Opening-Up Mics

2014-05-08 10:40:35ByJosephHalvorson
Beijing Review 2014年14期


Life in a first-tier Chinese city can be stressful, and in Beijing there is a growing market for one of the most powerful antidotes to a bad mood: laughter.

Each Wednesday night, in a dimly lit dive bar called Hot Cat Club, hidden inside a hutong(lane) neighborhood south of the Lama Temple, around 20 amateur stand-up comedians are given five minutes each to get on stage at an open mic to entertain an audience of around 80 people. A crew of around a dozen seasoned comedians practice their routines before going on to perform at paid weekend gigs held at more spacious locales.

The host, a 26-year-old American named David Fertitta, introduces new comics and performs some of his own material between sets. After warming up the crowd, he called to the stage a first-time comedian, who paced back and forth on stage, occasionally peeking into his notebook to recall jokes that were, to him, hilarious—at the time. He trudged through a rite of passage known in stand-up parlance as “bombing,” or failing to connect with the audience, the attention of which a comic must command and please or risk being ignored—or worse yet, openly ridiculed.

After the newcomer stepped off the raised platform and out of the spotlight, Fertitta introduces one of Beijings most promising standup comedians, 28-year-old Gus Tate, a native of Kentucky, the United States. He has a mostly“clean” set, which is free of the more crude content other comics often use to shock their listeners into hysterics. Tate instead charms the audience with anecdotes, clever observations, and lessons from his interactions with China.

Having performed stand-up regularly in English for the past year, he said hed like to try performing in Chinese. “The language barrier makes certain things funny that wouldnt necessarily by funny in your native language,” he said, adding that the spectacle of a foreigner on stage, in a way, primes a Chinese audience to laugh.

Tate believes his sense of humor is shared not just with his fellow expats but with diverse crowds of both Chinese and foreigners. “I want to believe that things I think are funny are just funny,” he said.

Big shots in town

Stand-up comedy first became popular in the United States following the appearances of comedians on late night television talk shows such as Johnny Carsons, and has seen a resurgence in recent years as the Internet allows performers to reach wider audiences through video streaming sites like Youtube and social networking like Twitter.endprint