···,n+1),and Ciis the intersectionpoint of straight line AiP and the hyperplaneΩi=B1B2···Bi−1Bi+1···Bn+1(i=1,2,···,n+1),then for r∈{1,2,···,n+1},
ProofLet(λ1,λ2,···,λn+1)be the barycentric coordinates of the pointP.It is easy to know that the barycentric coordinates of the pointBiareBi(λ1,λ2,···,λi−1,0,λi+1,···,λn+1).
Suppose that=θi(i=1,2,···,n,n+1).Then we have that the barycentric coordinates of the pointCiare
Since the pointCilie on the hyperplane Ωi,thus we have
Applying the property of determinant,we can derive
Noting thatλi>0 andfrom(4.27),Theorem 3.5 and the fact
we have that(4.24)holds.
From(4.27),and noting the obvious fact that
we have
Applying(4.28),Theorems 3.1–3.2 and the fact
we get that the inequality(4.25)holds.
This completes the proof of Theorem 4.15.
Remark 4.4It is easy to see that Safta’s conjecture is the special case of(4.24)withn=2 andr=1,while the case ofr=nin Theorem 4.15 is the results of Theorems 1–2 in[34].Thus we give a generalization of Safta’s conjecture in then-dimensional space,and obtain more extensive results than the main results in[34].
Theorem 4.16Let A=A1A2···An+1be an n-dimensional simples inRnand P be an arbitrary point in the interior of A.If Biis the intersection point of straight line AiP andhyperplanethen for r∈{1,2,···,n+1},
ProofIt is easy to see thatandi=1,2,···,n+1,these imply that
Therefore,Theorem 4.16(1)and Theorem 4.16(3)follow from(4.29)–(4.30)and(4.33)–(4.34)together with Theorem 3.2(1),respectively,Theorem 4.16(2)and Theorem 4.16(4)follow from(4.31)–(4.32)and(4.35)–(4.36)together with Theorem 3.2(2),respectively,while Theorem 4.16(5)–(8)follow from(4.37)–(4.40)and Theorem 3.2(3),respectively.
For the proofs of Theorem 4.16(1)–(4),the reader is also referred to[20],while the other proofs of Theorem 4.16(6)and Theorem 4.16(8)can be found in[23].
Remark 4.5Mitrinovi´c et al.(see[27,pp.473–479])established a series of inequalities for(i=1,2,···,n,n+1).Obviously,our inequalities in Theorem 4.16(5)and Theorem 4.16(7)are different from theirs.
AcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank the referees for valuable comments and suggestions.
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Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B2014年6期